Pinned_memory_manager Killed Issue 4154 triton-inference-server server GitHub

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pinned_memory_manager Killed #4154

SHIMOSHIDA released this question on April 4, 2022.

pinned_memory_manager Killed #4154

SHIMOSHIDA released this question on April 4, 2022. Error something is not working


SHIMOSHIDA replied on April 4, 202 2-15 Reply

Description I want to deploy Triton servers via azure Kubernetes Service. The target node is ND96ASR V4 and has eight A100 GPUs. If you do not load the model, the Triton server will not start properly.

Information about TRITON

  • Triton: nvcr. IO/NVIDIA/Triton-Server: 21.
  • Azure: ND96ASR V4

To play

  1. To create a cluster preparation cluster, follow the procedure described in the Azure GPU cluster article https: // docs: Microsoft. Com/ja-jp/azure/azure/gpu-cluster.
az aks nodePool address ∙ cluster-name mycscluster ∙ Name gpunp e-taints sku = gpu: noschedule ∙ AKS-CUSTOM-HEADERS USEGPUDEDICATEDVHD = True, USEGEN2VM = true 
  1. Implementation by deployment.
APPS/V1 Type: Deployment Metadata: Name: Sample-Triton-Ft Namespace: Modules-GPT3-6b Spec: 1 SELECTOR: AP P: Sample Template: Metadata: Label: App: Sample Specification: - Name: Sample Image: NVCR. IO/NVIDIA/TRITONSERVER: 21: Command: [/bin/she "] ARGS: [-c", "While true; do Sleep 10; done" SKU "Operator:" Equal "Value:" GPU "Effect:" noschedule " 
  1. Log in to the pod and execute mpirun-n 1 --allow-run-as-root tritonserver --model-repository =/.
  2. Check the result
Root@sample2-7cb48985d 9-lgzfc:/opt/tritonServer# mpiru n-n 1 Toy-Run-as-Root TritonServer Model-Repository =/I0404 12:44:49.] Meter PU 0: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:44:49.] Collecting metrics for GPU 1: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:44:49.] Collecting metrics for GPU 2: Nvidia A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:44:49.] Collecting metrics for GPU 3: Nvidia A100-SXM4-40GB I0404:49.] Collecting metrics for GPU 4: Nvidia: Metrics collection for Nvidia A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12: 44: 49. 450531 92 Metrics. cc:290. Metrics Collect for GPU 7: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404: 44: 50. 485665 92 Libtorch:] Pytorch I04041041444444444444444444444444444040404040404040404040404040 : 1008]. Triton Tritonbackend AP I-versie: 1. 4 I0404 12: 44: 50. 485738 92 libtorch.] Pytorch' Tritonbackend AP I-versie: 44: 51. 056099: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/Desalter/DynaDer. cc: 49] Dynamic. Bookstore libcudart. SO. 11. 0 i0404 12: 44: 51. 247146 92 tensorflow. CC: 51.] ze: tensorflow i0404 12: 44: 51. 247200 92 tensorflow. CCCP 209 92 Tensorflow. CC: 2185] 'TensorFlow' Titonbackend AP I-versie: 1.<>I0404 12: 44: 51. 249647 92 onnxruntime. cc:1970] TritonBackend_initialise: Onnxruntime. TritonBackend_inities 1. 249678 92 onnxruntime.] Triton TritonBackend API version: 1. 4 I0404 12:44:51. 249687 92 Onnxruntime. CC: 1986] TRITONBACKEND_INITIALIZE: Openvino I0404 : 51. 343707 92 Openvino. cc:1203] Triton TRITONBACKEND API Version: 1. 4 I0404 12 : 44: 51. 343715 92 Openvino. CC: 1209] 'Openvino' TritonBackend API Version: 1. 4 The main task has been normally finished, but one process returned the end code other than 0. Mpirun pointed out that the PID 0 process rank 0 of Node Sample2-7cb48985D9-LGZFC ended in the signal 9 (Killed). 

Killed was observed when started without mpirun.

root@sample2-7cb48985d9-lgzfc:/opt/tritonserver# tritonserver model-repository=/a I0404 12:57:33. 566547 197 metrics cc:290] Gathering statistics for GPU 0: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:57:33. 566814 197 metrics. cc:290] GPU 1: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:57:33. 566832 197 metrics. cc:290] Collecting metrics for GPU 1: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:57:33 Collecting metrics for GPU 2: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:57:33. 566844 197 metrics. cc:290] Collecting metrics for GPU 3: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:57:33. 566856 197 metrics. cc:290] Collecting metrics for GPU 4: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:57:33. 566870 197 metrics. cc:290] Collecting metrics for GPU 5: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:57:33. 566880 197 metrics. cc:290] GPU 6: NVIDIA A100-SXM4- 40GB I0404 12:57:33. 566893 197 metrics. cc:290] Collecting GPU statistics 7: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB I0404 12:57:34.] TRITONBACKEND_Initialize: pytorch I0404 1 2:57:34.] Triton Tritonbackend API version: 1. 4 i0404 12:57:34. 058025 197 libtorch. cc:1014] 'Pytorch' Tritonbackend API version: 1. 4 2022-04-04 12:57:34. 267157: i tensorflow/stream_executor/i tensorflow/stream_executor/ platform/default/dso_loader. cc: 49] Dynamic Bookstore libcudart. Dynamic Bookstore libcudart. 11. 0 I0404 12:57:34. 351845 197 tensorflow.] TRITONBACKEND_Initialize: tensorflow I0404 12:57:34. 351893 197 tensorflow.] Tri ton END API version: 1. 4 I0404 12:57:34. 351908 197 tensorflow. cc:2 185] 'tensorflow' TRITONBACKEND API version: 1. 4 I0404 12:57:34. 35 I0404 12:57:34. 353170 197 onnxruntime. cc:1970] TRITONBACKEND_Initialise: onnxruntime. TRITONBACKEND_Initialise: onnxruntime I0404 12:57:34. 353190 197 onnxruntime.] Triton TRITONBACKEND API version: 1. 4 I0404 12:57:34 3 53200 197 onnxruntime. cc:1986] 'onnxruntime' TRITONBACKEND API version: 1. 376199 197 openvino. cc:1193] 'TRITONBACKEND_Initialise: openvino I0404 12:57:34. 376221 197 openvino. cc:1203] Triton TRITONBACKEND API version: 1. 376225 197 openvino. cc:1209] 'openvino' TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.<>Expected Actions The launch was performed safely. The output this time is a 1 GPU node. 

root@gpt1b:/workspace# mpiru n-n 1 Toyward-Run-As-Root TritonServer Model-Repository =/A I0404 11: 55: 52. 082112 69 metrics.] Tesla V100-PCIE-16GB I0404 11: 55: 52.] Tritonbackend_initialize: 375599 69 Libtorch. cc:1008] TritonTritonbackend_initialize: Pytorch I0404 11: 55: 52. Triton Tritonbackon Api Versie: 1: 55. 3205 69 ] 'Pytorch ' TRITONBACKEND API version: 1. 4 2022-04-04 11:55:52. 524003: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.] libcudart. so. 11. 0 I0404 11:55:52. 570841 69 tensorflow . cc: 2169]. Tritonbackend_initialize: 570874 69 tensorflow. cc:2179] Triton Tritonbackend_initialize: TensorFlow I0404 11: 55: 52. Triton Tritonbackend AP I-versie: 1. 570880 69 Tensorflow 'Tensorflow' Tensorflow 'Tensorflow' Tensorflow 'Tensorflow' Tensorflow 'Tensorflow' Tensorflow 'Tensorflow' Tensorflow 'Tensorflow' Tensorflow 'Tensorflow' Tensorflow 'Tensorflow' Tensorflowowe: I0404 11 : 55: 52.] バックエンドの設定:

I0404 11: 55: 52. 573942 69 Onnxruntime. cc:1970] Tritonbackend_initialize: Onnxruntime I0404 11: 55: 52. 573973 69 OnnxRuntime. cc:1980] Triton versie: 1. 4 i0404 11: 55: 52. 595485 69 Openvino. cc:1193] Tritonbackend_initialize: OpenVino I0404 11: 55: 52. 595508 69 Openvino. cc:1203] Triton Tritonbackend Ap i-versie: 1. 4 I0404 11: 55050505050504040404040404040404040404040404040404040 . CC: 1209] 'Openvino' Tritonbackend AP I-versie: 1. 4 i0404 11: 55: 53. 062644 69 PETNED_MEMORY_MANAGER. CC:240] Geld geheugenpool is gemaakt op '0x7f 945c0000' met grootte 268435456 i0404 11: 55: 55: 55. 063056 69 5] CUD A-geheugenpool is gemaakt op apparaat 0 met maat 67108864 i0404 11: 55: 53. 063869 69 server. cc:504] +++ | Repository Agent | Pad | +++ +++ i0404 11: 55: 53. 063923 69 server. cc:543]+-+-++ | Backend | Pad | Config | +-+-++ | tensorrt | | |<>| Pytorch | /opt/tritonserver/backends/pytorch/libtriton_pytorch. so |<>| | OnnxRuntime | /opt/tritonserver/backends/tensorflow1/libtriton_tensorflow1. so |<>| OnnxRuntime | /opt/tritonserver/backends/onnxruntime/libtriton_onnxruntime. so | |<>| Openvino | /opt/tritonserver/backends/openvino/libtriton_openvino.<>| +-------------+----------------------------------------- ------------------------------+ --------+ I0404 11: 55: 53. 063941 69 Server. cc :. 586]+-------+---------+--------+| Model | Versie | Status | +-------+---------+--------++-------+---------+--- ----- + I0404 11: 55: 53. 064038 69 TritonServer. cc:1718] + ---------------------------------------- ----+----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------------------+ | Optie | Waarde | +----------------------------------+--------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------+ | server_id | Triton | | server_version | 2. 12. 0 | | | server_extensions | Classification Sequence Model_Repository Model_Repository (UNLOAD_DEPENDENTEN) Schema_policy Model_Configuration System_Shared_Memory Cuda_Shared_Memory Binary_ tensor_Data tensor_Data Statistics | | | Model_repository_path [0] | /A | | Model_control_mode | Modus_none | | | strikt_model_config | 1 | | pined_memory_pool_byte_ size | 268435456 | | cuda_memory_pool_byte_size | 67108864 | | min_supported_comput_capability | 6. 0 | | Strict_readiness | 1 | | | exit_timeout | 30 | +-- --------------------------------+--------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------<>テキストは正常に更新されましたが、これらのバンプが発生しました: 

tanMayv25 さんが質問を追加しました。

shimoshida のコメント 2022 年 4 月 6 日 -. 返信ありがとうございます。21. 07 と Triton の最新版で調査しました。nvidia-smi 経由で mig が正しく無効化されていることを確認しました。

Triton の起動ログ(ワークスペース - 空のディレクトリ)

Triton 22.03

root@sample-triton-latest-74FCCC696D-58TGS:/TRITONSERVER# mpiru n-N 1 Allow-Run-AS-ROOT TRITONSERVER MODEL-REPOSITORY =/WORKSPACE 406 05:21:45. 088080 4518 libtorch.] TritonBackend_initerize: 088196 4518 libtorch. CC: 1319] TITON TRITONBACKEND_INITIALILIZE: Pytorch I0406 05: 21: 45. Titon TritonBackNE APIEUE: 1. 8 I040 6-06 05:21: 45. 35048: i NSORFLOW/Stream_executor/Platform/Default/DSO_LOADER. CC: 49] TITON TRITONBACKNE API Versie: 1. The Libcu library is not working properly. 0222-04-06 05:21:45. 411645: I tensorFlow/Stream_executor/Default/DSO_LOADER. 7 4518 TENSORFLOW.] TritonBackend_initaliseren: TENSORFLOW I0406 05:21:45. 4518 TENSORFLOW.] Triton Backend API-Versie: 1. 8 I0406 05:21:45. 4518 TensorFlow. NSORFLOW 'TRITONBACKEND API Versie: 1. 8 I0406 05:21: 45. 411772 4518 Tensorflow. CC: 2216] Backend-Configuratie:

I0406 05:21:45. 414874 4518 Onnxruntime. cc:2319] TritonBackend_inities: Onnxruntime. TritonBackend_inities 45. 414905 4518 Onnxruntime.] Triton TritonBackend API version: 1. 8 I0406 05:21:45. 4518 Onnxruntime CC: 2335] 'Onnxruntime' TritonBackend API Version: 1. 414912 4518 Onnxruntime. CC: 2365] Backend setting:<>I0406 05:21:45. 471530 4518 Openvino. TiaLise: Openvino. Triton Backend API version: 1. 8 I0406 05:21:45. 471551 4518 Openvino. CC: 1223] 'Openvino' TritonBackend API Version: 1. 8 Backend tasks have been completed normally, but one process has returned the end code other than zero. Mpirun has discovered that the rank 0 process of PID 0 on the node Sample-Triton-Latest-74FCCC696D-58TGS has ended in the signal 9 (Killed).<>[605864] NET: DNS_RESOLVER key image for protocol 17 [75. 616090] RAS: Fixed error collector initialized. [75. 619121] IPI Shorthand Broadcast: Valid [75. 621523] Sched_clock: Marking stable (75592246121, 29266100) -& amp; amp; GT; [75. 627575] SD 0: 0: 0: [SDA] 268435456 512 byte logical blocks: (137 GB/128 GIB) [75. SD 0: 0: 0: 1: [SDB] 6081740800 512 byte logical blocks: (3. 11 TB/2. 83 TIB) [75. 633447] SD 0: 0: 1: [SDB] 4096 byte physical blocks [75. 63485] SD 0: 0: 0: 1: [SDB] Write protection disabled [75. 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 1: [SDB] Record cache: disconnected, Read cache: integrated, dpo and fua supported [75. 633949] SD 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: [SDA] 4096 byte periodic blocks [75. 636878] Registered taskstats version 1 [75. 636985] SR 0: 0: 0: 0: 2: [SR0] SCSI-1 drive [75. 636987] Cdrom: Uniform CD-Home Revision: 3. 20 [75. 637145] SDB: SDB1 [75. 643724] SD 0: 0: 0: 0: [SDA] Write Protect is off [75. 646419] Loading Compiled-In X. 509 сертификаты [75. 647055] Loading X. 509 Cert-autogenerated kernel key: D4CF4249C8DDD4ECE666C76888533333333333333333330 SD 0: 0: 0 : 0: [SDA] Mode Sense: 0f 00 10 00 [75. 653970] Loaded X. Live patch signature: 14DF34D1A87CF37625ABEBEC039EF2BF521249B969 '[75. 661103] SD 0: 0: 0: 0: [SDA] Recordcache: losge 
732128] AppArmor: Integrity: Lord of Certificate X. 509: DB [75. 741161] Lord of certificate. FT Windows PCA 2011: A92902398E16C4978CD90F99E4F9AE17C55AF53 ' [75. 746957] integrity: UEFI: MOKLISTRT (MOKVAR TABLE) [75. Ter Certificate Authority: AD91990BC222AB1F51F51F517048C23B66555A268E3458E345A63 '[75. 757418] IMA: TPM CHIP IS Not Found, We Activate TPM-Bypass! [75. 760412] IMA: Hedmed Hash-algorithm: SHA1 [75. 767228] EVM: EVM expansion attribute: [75. 770068] [ 75. 77214] EVM: SE CURITY. Smack 64 [7502224444444 [75. 7770068] EVM: Secularinus [75. 77214]. EVM: Security. Smack64EXEC [75. 776412] EVM: 789733] PM: Magic number: 2: 399: 893 [75. Meter [75. 799534] Memory Memory1119: Hash parameter [75. 802419] RTC_CMOS 00:02: Installation of the system works to 2022-04-04-05: 760] NVME NVM E0: 2: 3: 893 [75. NVME NVM E0: 32/0y DEFAULT/READ/ POLL QUEUES [76. 546529] NVME NVME1: 32/0y Default/Read/Poll Queues [76.~829602] hv_vmbus: Registering driver Hyperv_fb [76. 829633] hidraw: Raw Hid Events Driver (C) Jiri Kosina [76. 832767] Test Generic (400000 300000) VS HW (40000000 300000) [76. 835794] B0: Switching to Hyperv_FB on EFI VGA [ 76. 838620] Console: Switching to color frame 80x25 [76. 841326] Hyperv_fb: Screen permissions: 1152x864, Color depth: 32 [76. 845179] Console: Registering color frame - buffer 144x54 [76. 8455] HV _VMB: 425] hv_vmbus: Register driver Hyperv_keyboard [76. 855257] Input: At Translate Set 2 Keyboard AS/Devices/LNXSYSTM: 00/LNXSYBUS: 00/ACPI0004: 00/Vmbus: 00/d34b2567-B9B6-8778-0A4EC0B95555BF/S. ERIO0/Input/Input0 [76. 863033] HV_VMBUS: Register driver HID_HYPERV [76. 865800] Input: Microsoft VMBUS HID-compatible mouse as /devices/0006:045e:0621. 86993] HID 0006:0621. 000:045E:0621. 000: ouse [Microsoft VMBUS HID-compliant mouse] on [76. 874780] Cryptd: Max_CPU_QLen set to 1000 [76. 884248] AVX2 Version GCM_ENC/DEC Engaged. [0: Firmware Version: 20. 4000 [76. 886825] Aes Ctr Mode By8 Optimisation Enabled [77. 194847] mlx5_core 0102: 00. 4000 [77. 490984] mlx5_core 0103: 00: 00. 0: Firmware Version: 20. 4000 [77. 788648] MLX5_CORE 0104: 00. 0: Firmware Version: 20. 4000 [78. 086568] MLX5_CORE 0105: 00.~384490] mlx5_core 0106:00:00. 0: data: 20. 28. 4000 [ 78. 701673] mlx5_core 0107:00:00. 0: data: 20. 28. 4000 [ 7 8. 998568] mlx5_core 0108:00:00. 0: data: 20. 28. 4000 [ 79. 297202] mlx5_core 7657:00:02. 0: MLX5E: StrdRq(0) RqSz(1024) StrdSz(256) RxCqeCmprss(0) [ 79. 476240] hv_netvsc 0022487a-2f9c-0022-487a-2f9c0022487a eth0: VF registration: eth1 [ 79. 480481] mlx5_core 7657:00:02. 0 eth1: added to eth0 [ 79. 483461] mlx5_core 7657:00:02. 0 eth1: LRO unlocked, not tested in previous RQ [ 79. 495484] mlx5_core 7657:00:02. 0 eth1: LRO unlocked, not tested in previous RQ [ 79. 500087] mlx5_core 7657:00:02. 0 enP30295s1: renamed or eth1 [79. 504322] mlx5_ib: Mellanox Connect-IB Infiniband driver v5. 0-0 [ 80. 708821] raid6: avx2x4 gen() 29177 MB/s [ 80. 756819] raid6: avx2x4 2x2 xor() 18394 MB/s [ 80. 900823] raid6: avx2x1 gen() 17277 MB/s [ 80. 948821] raid6: sse2x4 gen() 15107 MB/s [ 81. 044820] raid6: sse2x4 xor() 8727 MB/s [ 81. 092821] raid6: sse2x2 gen() 14898 MB/s [ 81. 140819] raid6: sse2x2 xor() 7736 MB/s [ 81. 239306] raid6: using algorithm avx2x2 gen() 30067 MB/s [ 81. 242263] raid6: . xor() 18394 MB/s, rmw enabled [ 81. 245025] raid6: use of the avx2x2 recovery algorithm [ 81. 249288] xor: automatic selection of the best recovery algorithm~201989] Systemd [1]: Automon e-based automatic correction settings of any executable file system. [85. 269489] EXT4-FS (SDA1): Remounted. 307801] ISCSI Transport Class V2. 0-870 is loaded. [85. 354016] iSCSI: Registered vehicle (TCP) [85. 387981] RPC: Uni x-Sockets name Transport Module is registered. [391347] RPC: UD P-Transport module has been registered. [85. 394141] RPC: TC P-Transport module has been registered. [85. 396785] RPC: TCP NFSV4. 1 Backchannel Transport Module has been registered. [444778] Systemd-Journal: The request for flashing the PID 1 run-time journal was recorded ON [86. 064613] HV_Balloom: Introduced Dynamic Memory DRODATION OF. ENP30295S1: Disconnect LRO, is Not Supported by Legacy RQ [86. 592473] IC Version 4. 0 [87. 298286] AUDIT: Type = 1400 AUDIT (16491777662. 927: 2): App Armor = "Status" Operation = "PROFILE_LOAD" Profile = "/USR/BIN/LXC-START" PID = 1876 COMMM = "AppArmor_parser" [87. = "Profile_load" Profile = "Unfinfined Name = "LXC-CONTAINER-DEFAULT" PID = 1874 COMMM = "AppARMOR_PARS" [87. Status "Operation =" Profile_load "Profile =" CGNS "PID =" 1874 COMM = "" AppARMOR_PARSER "APPARMOR_PARSER" [87. 310381] AUDIT: Type = 1400 AUDIT (164917662. 93~967: 10): "Status" Operation = "PROFILE_LOAD" PROFILE = "/USR/SBIN/CHONYD" PID = 1878 Comm = "AppArmor_parser" 7. 362943] AUDIT: Type = 1400 AUDIT ( 1649177662. 991: 11): "Status" Operation = "PROFILE_LOAD" PROFILE = "UNCONFINED" NAME = "APPARMOR" _Parser "[88. 421758] NVIDIA: Module outside the tree Load it affects the kernel. [88. 421769] NVIDIA: 'NVIDIA' affects the kernel. [88. 421770] Disable debug locks due to kernel infection [88. 464882] NVIDIA: Module Verification Failed: Signature and/or Required Key Missing 475267] NVIDIA-NVLINK: 475336] NVIDIA-NVSWITCH: Device 0005: 00: 00. 0 NVIDIA-NVSWITCH 0005: 00: 00. 0: Can't Derive Routing for PCI NVSWITCH 0005: 00: 00. 0: PCI int A: NO GSI [89. 758915] NVIDIA-NVSWITCH0: NVIDIA-NVSWITCH: Device 0006: 00: 00. 0, Vendor Device 90. 069351 IA-NVSwitch 0006: 00: 00. 0: Cannot Derive Routing for PCI Int A 84500] NVIDI A-nvswitch: Device 0007: 00: 00. 0, Supplier Device 91. 0007: 00: 00 . 

Triton 21.07

0: PCI INT A: нет GSI [ 98. 260614] nvidia 0003:00:00. 0: PCI INT A [ 98. 260616] nvidia 0003:00:00. 0: PCI INT A: нет GSI [ 98. 312934] nvidia 0004:00:00. 0: It is not possible to close routing for PCI int A [98. 0: PCI INTA: NO GSI [98. 407849] NVIDIA 000C:00. 0: PCI INTA [98. ] NVIDIA 000D:00:00. 0: PCI int [98. 0: PCI INTA: NO GSI [98. 502160] NVIDIA 000E: 00: 00. 0: CANM infer routing for PCI INTA [98. 502161] NVIDIA 000E: 00. 0: PCI INTA: NO GSI [98. 548922] NVRM: 57. 02 Tue Jul 13: 14: 05 Utc 2021 [ : 00: 02. 0 ENP30295S1: Link Up [100. 723317] HV_NETVSC 0022487A-002-487A-2F9C0022487A ETH 95S1 [100. 725358] IPV6: NETDEV_CHANK From 168. 129. 16, On Dev ETH0 [100. 98645] L L-header: 000000: 00 22 48 7A 2F 9C IPv4: 火星ソース 255.~114. 596669] nvidia-uVM: UVM driver loaded. [114. 813570] nvidia-nvswitch0: open (major = 237) [114. 814395] nvidia-nvswitch1: open (major = 237) [114. 8150 41] nvidia-nvswitch2 : open (major = 237) [114. 815678] nvidia-nvswitch3: open (major = 237) [114. 816312] nvidia-nvswitch4: open (major = 237) [114. [127. 337669] nvidia-nvlink: NVLINK Driver Open [127. 337673] NVIDIA-NVLINK: NVLINK Driver Close [127. 37674] Nvidia-nvlink: NVIDIA-NVSW ITCH2: Open (major = 237) [137. 553554] NVIDIA-NVSWITCH2: Open (major = 237) [137. Nvidia-nvswitch3: open (major = 237) [137. 553562] nvidia-nvswitch4: open (major = 237) [137. 553565] nvidia-n vswitch4: open (major = 237) [137. 237) [137. 553570] NVIDIA-NVSWITCH5: open (major = 237) [178. 856173] Bridge: ARP/IP/IP6TABLE filtering is no longer available by default. Update your own scripts to load Br_NetFilter if necessary. [178. 858986] Bridge firewall registered [180. 034442] Systemd [1]: Stopping the journal service. [180. 034497] Systemd-Journald [1391]: Receive~658221] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): azv509f35fb0bc2: link becomes ready [ 207. 658285] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): azv509f35fb0bc: link becomes ready [ 207. 659187] eth0: link from azv509f35fb0bc2 [ 207. 946216] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): azv42a008a89bc: pairing becomes ready [ 207. 947113] eth0: renamed from azv42a008a89bc2 [ 208. 078715] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): azva99aa9e7048: pairing becomes ready [ 208. 079546] eth0: renamed from azva99aa9e70482 [ 280. 419599] nvidia-modeset: NVIDIA Kernel Mode Setting Driver loading for UNIX platforms 470. 57. 02 di 13 Jul 16:06:24 UTC 2021 [34749. 365356] perf: interrupt took too long (2608 & amp; amp; gt; 2500), kernel is downgraded. 207709] python3 beats oom-killer: gfp_mask=0xcc0(GFP_KERNEL), order=0, oom_score_adj=0 [36507. 207712] CPU: 0 PID: 97420 Comm: python3 Infected: P OE 5.~18. 04. 1-Ubuntu [36507. 207713] ダウンロード可能バージョン: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine, BIOS Hyper-V UEFI Release v4. 1 10/27/2020 [36507. 207714] Call Trace: [ 36507. 207720] dump_stack+0x57/0x6d [36507. 207724] dump_header+0x4f/0x200 [36507. 207725] oom_kill_process+0xe6/0x120 [36507. 207727] onvoldoende_geheugen+0x117/0x540 [36507. 207729] mem_cgroup_onvoldoende_geheugen+0xbb/0xd0 [36507. 207731] try_charge+0x762/0x7c0 [36507. 207733] ? __alloc_pages_nodemask+0x153/0x320 [36507. 207734] mem_cgroup_try_charge+0x75/0x190 [36507. 207735] mem_cgroup_try_charge_delay+0x22/0x50 [36507. 207738] __handle_mm_fault+0x943/0x1330 [36507. 207739] handle_mm_fault+0xb7/0x200 [36507. 207742] __do_page_fault+0x29c/0x4c0 [36507. 207743] do_page_fault+0x35/0x110 [36507. 207745] page_fault+0x39/0x40 [36507. 207747] RIP: 0033:0x4b9692 [36507. 207748] code: 8d 50 ff 49 89 89 c8 4c 2b 05 9b 55 5b 00 48 8b 41 08 49 bd ab aa aa aa aa 49 c1 f8 04 4d 0f af c5 48 8d b8 00 10 00 00 40 24 ff 00 00 44 89 40 20 48 89 79 08 89 51 10 85 d2 0f 84 [36507. 207749] RSP: 002b:00007ffebb0e0f50 EFLAGS: 00010a17 [36507. 207751] RAX: 00007f6e42791000 RBX : 00000000000002 RCX: 0000000002717610 [36507. 207752] RDX: 00000000000009 RSI: 00000000000001 RDI: 00007f6e42792000 [36507. 207752] RBP: 00000000000142 R08: 00000000000025 R09: 0000000000000008 [36507. 207752] R08: 00000000000025 R09: 0000000000000008 [36507. 207753] R10: 000000000001 R11: 000000000017 R12: 00007f6e42790fd0 [36507. 207753] R13: aaaaaaaaaaaaab R14: 00000000000004 R15: 00000000027a4110 [36507. 207755] ik~829602] hv_vmbus: Registering driver Hyperv_fb [76. 829633] hidraw: Raw Hid Events Driver (C) Jiri Kosina [76. 832767] Test Generic (400000 300000) VS HW (40000000 300000) [76. 835794] B0: Switching to Hyperv_FB on EFI VGA [ 76. 838620] Console: Switching to color frame 80x25 [76. 841326] Hyperv_fb: Screen permissions: 1152x864, Color depth: 32 [76. 845179] Console: Registering color frame - buffer 144x54 [76. 8455] HV _VMB: 425] hv_vmbus: Register driver Hyperv_keyboard [76. 855257] Input: At Translate Set 2 Keyboard AS/Devices/LNXSYSTM: 00/LNXSYBUS: 00/ACPI0004: 00/Vmbus: 00/d34b2567-B9B6-8778-0A4EC0B95555BF/S. ERIO0/Input/Input0 [76. 863033] HV_VMBUS: Register driver HID_HYPERV [76. 865800] Input: Microsoft VMBUS HID-compatible mouse as /devices/0006:045e:0621. 86993] HID 0006:0621. 000:045E:0621. 000: ouse [Microsoft VMBUS HID-compliant mouse] on [76. 874780] Cryptd: Max_CPU_QLen set to 1000 [76. 884248] AVX2 Version GCM_ENC/DEC Engaged. [0: Firmware Version: 20. 4000 [76. 886825] Aes Ctr Mode By8 Optimisation Enabled [77. 194847] mlx5_core 0102: 00. 4000 [77. 490984] mlx5_core 0103: 00: 00. 0: Firmware Version: 20. 4000 [77. 788648] MLX5_CORE 0104: 00. 0: Firmware Version: 20. 4000 [78. 086568] MLX5_CORE 0105: 00.~18. 04. 1-ubuntu [44517. 301408] ラッパー名: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine/virtual machine, Bios Hyper-V uefi release v4. 1 10/27/2020 [44517. 301409] dump_stack+0x57/0x6d [44517.] 301420] dump_header+0x4f/0x200 [44517. 301422] oom_kill_process+0xe6/0x120 [44517. 301423] out_of_memory+0x117/0x540 [44517. 301426] MEM_CGROUP_OUT_OF_MEMORY+0XBB/0XD0 [44517. 301427] TRY_ARY+0x762/0x7c0 [44517. 301431]? blk_flush_plug_list+0xd1/0x100 [44517. 301433] MEM_CGROUP_TRY_ARE+0x75/0x190 [44517. 301435] __add_to_page_cache_locked+0x21a/0x3d0 [44517. 301437]? scan_shadow_nodes+0x30/0x30 [44517. 301438] add_to_page_cache_lru+0x4f/0xd0 [44517. 301440] pagecache_get_page+0xea/0x2c0 [44517. 301441] FileMap_fault+0x669/0xb60 [44517. 301442]? Unlock_page_memcg+0x12/0x20 [44517. 301444]? Page_ADD_FILE_RMAP+0x13A/0x180 [44517. 301446]? xas_load+0xc/0x80 [44517. 301447]? xas_find+0x16f/0x1b0 [44517. 301448]? FileMap_Map_Pages+0x17d/0x3b0 [44517. 301451] ext4_filemap_fault+0x31/0x50 [44517. 301453] __do_fault+0x57/0x110 [44517. 301455] __handle_mm_fault+0xdf1/0x1330 [44517. 301457] handle_mm_fault+0xb7/0x200 [44517. 301460] __DO_PAGE_FAULT+0X29C/0X4C0 [44517. 301461] do_page_fault+0x35/0x110 [44517. 301463] page_fault+0x39/0x40 [44517. 301465] RIP: 0033: 0x7f11b3d37c88 [44517. 301469] co wonder. [44517. 301470] RSP: 002B: 00007FFCAF6FAE90 EFLAGS: 00010216 [44517. 301471] Rax: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 


Elim Rim - Journalist, creative writer

Last modified 21.04.2025

Play for real with EXCLUSIVE BONUSES