Tormented Demon Strategies - OSRS Wiki
Tormented Demon/Strategies
At the ancient temple of Guitics, you can fight the suffering devils. As with the unique version of Runescape2, you need to apply a specific number of military style and protection prayer to succeed in fighting with these devils. They are described as a huge devil to order "hunters".
They distinguish between torture synaptes used to make huge devil guns and glow claws that can be combined to get burning nails.
- 1 request
- 1. Council
- 3. 1 Mult i-combat
- 3. Two fierce fire bullets and shields
Requirements [ edit | edit source ]
- Going the game while Guitics is sleeping, so that you can access the ancient Guitics.
Recommendations [ edit | edit source ]
- It has the minimum combat attribute in two battle styles.
- Level 75 or more
- Level 75 or more
- Level 70 or more
- Level 70 or more
- Level 75 or more
- Level 70 or more (devout, serious 74, intense 77)
- Level 82 or more (Dark Demonbain, Magic Protection)
Getting there [ edit | edit source ]
The most fresh way to go to the shrine is to apply a teleport scroll in the Guitics shrine. Apart from this, players have all the opportunities to apply a game chain, teleport the tears of Gutiks via the scenery on the player, or to teleport the player POH jewelry box. Departure, you need to paste the sapphire lamp to recruit light creatures to fall to the abyss. After getting off the abyss, go up the wall near the central skull and enter the skull to enter the room in the center of the temple.
Fight overview [ edit | edit source ]
The exhausted devil is wrapped in a shield of flames every day, and as a result, the loss of guns, which is neither devil nor bottom, is reduced by 20 %. They still have a protective prayer, attack at least some kind of battle model, and have all the possibilities to apply flame bullets aimed at the earth, moved around the object and took a friend to a friend. It has a clever orbit that makes it possible. Apart from this, they are ready to attack in a close combat when they are under them, and when they don't have any opportunity to reach the player, they switch to magic or lon g-range attacks. I used a close battle before this.
In contrast to all 150 units (25 % of the maximum physical strength) lost from the stage of replacing the last prayer, the devil exchanged protection prayers in the last method of the damaged battle, and six characters. Ends the attack (3, 6 seconds). By using this data, you can call a slave with three attacks.
Later, about 25 ticks were introduced in the battle with the devil's music, and the accuracy of players increased to 100 %. This rising accuracy continues until the monster starts attacking with a flame bullet, and then the timer falls.
If you try to hide yourself from a monster, the monster switches the attack method randomly from magic and remote attacks.
Multicombat [ edit | edit source ]
The exhausted devils are divided into groups in the temple, and players have the chance to handle three of them.
If two monsters attack, the close combat will be applied each time, and the other will be magic or lon g-range battle. They do not attack at the same time, and give the player a chance to hit the attack with prayer. If the third monster attacks, the monster only hits the flame bullet and actually asks a frequently moved player.
Fire bombs and shield [ edit | edit source ]
After about 60 ticks (36 seconds), the devil displayed the player in the space, interrupted the driving, and then aimed at the tiles that the player was standing, and one in the 3x3 area in the center from the player's position. Release two flame bullets. The player has two TCs (1, 2 seconds), and you can go to a place where the tiles at the landing point and the explosion point are not separated. Players can carry by clicking while pressing the Ctrl key.
Players immediately close the battle, use 2-magic, and fight against three suffering devils in the thir d-several fir e-like bombs. The flame bomber's restraint attack is performed at the same time, and the player uses Daroka's beautiful saber to quickly hit the flame shield.
After this attack, the devil's way of fighting changes, and the player's running power recovers. Players have a chance to determine how to attack in the future in a future survey:
- When the devil approaches the player, a close combat will be held.
- If the devil is not approaching the player, the devil uses magic or lon g-range battles.
- If the devil uses a close combat before, it is necessary to guess or change the prayer of defense, such as magic and lon g-term abilities.
During the attack of the flame ammunition, the flame shield disappears in a normal attack. Currently, the devil's attack with the support of the crushed gun, the dazzling gun in the distant battle (crossbow and barist), and the spell (no cane support) will increase the overall loss to × 2-1 6 (X is a gun). Attack speed). As a result, the accurate meaning of the fas t-fired gun in a lon g-range battle is in line.
If a player mistakenly uses a gun that fills the monster's talisman prayer, when the shield goes down, the exact same damage counter value for attack speed is used, but divided by 3 and rounded to the smallest. For example, a gun with 7 ticks (+33) applies 11 hits of prayer every time.
The aforementioned gun subtracts 4 ticks (2, 4 seconds) from the attack speed alone. If a certain number of monsters are attacked, the attack speed is miniaturized to the time of the auxiliary monsters fighting the player, and if the time selection is correct, a certain amount of strong blows is effectively allowed.
Since the player is not protected by a shield, he can use the advantage of two strikes on the exhausted monster and give it a large loss.
Also, the monster starts the battle with a shield, but later removes the shield with the first hit and activates the shield again with the correct auto autoka. For this reason, it is important to increase the DPS, since the above guns can be effectively hit already from 2 hits during the battle.
Pistol damage and buff speed
Standard attack speed Bonus to damage Speed vs 1 demon Speed vs 2 demons Speed vs 3 demons Pistol example 7 (4. 2s) +33 4 (2. 4s) 3 (1. 8s) 2 (1. 2s) Heavy ballista (accurate), Daraka giant axe [a], dragon blade 2h [a] 6 (3. 6s) +20 4 (2. 4s) 3 (1. 8s) 2 (1. 2s) Crossbow (accurate), aged mace, godfather [a] [b] 5 (3s) +9 4 (2. 4s) 3 (1. 8s) 2 (1. 2s) Crossbow (rapid), vitura blade [a], coulipar axe [a] 4 or rather +0 4 (2. 4s) 4 (2. 4s) 4 (2. 4s) Brava - Performer [A], Abyss Goof. - ^ 1. 01. 11. 21. 31. 41. 5 Install for Crushing
- ^ Saradomin's special blade attack does not recover and does not restart the prayer of the bonus loss it inflicts.
Equipment [ edit | edit source ]
Similar to the Demonic Gorilla, the player must apply a certain number of troops to have a chance to attack the demon without prayer. The difference with the Demonic Gorilla is that the tormented demon will be one-way up to 150 hits instead of 50 hits. However, the player will continue to attack even if the demon is replaced with a prayer. To save inventory space, the number of switches can be reduced if there is less loss.
The demon's inherent hit rate mechanics allow you to use different weapons in high and low hit rate phases, such as the Poison Pipe or Firehinen's Bow. As a rule, armor that only gives hit rate bonuses in high hit rate phases is not particularly useful. For example, the Poison Pipe is effective when completely changed to equipment that increases close-combat power. The shield mechanics are useful for carrying strong, slow, shattering weapons (in close combat) or heavy weapons (in ranged combat) in case the shield goes down. Ranged weapons taken for this purpose must be adjusted for accuracy to increase maximum hit rate and loss rate, for example, since the reduction in weapon speed is ignored.
Note that all weapons that do not belong to the Abyss or Demon classes deal 20% less damage to tormented demons.
Without additional switches, the Listless Ballista (in accurate) and Darok's Greataxe (in shattering) are considered the most powerful weapons for attacks when the shield is disabled. Darok's Great Axe becomes even more powerful when used with the Ultimate Darok Armor set, doubling the damage after the roll for each hit point the player misses (and adding 33 bonus damage). Similarly, Tiyah Ket Om can be used with Berserker Chain, multiplying losses by 1 or 2 after the bonus damage is added, making it more effective than Darok's Axe alone. Saradomin's Sword and Eldritch Terror's Staff are solid options for extending the player's journey after taking heavy damage, or as a backup to recover from subsequent misses. Saradomin's Sword can be used during a crash, even when shields are down, as a slightly weaker candidate for Darok's Great Axe. This weapon works well with Death Charge, and at the same time, players can retrieve Trell with it. Additionally, if the player is still checking for stock issues, it is possible to arrest Lightbringer, but this is not recommended if the player is using Arclight or Emberlight, for example, as these benefit greatly from the power price. Melee is the most powerful mod against Imps, especially considering most accounts have Arclight.
Recommended ammo for PvP
Items (Most Effective -> Least Effective) Slayer Helmet (i) [a] / Torve's Ultimate Helmet Naty's Knot Frontplate / Serpent Helm Executor's Great Helmet [b] Bloodmoon Helmet Naty's Knot Helmet Amulet of Wrath Amulet of Torture Amulet of Blood Rage Amulet of Wrath Popular Amulet Hell Cloak Flame Cloak Mythical Cloak Ardu Gunsky Court Torba cloak N/A Bandos Bib / Inquiries Houvar [B] Bloody Bloody Moon / Talls fighting hunters Balrose Cape Torberg N/A Bandi Brush / Inquiries Skirt [B] Bloody Moon Brush Legs Black Day Plate Barjen Emberlite [C] & amp; amp; gt; Arklight [C] Dabine & amp; gt; Dagger in the Abyss Spit Visture [B Abyss tentacles & amp; amp; gt; Brava magistrate [B] Abisal Wit Averon Defender Dragon fender Dragon Fires India Bright gloves N/A N/A Barglingrobe bracelet Primitive boots N/A N/A Alana boots / dragon boots Echo boots Guard boots Sulfur boots Ulto Ring Berserk ring Sulfer Ring Wandering ring (RI) Shadow ring Light Claw [C] Dragon Quick Abyss dagger (when 100 % attack rate) Sladungin's name parent Emberlite/ Arklight ^ When the task of the glator Demon Slayer is completed. - ^ 2. 02. 2. 2. 22. 32. 4 In a container with a complete hearing.
- ^ 3. 03. 13. 2 Tner to Slayer.
- Scorching and Twisted Bow are the best for lon g-term battles. Ranks are usually worse than close combat and magic, but they have a small number of switches and can be used cheaper than magic. The poison tube does a lot of damage at the 100 % hit rate.
Recommended equipment for remote switches
Items (Most Effective -> Least Effective) Slayer Helmet (i) [a] / Torve's Ultimate Helmet Masori Mask Crystal helmet [B Blessing COF / Lunar Eclipse's helmet Work necklace N/A Amulet of anger Popular Amulet Hell Cloak N/A N/A EVA collector EVA battery Masori Body (F) N/A N/A Masori body Crystal body Blessing body/ monthly erosion badge Blackskin / Mixed Skin Top Chapsy Masori (F) Chapsy Masori Crystal leg [B] Blessed body / Echievement moon tassel Black skin / mixed skin leg Burning onion Twisted onion Toxic tube / Feldinen Onion [B] (preferably highly defense) Nikko Hunter Urvaretto Dragon Quicks Bow & Running Bow Crown onions [C Dragon fire Auditum shield [c Dragon Arrow [D N/A N/A Amethyst Arrow Lada blessing 4 [E] Moonlight Horn Bolt / Sunlight Horn Bolts [F] Dragonle Beau Bolt (E) [C] / Ruby Bolt (E) [C) Be harassed Gloved gloves bracelet Primitive boots N/A N/A Blessed boots Alana boots Mixed skin boots Venatol ring / illumination bearer N/A Sulfur ring Wandering ring (RI) Shadow ring Light Claw [C] N/A Poison tube (attack rate 100 %) Heavy Barista [G] & amp; amp; gt; Light Barista [g] ^ When the mission of the "Great Devil's Assassination" is completed. N/A N/A - ^ 2. 02. 2. 2. 22. 32. 4 In a container with a complete hearing.
- ^ 3. 03. 13. 23. 33. 4 Only when crossbow is arrested.
- ^ Only if you are arrested for Twist Bow or Hot Bow.
- ^ Only when using a Feldinen Onion or Poison Oven.
- ^ When using crossbow "Hunter's sunlight".
- ^ 7. 07. 17. A clear hit on the shield 2
- DemonBane Then the spell in the cleaning staf f-the third setap, then with the power of the onion. DemonBane's spells have all possibilities that exceed the same range without scorching or twisting, but have auxiliary runes prices and urge them to use a certain dark mark.
Recommended ammunition of magic switches
Items (Most Effective -> Least Effective) Slayer Helmet (i) [a] / Torve's Ultimate Helmet Viltus Mask Alimim Food / Helmet Azurmer Helmet Dagonhei / Infinite Roar / Blood Court helmet Mystic hat Occult necklace Amulet of anger Popular Amulet Hell Cloak N/A N/A God's cloak Aldwgunsky cloak Torba cloak N/A N/A Viltus's outside clothing Arima's outer clothing / azure moon breast Dagon High's Top Robe / Robe Infiniti's Love / Broost Burke corpse Above manto magic Ancestor cloak Below is the Viltus cloak Alim's skirt / Caseroa pants Dagon High's Underwaller/ Unlimited Legs of Blood Bark The magic of the cloak below Cleaning staff [B] Codiski Rod [B] / Dead wand [B] Closet shadow Alim's cane [B] / Aizuki spear [B] & amp; amp; gt; Fighter's cane [B] Sanginzti's cane & amp; gt; trol-Swamp; gt; Miwear spear in the sea Eldini s-Protection (F) Alkan's spirit shield / Eldinis Smile Shield / Wyvern Old Shield / Column Book Books of Gods / Books of Dead Blessing is happy 4 N/A God's blessing Abstructed bracelet N/A N/A N/A Blacksmith bracelet Primitive boots N/A N/A Alana boots / Infinity Boots Brad Bark Boots Mystic boots Wizard ring N/A Rings Sulfer Wandering ring (RI) Tour ring (RI) Shadow ring Light Claw [C] Eldrick Horror Staff Flying nightmare cane ^ When ordering a glator demon slayer. N/A N/A - ^ 2. 02. 2. 2. 22. 32. 4 In a container with a complete hearing.
- Cat fans of all genres will be pleased to admit that there is a video slot for them. No matter how great, 100 cats are really timing for their loved ones.
100 Cats
If the title of this game from the EGT is essentially about everything, it is actually known about it, and some components are still worth thoroughly considere d-you. In the case of, try to freeze the winner.
So, from such a thing, read to recognize more than 100 cats to see if you are allergic to the cat's hair.
Making a game slot specializing in the fluffy world of cats is not an obvious choice. Nevertheless, EGT has decided to take this special challenge.
Not A Single Mouse In Sight
And in fact, there is nothing special about the quality of the immersion in the game universe. The background is dark blue, similar to the starry sky. The drums themselves are floating in the sea at night in the sea. It is drawn in purple and pink color.
Game accompaniment is not a special originality, and the melody recorded after the victory is very common and has nothing to do with cats. Overall, 100 cats cannot be said to be leader in the entire game design.
The game "100 Cats" is operated with five drums and up to 100 payments. Yes, in fact, each cat is one by one. You can use a horizontal character to select 1, 20, 30, 50, or 100 payment lines and start it. It is impossible to select different numbers, so be sure to make a big bet.
How To Play
The next step is to select the number of coins placed on each line. This can be easily done by using the label under the drum to select 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 coins per line. When you finally decide on a bed, the drum starts to rotate.
If you want to keep a certain speed in a row in a row, we recommend using the aut o-aut o-auto function. Click the left orange button to start the wheel! Remember that if you keep a single spin, you have a chance to double the prize with gambling options. When the button is displayed, click it and correctly apply the color of the card hidden in the next mini game. Please note that if you make a mistake, you will lose all the newly acquired prizes.
Finally, don't forget to follow the four meters at the top of the screen. These are the four progressive jackpots of the game. Jackpot cart's bonus bonus games may start by chance after each victory. In this bonus bonus game, select a lying card and turn it over until three cards in the same suit fall, winning the corresponding jackpot.
Perhaps you thought that the entire 100 cats payment table was filled with various cat images. And you were right.
Meeting The Kitties
That's because there are plain cards at the bottom of the menu. Barrett, Queen, King, and Ace are displayed in bright and colorful fonts and provide small rewards.
The remaining six basic symbols are cats as expected. Cats have all the forms, flowers and races, like most cats, rather cute and friendly. If you have three or more of the same characters on the activated payline, you will be paid from left to right, and the same prize as the first rate will be triggered!
Occasionally you can find a lady cat on the drum: This is a wildocyt of 100 cats, can be replaced with any base symbol and helps a new victory. It is also the most valuable icon, and if you have five characters, you can earn 100 times the prize of the bet.
A Little Extra
Cat family pink symbols work as a scatter symbol. This scatter symbol is displayed only in the second, third, and fourth drums, and if three such symbols are aligned, 10 free spin bonuses will occur.
The 100 Cats has all the materials for making solid slot machines, but the universe is very heavy and it will be difficult for some players to make a compromise.
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Slot machine 100 cats is a 5 lean game. This is a very common slot game, and you can learn in detail in this guidance.10 Burning heart
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