Mek - ARK Survival Evolved Wiki
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チート mek_character_bp_c またはチート spawndino 「blueprint」 /game/extinos/dinos/mek/mek_character_bp. mek_character_bp 「500 0 35 mega meek summon_bp_bp TER_BP 」 「 500 0 35 OPTION EXO-MEK CALL EXOSUTER_BP_C OR CHEET SPAWNDINO 」BLUEPRINT"/Game/Genesis2/dinos/exosuit/exosuit/exosuit/exosut suit_character_bp. exosuit_character_bp 「」 500 0 0 0 35 exo-mek option (last fight) Call exosut_character_bp_finalfit_c or cheat spawndino "blueprint '/game/genesis2/modularmission/finalBattlet/dinos/exosit_chacrator_bp_finalfight. Exosut_character_bp_finalfight '「500 0 0 35 MEK (glove 2) Chit Summon MEK_CARACTER_STA_C of Cheat Spawndino」 ブループリント "/Game/Genesis2/Missions/Modulamission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Mek_character_bp_sta. MEK_CARACTER_BP_STA '「500 0 35 Option is defective MEK Knight Chit Summon MEK_CARACTER_BP_LIFESUPORT_C or Cheat Spawndino」 Blueprint "/Game/Missions/Modulamission/L. Ifesuport/DinoS/Mek_character_bp_lifesuport. mek_lifesuport'" 500 0 35
M. D. S. M.(レベル?) M. O. M. I. M. R. L. M.(レベル?) M. S. C. M.(レベル 97)は必要ありません。 致命的な XP 居住空間 MEK は地図上では見られない。その代わり、TEK-replicator を用意し、ロールアウトする必要がある。MEK は DLC Extination Ark: Survival Evolved に登場する乗り物の一つです。
MEK は展開テキスト-生存者を派遣するあらゆる可能性を持つロボットである。テック・ライフル(TEK Pistol)とテック・ソード(TEK Sabre)の巨大版で武装しており、ターゲットに大損害を与える可能性がある。
- 1 主要情報
- 1. 1 指示
- 1. 2 行動
- 1. 3 外観写真
- 1. 4 配色とエリア
- 1. 5 メガメック(オプション)
- 1. 6 ドロップ
- 1. 7 基本統計と上昇
- 1. 7. 1 暴れる統計の価値を高める
- 2. 1 共同情報
- 2. 2 戦略
- 2. 3 銃
- 2. 4 脅威
- 2. 5 無力
- 4. 1 ローリング
- 4. 2 収集可能なオブジェクト
Basic Info [ ]
Manual [ ]
型番 技術教範 9-978 従来機OZ-13NV TEK SABER:先頭の銃として設計されているので、パイロットのための私達の最高の志願者の能力を満たすために別のものがある。衝撃よりも斬撃を重視して作られている。コンビネーション攻撃に最適。
プラズマ・リボルバー XBR-M-93R:メインツールではない。3 発発射。
Borter MS-06BR: Located under the unit of the unit. When activated, it becomes possible to slash in the air, and move skillfully at a short distance. Connect to perform the biggest performance in lon g-range attacks.
Thermal indicator: Pilots need to observe the level of heat every time. Overheats are in a hurry, what effectively lead to vulnerable and unskilled things? scrap.
Each RX-103-Mek has a module connector that can be easily changed. These are included.
G-01W Mek Siege Module: A gun with the best return to the rear. In order to withstand the response, the device must actually get so much to prepare during a gunfight with the real estate.
G-02H MEK Rocket Launcher Module: An oversized rocket battery shoots 16 shots and tracks the goals. It is also valid for a large goal.
G-01S MEK Imprible Mainable Shield Module: Fires a turret-shaped energy obstacle that prevents attacks from long-range combat and speed up speed. Ideal for mission pilots and pilots that emphasize close combat.
型番 Technical materials 9-979 Malge procedureIn order to form a gamamet RX-412, the RX-103 megameki must be functioned and must be in a specific proximity, and those detectors pointed out the dangers of omega. In order to unite the main RX-103, it is essential to have a module slot in the module slot that can operate the Megamec. After that, the launch of the three other RX-103 is essential to rent a main device transaction circle and starts.
The difference from RX-103 is that the RX-412 does not emphasize versatility. First, simply, it is made for wet power. Enemies facing a chance to collapse the skyscrapers should be able to control the same way. As a result, he has only one gun. OZ-52XX Vorpal Tek Cleaver: This blade is directly drawn out of energy from the RX-412 and differentiates into a blade that can cut through the mountains. If you get tired of cutting down and cutting the tasks into two, you can turn it each time.
I never thought that my masterpiece would be a large military coat, but this is definitely my masterpiece. RX-412-Exceptionally strong among the fighters made so far. In fact, if something has the ability to run before the RX-412, it is worth it to destroy us.
Behavior [ ]
It has a wide range of abilities, from the basic cuts of dinosaurs to those who have a goal and those who expect a patient jockey. Occasionally, it can be exposed to the luxury of sel f-coating. In the duel, you can see the creation in front of you with a concentrated visor.
Appearance [ ]
Mek looks like a humanoid creature, but it's completely mechanical. There is an elegant spike on the hind leg. The legs are like bird's feet.
Santiago, who is approaching Omega Camp and learns that they don't have enough firepower, is a large robot created to fight the Titans to show a huge crisis facing Omega Camp. , I proposed to make a mechanism. The tribes made four mechas. Each mechanism fights with a unique design similar to a pilot, but this mechanism has the ability that anyone can use.
Mega Mecha, designed by Santiago, was based on the technology of making the alcohol robot teleport from the shrine. According to Santiago's sentence, Mega Mek specializes in fighting the huge Titan, and in fact, the danger of Omega, for example, is too large to be too large even if it is not Titan King. There is.
Color Scheme and Regions [ ]
Only ordinary Mek can be painted and dyed. Megameck is stretched into one each time, and things that are not included in the color scheme do not include the color gamut, and the natural color of Spaunas Megamec is not enriched.
Here, we show the natural color and area of Mek. The following is an area painted with crimson paint in Mec h-Albinos to make it easier to understand. The square of the color displayed under the description of each range is a color that Mek spawns by chance, and to secure an artel spectrum of a natural color palette. When the cursor is combined with the paint, the title and personal number are displayed.
This information can be applied to the change of the mechafe by introducing the cheat setargetdinocolor into the cheat settarget console. For example, Setargetdinocolor 0 6 Chit paints a mechanical "accent" with a purple paint.
Region 0: AccentRegion 1 is not used in this creature.
Region 2: Body grid Reach 3: EnergyReach 4 is not used for this creature.
Reach 5: corpse Area 0:.Region 1 is not used in this creature.
Area 2:. Area 3:. Range 4:. Area 5:.Mega Mek (Variant) [ ]
Megamec is a type of meka. Mega Mek plans to support M, O, M and I, a combination of four MEKA. If the zone has three or more additional mokers, the worst 3 will be used. Megamec does not work with alphaaking or titanium that cannot be accessed. Mega milk is sel f-destructed in about 30 seconds when it diffuses with the support of the console team. However, if the Infinitestts command is applied from the inside of Megamec, it can be avoided. In this case, suicide bombs are invalidated, and you can do as much mysteries as you like.
The difference from simple Mech is that Mega Mech is specialized only for the use of a knife (Boper Tech Clever), for example, the wrong hand is not equipped with TEK cannon. can. There is no slot to attach a single module.
Drops [ ]
Nothing falls even if you eliminate Mek.
Base Stats and Growth [ ]
Note: MEGA-Mek occurs at 1500 levels.
attribute Basic meaning Increase value Bona stayming Wild Tamed Addition animation health 5500 +880 +5, 4% 0, 07 Endurance power 1000 +100 +10% oxygen N/A N/A N/A food N/A ? ? body weight 1250 +110. 625 +4% Damage in Near Duel 300 +14. 25 +1, 7% 7% 17, 6% Moving speed 100% N/A +1% Toop 100 +6 N/A 0.5 - To compare the statistics of all creatures, see the Basic Statistics of Creature.
- See the repayment section of the creature phase for one comment on value payment.
Move [U/S] Basic speed Sprint speed Endurance power Wild TAMD 1 TAMD 2 Wild TAMD 1 TAMD 2 Walking 300 1200 1200 N/A 2400 2400 ? swimming 300 300 300 N/A N/A N/A 3 - (1) These are the basic speed of 100 % of the creature moving speed.
- 2 These are the speed of the tamed creatures and the unattractive creature.
- The comparison of all creatures is described in the basic speed of the creature.
Attack power
sword Endurance cost Attack range Attack range Basics minimum Activation 50 0 0 0 fire Endurance cost Attack range Attack range Basics minimum Activation 0 0 0 0 Attack type damage Shell value Numb value Status effect: Stamina Status effect: torup life Pulse radius Basics Multi Duration Damage manga quantity Duration Damage manga quantity shell hit 155 3.4 explosion 80 3.4 550 Range Endurance cost Attack range Attack range Basics minimum Activation 0 0 0 0 attribute Basic meaning Increase value Bona stayming Wild Tamed Addition animation health 9000 +1800 +5, 4% 0, 07 Endurance power 1000 +100 +10% oxygen N/A N/A N/A food N/A ? ? body weight 9001 +180. 02 +4% Damage in Near Duel 3000 +150 +1, 7% 7% 17, 6% Moving speed 100% N/A +1% Toop 100 +6 N/A 0.5 - To compare the statistics of all creatures, see the Basic Statistics of Creature.
- See the repayment section of the creature phase for one comment on value payment.
Move [U/S] Basic speed Sprint speed Endurance power Wild TAMD 1 TAMD 2 Wild TAMD 1 TAMD 2 Walking 750 750 750 N/A N/A Magical of expression: "N" is not recognized. ? swimming 300 300 300 N/A N/A N/A 3 - (1) These are the basic speed of 100 % of the creature moving speed.
- 2 These are the speed of the tamed creatures and the unattractive creature.
- The comparison of all creatures is described in the basic speed of the creature.
Attack power
sword Endurance cost Attack range Attack range Basics minimum Activation 5 0 0 0 fire Endurance cost Attack range Attack range Basics minimum Activation 5 0 0 0 Attack type damage Shell value Numb value Status effect: Stamina Status effect: torup life Pulse radius Basics Multi Duration Damage manga quantity Duration Damage manga quantity shell hit 155 3.4 explosion 80 3.4 550 Range Endurance cost Attack range Attack range Basics minimum Activation 0 0 0 0 Wild Stats Level-up
Enter the values of wild creatures and find out which statistics pay special attention. The hig h-level creature green value is very suitable for breeding. If you have already tamed the creature, you can use an external tool to restore breeding statistics. [1]
Status computers do not work in mobile mode.
Please note that after the creature, you can get some bonuses on some status according to the effect of the taming. Therefore, this tool is only for wild creatures, but gives the first impression of how much the status is allocated.
Combat [ ]
In this section, we will explain how to fight Meki.
General [ ]
Meki is only found as a survivor and is not found in the wild, but is not a threat until it is controlled.
Strategy [ ]
One of the best ways to fight Meki is to fight Mek, but be careful and use a scout to understand the strength of Mek.
Weaponry [ ]
In PVP, use another Mek or put explosives and creatures as an option.
Dangers [ ]
Mecha's lon g-range attacks using pistols, M. S. C. M, and M. R. L. M do all large splash damage.
The mechanical sword attack has a large radius of action when the mechanism is not facing down, and even if the creature hit the attack with a small number of times, the mechanism has been dealing with a minimum. Can be suppressed.
If you are behind and are tamed, it is difficult for Makum to deal with damage with a 1V1 duel. This tactic is dangerous for creatures that require a large rotation radius like Gigasus.
Players using Titans have a chance to abandon attacks that deal multiple hits while the Titan is still animating the attack. It is also possible that they will attack from outside the Titan's range of effect.
Mekhi have a chance to recover quickly while keeping a moderate distance from Maonnu, which will cause defeat in close combat, such as Gigas.
Weakness [ ]
To perform most actions, except running, moving, and striking, Mecams need a substance to fuel them. In a real profession, blades cause quite a large loss. Giganotosaurus and other tamed creatures with the highest damage have a chance to simply gain MEK, just by overheating once.
MEK health recovers, but rather slowly.
MEKs with empty fuel tanks recover well - even slower.
In PVP, ME K-knife reduces damage to tamed creatures and enemy players by 25%. ME K-revolver reduces damage to tamed creatures by 30% and enemy players by 85%. This was used in patch 303. 1 to reduce the combat capabilities of the MKA in PVP situations.
The Shadowmane Das h-attack quickly frees the player from the MEK.
Taming [ ]
Mekov can be quickly "tamed" near an unassembled MEK.
Utility [ ]
The Moka has two indicators: fuel and heat. Each indicator contains an appropriate icon on the HUD.
- Fuel allows the MEK to apply almost all of its abilities. When these abilities are implemented, the fuel indicator on the HUD decreases and eventually reaches 0%. When the MEK's fuel runs out and he can no longer perform most of his abilities, he is out of options. Like other TEK-tier creatures, the Moka runs on flammable matter.
- When the MEK creates certain effects, such as flying or ranged weapons, it dissipates heat. When heat reaches its maximum, the MEK's properties (e. g. slower movement, reduced damage) become an issue, and it cools down until it reaches 0%.
Meki is really strong, but the difference with the Enforcer is that he has no chance to increase the grade. As a result, these creatures, like Rex and Giganotosaurus, have the chance to consume MEK in battle, consuming health and leading. In fact, MEK can be created more than others, because it has the ability to apply losses, weapons, boosters, and most likely, modules, and that is for example elasticity and some sources of damage. It still does not have a turning radius, as a result MEK has the ability to attack in any direction.
According to Diana Altaras Extinction Note #8, once you master the attacks and movements of MEK, he becomes like a 50-ton dancer.
The role of the mecha has the ability to change depending on the similarity of the modules it is equipped with.
- MDS M-Assist controller: Mek develops the force shield. If the damage of the ally inside the shield is reduced, and the enemy inside the shield crosses the border of the shield, it will take larger damage and the speed of movement will decrease. Duels with desert giants and Road Titan may require this module to protect Mec from lightning and meteorites.
- M. R. L. M. -Ant i-Swarm Controller: Mech can launch a missile barrage toward the enemy's flock. Missile capsules are required as ammunition. This skill is effective against ice titan, and it makes it easier to enter ice Titan due to its own mobility. In addition, it is effective for Tsuri Titan because the volume of the missile is large, so that one capsule can not land 16 or more missiles.
- M. S. C. M. -Target Killer: Mek can hit one cannon in the target. A cannon shell is required as ammunition. This module is effective against Forest Titan, and its high damage and low speed can make the pilot light and large.
- M. O. M. I. -Mecha Killer: United with the other three mechanics and transform into a megameca by connecting to one mechanism. It can only be used in the match against Alphaking Titan. This module also works as a saddle shell.
Roles [ ]
- Base Destroyer: The most common role in the attached mechanism. Mex has the ability to damage all structures supported by his own blade. The attack with a blade consumes stamina, but does not consume fuel. This is a huge mechanical artificial joint. There are few people who care, but MEK's pilot does not hit. It is impossible to capture, poison, or stun, and pilots do not consume air. The Mech base destruction team has the ability to easily destroy the base if all bullets pop out of the turret. As a result, Mek can destroy buildings in the water or walk around the sea floor like Calkinos.
MEK is affected by radiation, but is released from the Mushroom Brew support and protects pilots from radiation like Hazard Suit. Advic e-I don't fly, I don't shoot. The shooting consumes a large amount of fuel. If you use Meki with Astrosetas, you can eliminate perfect bases.
- Current Titan: MEK can inflict 9x damage with blades and 3x damage with tamed Titan's weapon. If you put in a certain number of MEKs or a high quality MEK that can deal higher damage, it can be quite valuable in the defense of the enemy's tamed Titan's base, and its module is effective for 4 Titans. MEK can inflict heavy damage against Titan if it is in the Titan's blind spot. If there is a blind spot, Mecum can deal with it alone. If you include the 51st value of Basid MEC, there is a possibility of a Titan with 50% or more of happiness if used in mind. In any case, Mech has the ability to give a certain number of Titan hints to Titan with his weapon and easily dodge his attacks, in fact, if the player perfectly calculates the time of Mech's movement and attack, Mech can actually execute a combo, when standing in front of Titan.
- If you apply the damage characteristics of Mekhov's attacks, the difficulty of Mekhov in the official options of the server has the correct factor.
- Against Pallet and Beta King Titan, it deals 0, 52x damage with blades and 0, 24x damage with weapons. Compared to Polytro and Beta King Titan, Alpha King Titan takes 0, 25x damage from all damage sources if there is no Mega Mech in the arena.
- Against Ice Titan, it deals about 0, 4x damage with blades.
- 0, 2x damage with knives, and 0, 13x damage in a trade with Bosti Titanium.
- Fly to Titan with Mecha Acceleration. At the last moment, move Mecha to the side and use knife attack at the same time. While dodging, Titanium will start attacking and perform knife attack a certain number of times.
- Shoot Titanium with Mecha Revolver from a long distance and move quickly to the side with Acceleration at the same time. By repeating this movement a certain number of times, Mecha will try to launch its own normal attack or special move while circling Titanium.
- If you time your jump to hit the blade attack of a mech, you can quickly transition to another mecom attack after the blade attack ends, effectively making it a do-or-die shock news mech.
- Even when coming out of the MEK, the bubble shield will be effective until the MEK overheats, and you can actually put on another tame to help the MEK rider protect the drop.
- Bombardment/Support to Confusion
- Since they cannot increase the stats of their mechs, they have the ability to help their troops by covering them with flares with the support of M. S. C. M. and M. R. L. M. Pockets with M. S. C. M. attachments are likely to play the role of long-range artillery, and CQC tamers such as Rex and Giga fight to make space for their mechs' flares. Pockets with M. R. L. M. attachments are problematic. Since they have to keep a certain distance, all their missiles spread, causing area loss. In general, mechs with these modules clutter the background of the battle.
- M. M. D. S. M. has the ability to give shield buffs to allies when present from the bubble and debuff enemy dynos when shields are down. Shield buffs have a high probability of being delayed if the enemy tribe has a mech with M. D. S. M. Even if you don't have a mech with M. D. S. M., you can still stack the Manly Roar buff on your ally Tam and apply a powerful debuff to your opponent that increases damage to enemy units by 75% when M. D. S. M. is omitted. Combined with Yutyrannus' Roar of Fear, you can deal nearly 125% damage to enemy units that have Roar enabled.
- M. M can burnish the armor of its followers, so it can be used in conjunction with the recently introduced Stegosaurus with its hardening ability. As a result, its modules, hardening ability, basic saddle, and constricting mating have every chance of making a significant group of Stegosaurus, including Giganotosaurus, pretty hard to kill. Thanks to its hit attack, Stegosaurus still has the ability to gain armor buffs, but enemy creatures' armor will be lowered and they will be pushed out of bubble shields, for example.
- Mega Mechs give buffs to all creatures in the Titan King's arena, allowing them to deal normal damage to the Alpha King Titan. Without Mega Mek, all creatures covering the three Titans deal significantly less damage to the Alpha King Titan.
- Rockwell - Power Distribution Equipment: Because the MEK is a vehicle, the Noglin has no chance to control it with intelligence. There are other creatures that can generate all kinds of baggage more than all but the MEK, but most of them have the potential to monitor the Noglin's intelligence. If the MEK is high level, the player can possess damage that is not inferior to a gig, mobility that is comparable to a wyvern, and a large number of odds like the text of a reaper or a studar. Combined, the player can have a mechanized horse and a talent to beat anything, including five callers and their designed creatures, multiple reapers generated near the tentacles of the Rockwell (if the player has a charged apprentice), and a large number of creatures in this biome at the same time.
Collectibles [ ]
Resources Efficiency Dowry ★★★★★ Raw beef ? Spotlight [ ]
Notes/Trivia [ ]
- The Meki looks like these transportations in this IRGE, such as wooden rafts, motorboats, TEK ATVs, and boats, but the Meki is actually a system-specified creature and belongs to the category of mechanical creatures.
- MEKs do not have the opportunity to increase in degree as enorders do, but you can get unassembled MEKs in orbital support quality and get the best MEKs with higher levels and stats. Ship experience has the effect of increasing the degree of high-quality draws that can be obtained in drops.
- Mekov can heal with support for scouts, elementals, who fly to him until he touches the Meka. This is much more likely than allowing him to deal with the direction of time, and is actually quite slow. Apart from this, it is possible to connect the automatic repair of the MEKA, hold E and connect the automatic repair. In this case, a small drawbar occurs before starting the work and the substance is used for repair.
- MEKS's "RX-" model designation is the fastest. MEKS's "RX-" designation is the fastest, and is thought to be a reference to the Mobile Suit Gundam, since all Gundams have the RX- designation.
- There are any number of possibilities for th e-color part of the MEKS to be changed, for example, as a consol e-team, brush.
- For some reason, it can whip a mech that is not in high spirits.
- Even on omnipresent, MEK slowly consumes fuel. At 0%, MEK starts to lose its goodness and goes into "starvation". To avoid the given case, it is recommended to put the mock in a cryopoda if the module is not included or cannot be applied for a while.
- If you make MEK on top of a wall, the height will be about 10-11 walls. If the wall height is determined within 1, 8-1, 9 meters, the height of the MEK will decrease by 59-65 feet or 18-20 meters.
- The height of Megamec excluding the peak is 68 walls. The height is about 122, 4-129, 2 meters, that is, 401-423 feet. Including the peak, the height is 70 walls, 126-133 meters, or 413 to 436 feet.
- 84. 700, 5 Health
- 10. 000 endurance
- 13. 418, 8 Weight
- 628, 6% Near damage (when using a sword 1. 885; when using a sword for single players 2. 320)
- Primitive Mek must be used to combine mega mek. This is because the resources required to make mek from primitive quality to master craft quality will increase significantly. This is because the blueprints of Ascendant quality Mech require incredible resources to make a hig h-level Mech, and the required space exceeds the number of slots required for Tek Replicator. From.
Lore [ ]
- According to the legend, Mech has two control modes. The beta level that Mec imitates the movement of the pilot, and the alpha level that makes the pilot use Mec's skills and movement smoothly.
- Diana was able to use Mech at the Alpha Level, so she saved Mayin from the forest giant with a smoother ride and complicated control.
- Pilot 1: Lee Mein Inn; Mek: QUEEN OF BEAST S-CQC Mec of tw o-sword style.
- You can prefer a close distance and make quick decisions during the battle.
- Sanchago's No. 15 "Endangered Explorer" states that she must be undergoing a medical examination and is equivalent to those who can belong to the Terran Federal Special Forces.
- Her Mech was named after the alias of the "Queen of the Beast" on the island.
- In the Diana Extinction EXPLORER Note #11, Mein and her Mek defeated 629 enemies, with 99, 9%of the proximity battle, and 52%of the target accuracy.
- Helena is creative and cool, and according to Santiago, it has a maximum synchronization speed that can blend into technology (Homo Deus).
- Mecha Helena's name is a word that means "attack".
- Kazuma is a URE soldier with a clear memory of military training.
- Homo Deus Helena's "waiting person" added some changes to his mechanical design after Takaya's death and added armor to his neck and shin.
- Santiago's notebook#17 has been honestly applied to Kazuma that he would paint his Mec in red if he was selected as one of the four pilots.
- In the Note # 22 "Diana's Endful Explorer", Kazuma confirmed the killing of 48 people until he died in Titan King's hand.
- Diana's "Excellent Excellence Notebook"#23 Survival Kazuma's profile states that he belongs to the Panacia Alliance U. R. E. Diana and Kazuma were friends in their previous life and met when they participated in a nea r-futuristic battle in Thailand. When the orbital mother ships they were riding were hit by a catastrophe, they were found in a variant ark.
- Santiago understood the mechanism of Meki and took on the role of teachers to teach other pilots. Diana died for a long time, but Santiago thought she was the best survivor who could freeze the mek pilot in the trunk.
- The fastest Santiago is dead, but there is a slight possibility that he is still alive:
- Diana is a record, and his Mek actually states that she is one of her found, for example, that his corpse has not been found.
- Homo Deus, who became Homo Deus, spoke to Diana, but could not return him.
- Genesis: Not only living in the Santiago Sharing, but also pretending to be a clone that does not have Santiag o-Helena has no opportunity to revive the Santiago she knew.
- His name mechanism is giant rarity from Genesis and the names of Misa Mecha: Share 2: Tekirder.
- In Diana's text, Megamec paid for the gods of Greek war and received nickname aleses in the situation.
- In addition to limited resources, his tribes, how to get these resources, the ability to manipulate the MEC, develop engineering to create huts, and how to temporarily limit Omega titanium. The magnitude of knowledge and threats have been proved to be the most difficult plan for Santiago one day.
- Despite fighting with a normal King Titan, he has the opportunity to be applied alone to fight Alpha Colora Titan.
- Mega Mech, developed by Diana and Mein, stands out from the system from the game version and worked only at 70 %. This explains why the giant king fought in his own normal form. Or, the giant king underestimated Mega Mech. For example, how fast, he never fought something comparable to him.
- This is also confirmed by a note from Diana, what he knew, in fact, what was considered to be the most powerful on earth, and to win a small victory in Mega-Mech. It is said that Mega-Mech continued his first attack. As the battle progressed, the giant king began to feel anxious, and when the Megamec blade drew a cross on the body, he moan as if he had been wounded for the first time. After the battle, the giant ran away.
- According to the comments of researchers, Mega Mech had to be managed by four, but when it was invented alone, the author made a change so that it could be easily managed by one person. 。
- "Restore sensory costumes", "Light chamber", "Light chamber 3D rendering". There is no details. Move to the announcement of the "best guess algorithm".
Bugs [ ]
- In the sel f-destruction function, the game will be invalid if the megamec is on top of the destruction.
Changelog [ ]
- Fixed physical strength recovery Megameka.
- Mek gun does not damage metal or TECA structures.
- When using the siege (M. S. C. M.), the damage in "Siege mode" increased.
- If Mek is still rising in the rocket accelerator, disabled the removal of the shield using a power shield generator (M. D. S. M.).
- Fixed an issue where the shield could not be given a buff or debuff.
- Prohibiting shields within the radius of enemy turrets.
- The moving speed of the grenade of the siege and the MEK missile has been slowed, making it possible to aim for the turret correctly.
- The reload speed of the siege gun has been adjusted.
- The weight of the mechanism is adjusted according to the dimensions.
- The mechanical backpack is automatically colored for Mek.
- You can shoot guns without aiming.
- Fixed an issue where Mek was pushed into the siege mode.
- The reaction to the siege mode has been disabled.
- MEK level is now displayed on the icon.
- When you drop Mek in a small place, the pilot is no longer thrown out of the map.
- While using Mek, the use of the telescope became invalid.
- The level is now displayed not only on the created subject, but also on the unmarked Mek drawings.
- Fixed one element to consume one element when Mek was not ringing.
- If the server is working less than 10fps, the accuracy of the waves of the mechanical side has improved.
- ME K-Pilot made it impossible to use a telescope with Q-key.
- The gas attack has no longer effective against robots.
- If the FPS is low when swinging the sword, the pause will be valid.
- I solved the situation where Mek consumes elemental dust.
- Mek's shield debuff is no longer overlapped with the shield release.
- The operating time of Mek Debf obtained from the shield restriction is reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.
- The PvP official server is anthropop with investment and ammunition, and the cliopod Meki will not develop.
- The gun damage to the tamed creature is reduced by 30%.
- The reinforced missile will not damage the tamed creatures and players.
- MEK's movement due to the increase in the shield has decreased by 20%.
- Sword damage to tamed creatures and players decreases by 25%.
- Fixed a bug that MEK gun damages the player on the creature.
- Gun damage to players decreased by 85%.
- The shooting range by pistol is reduced by 25%.
- The collapse of Mekov is prohibited.
- Fixed a bug where Stray and Meki cannot recover health with Stasis
- Fixed a bug where the mek module loses power when releasing Cryopoda
- If you apply the damage characteristics of Mekhov's attacks, the difficulty of Mekhov in the official options of the server has the correct factor.
