Add CP SP Hero Code RZO 2 The Onslaughtening V3.72B.

[Add CP+SP+'Hero Code'] RZO 2: The Onslaughtening V3.72B

For the made map, the fastest does not work on the latest patch (1. 24 or more late versions).

Modeler: CHITERS

7 Repor t-Page 1 above 1 Archive New Message: 15 To: 9 JULY 2008, 2:13 AM

[Add CP+SP+'Hero Code'] RZO 2: The Onslaughtening V3.72B

Posted by Archive "April 27, 2009 10:37 PM

Rural zombie onslaught 2: Alternate attack http: // www. Epicwar. Com/maps/35235/

In a zombi e-based survival game, your hero raises the grade, purchases the skills of all kinds of abilities, and performs the whole map. You can protect each game with the code, upload it, and continue to train your character. In this IRGE, there are two team s-Students and Marine Corps. If they don't pay attention to being considered an ally, they will receive different skills.

I take this in mind that they are already begging for this, but I seek something a little different.

-To use this, you can trade in one game, but without other players, you can't sustain/ load.

-Team Lv # is basically suitable for any cheat pack.

A team is required to cancel the "Hero" code. The hero code is given to the player at the end of the strict mode, and he has the opportunity to learn one of the two classes, in addition to the abilities of ninjas, pirates, and psychics You can access it. You may want to run to the last mission or get a hero elementary level from the beginning.

If someone has a desire to find it; I've heard rumors that the code has been reissued for a long time to pass the reckless difficulty, but all of those I met are games. Played, held for 10 minutes, as a result, I can't doubt that he is.

Useful information for passing missions: Most of the missions compete for time. To pass the game, the minimum amount of 60 minutes is required for the fact that each task is performed at a specific time, and it is necessary to buy a wireless or wireless rack to execute several. 。 In between the goals, build a barricade in the leader to break the camp, or avoid a horde to the building to the building. In the finish mission, you must escape from a large zombie that is not destroyed, avoid poison zombies, and reach evacuation helicopters.

The protagonist is not a normal student or a marine, but if you can choose the first, that is possible.

Black Hall Forum Fannatic Notification: 315 to: October 16, 2007 19:32

Re: [Add CP+SP+'Hero Code'] RZO 2: The Onslaughtening V3.72B

Black Hall News "April 28, 2009, 04:17 am

When you put a cheat pack, the map keeps crashing. You need a cheetah to cheat this map. I think it's either an ant i-cheat or I inserted something in the wrong place. I checked it many times. sorry!

XXXLORD SENIOR MEMBER POSTS: 116 Member Created: Octom 14, 2007, 6:52 PM Message Title: More Heroes

Re: [Add CP+SP+'Hero Code'] RZO 2: The Onslaughtening V3.72B

News by XXXLORD "April 30, 2009, 8:22 PM

JJ+SP In real time, you can't fully meet your demands, I have a friend who has the ability to cooperate with the hero code, and I have the ability to take care of it, but I am the Internet. I'm waiting for you to get the cheats and end the hard game now, so I made enough efforts to get the code.

Spoilers < Span> If you put a cheat pack, the map will continue to crash. You need a cheetah to cheat this map. I think it's either an ant i-cheat or I inserted something in the wrong place. I checked it many times. sorry!

XXXLORD SENIOR MEMBER POSTS: 116 Member Created: Octom 14, 2007, 6:52 PM Message Title: More Heroes

News by XXXLORD "April 30, 2009, 8:22 PM

JJ+SP In real time, you can't fully meet your demands, I have a friend who has the ability to cooperate with the hero code, and I have the ability to take care of it, but I am the Internet. I'm waiting for you to get the cheats and end the hard game now, so I made enough efforts to get the code.

When you put a spoileret pack, the map keeps crashing. You need a cheetah to cheat this map. I think it's either an ant i-cheat or I inserted something in the wrong place. I checked it many times. sorry!

Re: [Add CP+SP+'Hero Code'] RZO 2: The Onslaughtening V3.72B

XXXLORD SENIOR MEMBER POSTS: 116 Member Created: Octom 14, 2007, 6:52 PM Message Title: More Heroes

News by XXXLORD "April 30, 2009, 8:22 PM

XXXLORD SENIOR MEMBER POSTS: 116 Member Created: Octom 14, 2007, 6:52 PM Message Title: More Heroes

Re: [Add CP+SP+'Hero Code'] RZO 2: The Onslaughtening V3.72B


Command s-xxxlord (enable cheat) -gold # -lumber # -int # -agi # -str # -lvl # -xp # -hp # -mp # -ms # -charges# ### (first # connector 2-th charge) -additem # (maximum within 90) -invu l-fil l-kil l-mana (mana stays at 100%) -invis (makes unit invisible) -vis (visible) -. pathoff (at wall) -pathon (normal) -setcolour (red/blue/green/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/grey/lb/dg/brown) -owner (red/blue/green/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/grey/lb/dg/brown) -nocd (no cooldown) -cdon (with cooldown) -bindup/down/left/right (IE: bindu p-kill (-bindup-kill is positioned so that pressing up actually kills whatever is selected) -mh (I want to see the map without splitting the server) -setnam e-size # -food # -hea l-copy # -fas t-bfas t-ufast (Build/research/train units fast, press esc for all three) typ e-shareal l-share ## -unshare ## -ally ## -unally ## -soff (Parts out) -spawn #### (List) -ground ## ## -add ### # -remove #### (Remove skills) -.... .. g ## #### (Gold) -l ## #### (Wood) -f ## ## (Food) -spa ## #### (Unit spawn) -sn ## (Set name) -sc ## (Red/Blue/Charcoal/Purple/Yellow/Orange/Green/Pink/Grey/Grey/LB/DG/Brown) -... dead (Set unit animation to dead) -birth (set room under construction) -attack (set unit to attack) -stand (set unit to stand) -hear (you can see what everyone is actually saying) -nohear (return to normal) -noreplay -...

JJ+SP In real time, you can't fully meet your demands, I have a friend who has the ability to cooperate with the hero code, and I have the ability to take care of it, but I am the Internet. I'm waiting for you to get the cheats and end the hard game now, so I made enough efforts to get the code.

If Hannah Montana is standing at the end of the tower and trying to jump off, 95 % of young people will collapse. Copy and paste this 5 % die while shouting "jumping, bitch".

Re: [Add CP+SP+'Hero Code'] RZO 2: The Onslaughtening V3.72B

Storyeller Senior member Posted by: 178 to: February 15, 2009 9:08 PM

News by Storyeller "April 30, 2009 20:57

I downloaded some now, but there are no symptoms of special code with an unreasonable system, but it has not yet been the highest price.

XXXLORD Senior Member Posts: 116 To: October 14, 2007 18:52 Message Title: More GodlikeThen You

Spoilers < Span> If you put a cheat pack, the map will continue to crash. You need a cheetah to cheat this map. I think it's either an ant i-cheat or I inserted something in the wrong place. I checked it many times. sorry!

If you read it completely, you probably pointed out what I said, I didn't really respond to the request, but itonlyaname is working on data. 95 % of young people will have a breakdown if Hannah Montana is at the end of the tower and is ready to jump off. Copy and paste this while associated with which 5 % die shouting "jump, bitch".


Elim Rim - Journalist, creative writer

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