Massive Guide Zombies - What you need to know 30 Postitive Ratings 2 Helpers Responses Hypixel
[Massive Guide] Zombies - What you need to know [30+ Postitive Ratings, 2 Helpers Responses!]
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Dedicated Member
Subscription on November 21, 2016 Posted on 2. 746 Reaction evaluation 8.Disclaimer: Zombies are also new games. Something may change, may be added, or forget. If I have been confused, please let me know below. Zombies have recently been released and are becoming one of the most popular games, starting to advertise more than secret of Murder. Even if it was released recently, it is not too late to make a guide about it. So I made it.
Spoiler: Video of the end of the gam e-Zombies Overall image of TAPL ACIDBLITZ Z-1st game play videoZombie is a team survival game, united with the other three players and continues to live 30 rounds. Remember that this is the death of a vampire and a block. We fight in vast area, collect coins, shoot zombies and repair windows. Collect coins to shoot zombies and repair windows. Gold can be used to get cartridges and armor or open new areas. You have to defeat the boss every 10 rounds.
When you start the game with a zombie, you have the following items: hot bar slot 1: Knife (iron sword) hot bar slot 2: pistol (wood hoe) hot bar slot 3: empty pistol slot (empty pistol slot ( Replace when you get another pistol)
Hot Bar Slot 7: Sky Park Throt (filled with benefits after purchase) Hot Bar slot 8: An empty peel slot (filled with Parkom after purchase) Hot Bar slot 9: Empty park slot (filled with Parkom after purchase)
Rain III status effect (constant) Production fatigue (constant)
The zombie invades the window scattered into the map, breaks the tree, and attacks the player. The window looks like this, and the zombie is behind it.
Spoiler: Screenshot exampleI n-game management seemed to be new management. The operation is like this: righ t-click to shoot, left click to reload, fix the window while pressing the shift, and revive the teammates. You can use a car or armor shop by righ t-click.
In addition to ad d-on weapons and armor, you can get ad d-ons. There are three bonuses in the game.
Spoiler instant kilWith this ability, the whole team can add a single blow to any zombie (excluding the boss), and the number of coins obtained by zombie-shooting will increase. This ability works within 10 seconds.
Spoiler: Maximum cartridgeThis power element replenishes the cartridge of all weapons of your team. This happens immediately, so the timer is not given.
Spoiler: Double coin When it becomes active, this function grows all the acquired coins. This is done over 30 seconds.In this IRGE, zombies have a lot of gold (zombies are received for repair and killing). Guns, shells, fresh rooms, etc.
I was able to get information about the tools compiled by@rellmadhobo and the status of weapons that were finally imprisoned. Click here for his instructions. I am also grateful to @philipinhors for providing weapon statistical information.
Spoilers: Weapon information(The explanation is quoted from the game)
Revolve r-Given by default. In some respects, if you try to update it, another notch will help you your soul: 6 H P-Cartridge: 300 rounds in clips: 10 pace of gunfight: 0, 5 seconds charging: 1 , 5s
Spoiler: Photo of the weapon screenDorobobi k-Location: Cabinet Cabine t-Price: 500 Fire a coin bullet. Ideal for close combat. Loss: 6, 5 HP Cartridge: 65 Cartidges in clips: 5 Pace of shooting: 1, 4 c C. Reload: 1, 5s
Spoiler: Shot from the shotgun screenI found it with a gun: Hote l-Price: 500 I can shoot more than 500 coin revolver. Loss: 4, 0 horsepower cartridge: 256 clips cartridges: 32 shots: 0, 2 C charge: 1, 5 Seconds
Spoiler: Photo of the gun screenSnipe r-Appeared place: Housin g-Price: 900 Coin increases at long distances. The bullet has the probability of breaking through a certain number of opponents. Loss: 20 horsepower cartridge: 40: 4 launch speed: 1. 0 Reload: 2. 0 seconds
Spoilers Snipe r-ScreenshotDiscovered by rocket-: prize: 900 coins. It explodes when hitting a rocket bullet. Ross: 20 HP Cartridge: 20 Clip Cartridge: 4 Showt down: 2.
Spoiler rocket launcher screen image Spoilers: Armor information Leather Helmet and Tuni c-Located Hote l-Price: 150 Coin Spoiler: Armor screen image Leather leggings and boot s-Available places: close t-Price: 100 coins Spoiler: Armor screen image Iron leggings and boots (Found in: Flats) -Price: 700 coins Spoiler: Armor screen image Golden helmet and torso gallery of ar t-Price: 500 coins Spoiler: Armor screen image Iron bibs and helmet roof s-Price: 800 coins Spoiler: Armor screen imagePark is an item that can be purchased to fight zombies. At the same time, you cannot own three or more items, and if you do not die and resurrect, you will lose everything. However, these items have a high demand, so they have a buil t-in power switch. (The power switch is displayed here)
Spoilers: Information about perkiPower switch electric statio n-Price: 1, 000 coinsIf you want to get the right, you need to buy it.
Spoiler: Power switch screenshot Fast Fire - Found in: Flats - Cost: 1, 000 coins, Allows for fast fire. Spoiler: Fast Fire screenshotFlame bullets - Found in: Hotel - Cost: 750 coins, Sets zombies on fire, dealing damage. Has little effect on fiery zombies.
Spoiler: Screenshot Fiery bulletsFrozen bullets - Found in: Flats - Cost: 1, 000 coins, These bullets slow down zombies for a few seconds when they enter.
Spoiler: Screenshot Frozen bulletsExtra Weapon Slot - Found in: Office - Cost: 1, 500 coins, Buy to get an extra slot for another weapon. Lose slot and weapon if you die without receiving a revival.
Spoiler: Weapon slot screenshotSpeed - Found in: Gallery of Arts - Cost: 500 coins, Gives you speed 1 until you die and are reborn.
Spoiler: Speed ScreenshotFast Revival - Location: Lane - Cost: 500 coins With this skill, you can revive your allies faster than normal.
Spoiler: Speed Revival ScreenshotExtra Health - Location: Roof - Cost: 1, 000 Extra Health gives you 10 extra health for every 5 hearts you have. (Screenshots coming soon)
To get new weapons, perks and cars, you must first purchase access to the Golden Room. There are 7 rooms in the game.
Spoiler: Room info Lane - Cost: None - Access: None Spoiler: Alley screenshot Office - Cost: 500 coins - Access: Office Alley, Art Gallery Spoiler: Office screenshot Gallery of Arts - Coins: 750 coins - Access: Office, Power Room Spoiler: Art Gallery screenshot Hotel - Coins: 750 coins - Access: Hotel Alley, Flat Spoiler: Hotel screenshot Flat - Cost: 750 coins - Location: Hotel, Food Room Hotel, Food Room Spoiler: Flat screenshot Power Room - Cost: 1, 000 coins - Location: Art Gallery, Apartment Spoiler Room Room screenshotRoof - Cost: 1250 coins - Location: Art Gallery, Apartment
Power Room Screenshots appear soon Garden - Cost: 750 coins - Available from: Hotel Screenshots coming soonSpoiler: Weapon Chest Info
Apart from buying weapons, you can also open secret chests to get different random items. To spin a chest with a weapon, you need 1, 000 coins each, and you have 10 seconds to pick up the weapon. After receiving the weapon, one of the weapons will be busy or replaced. The weapons you can get are as follows:
The flame radiator sprays the flame against the opponent. Fire zombie is the most effective. Loss: 2, 0 HP Cartridge: 350 Cartridge in the clip: 50 Flame Speed: 0, 1 Reload: 3, 0s
Elder Gun emits a long beam, has the ability to penetrate multiple opponents and stun. Loss: 10 HP Cartridge: 60 shots clips: 60 shots Pace: 1, 0 Reload available: 2, 0s
Zombie Soaker brings a bonus loss with a flame zombie! Loss: 4 HP Cartridge: 256 Clip Cartridge: 32 Flame Speed: 0, 3 C Reload: 1, 5s
Blow Dart emits poisoned arrows, poisoning the opponent for a while, and slowing down the falling opponent! Loss: 10 HP Cartridge: 100 Clip Cartridge: 10 Shooting down: 0, 5 C Reload: 3, 0sThe following three firearms have been added to V. O2.
Zombie Zapper (WIP)
There are cars on the garden and the roof that consumed coins to improve the team. Energy is required to operate both machines. Automatic comman d-roof Spoilers: Information about command machinesSpoiler: Image of command machine screen
The mission machine is on the roof, near the steel helmet and bib. Use to help the team, help buffer, and defeat zombies. With that support, you can apply three odds.
Ammunition Supplemen t-Prize: 1, 000 coins (arrow) get the maximum number of cartridges of you and your friend's tools.
Absolute Aliv e-Awards Awards: 2000 Awakening all friends who are dead in the defect according to the 2000 coin (Golden Apple) order.
Dragon's ange r-Price: 3000 coins (dragon eggs) Destroy all zombies in 15 quarters. Ultimate Machin e-Garde n-Price: 1500 Coins (for weapons) Spoilers: Information about the last machineSpoiler: Ultimate machine screen
The Ultimate machine is in the garden and is used to improve the gun. Once buffed, it costs 1500 coins, so you need to own a gun in advance.Spoiler: Statialty Met pistol
Ultimate gun damage: 6 H P-Cartridge: 300 -& amp; gt; cartridge in 360 clips: 10- & amp; amp; gt; 12 Shooting Pace: 0, 5c -& amp; 0. 4c Reload: 1, 5s -& amp; amp; gt; 1.
Ultimate shotgun damage: 6, 5 HP cartridge: 65- & amp; gt; 80 Clip Cartridge: 5 Showt down: 1.
Ultimate gun damage: 4, 0 HP -& amp; amp; 5. 0 H P-Cartridge: 256 -& amp; gt; 280 Clip Round: 32 -& amp; Gt; 35 Shooting Pace: 0, 2 Reload: 1, 5c -& amp; amp; gt; 1.
Ultimate Sniper Loss: 20 HP -& amp; gt; 30 H P-Cartridge: 40 -& amp; Gt; 60 Cartridge Clip: 4 -& amp; Gt; 5 Frame Speed: 1, 0 C Reload: 2 , 0s -& amp; amp; gt; 1.
Ultimate Rocket Launcher Loss: 20 HP -& amp; gt; 25 H P-CARTRIDGES: 2 0-amp; P; gt; 1. 5s Reload: 3. 0 S -& amp; amp; gt; 2. 0s
(Can be used with Ultimate Weapon)
Ultimate Flame Radio Loss: 2, 0 HP Cartridge: 350- & amp; amp; gt; 500 Clip Round: 50 Shooting Speed: 0, 1 C Reload: 3.
Right now, this is basically all you can use with coin support. Everything can be added or changed, and is not eternal, for example.
All objects you can buy must be applied to kill zombies. There are a large number of all kinds of zombies that appear in different waves and have different abilities. The cock will be explained separately. Separate thanks to @Bakfietsrijder for the support in obtaining screenshots! Spoiler: Types of Zombies Zombie - Wave 1 Razor and guns get stronger over time. Spoiler: Zombie Screen Snapshot Pig - Wave 2 Faster, stronger than simple zombies.Spoiler: Zombie Screen Snapshot
Lil Bombarded - Wave 3 is a small, rather simple zombie. And explodes, causing losses to all players nearby. Spoiler Lil Bombarded Screen Snapshot Zombi e-Wol f-Wave 4 is rather younger than the simple zombie, but contains less good. Spoiler: Zombie Screen Snapshot Gepowed Zombie - Wave 5 (?) Much stronger than the simple zombie.Spoiler: Short Sunino Sombik
Stationary Zombie-Wave21 does not cause as much damage as the lead zombie, but does cause fire damage. Flamethrower is least effective against this zombie, but Zombie Auto is more effective. Spoiler: Fire Zombie's fire photo(It's hard to make fire from a fire zombie lol)
Magma-Zombie-Wave12 is a bit stronger than a simple zombie, and when it dies, it produces 3 cubes of magma. Flamethrower is least effective against this zombie, but Zombie Soaker is more effective.Spoiler Magma Zombie Screenshot
Blaise is wave16, like normal Blaise, and shoots fireballs. But he doesn't go to the player. Flamethrower is least effective against this zombie, but Zombie Zombie is more effective. Spoiler Blaze Screenshot Frozen Archer-Wave21 shoots arrows at the player.Spoiler Frozen Archer Screenshot
Silverfish - Wave 21 contains a young hitbox and low attack and defense.
Guardian Zombie - Wave 23 hits hard, contains a ton of attack and defense, and also shoots lasers like the oldest guns.Spoiler: Zombie Screen Snapshot
Zombie-Enderman - Wave 25 has higher defense and lower attack than normal zombies, but death leads to Endermite. Spoiler: Zombie-Enderman Screen Snapshot (faster, more zombies and graphics) Cook Spoiler: Zombie Boss Bombed - seen in wave 10, creates small bombs that hit the player with an explosion.Spoiler: Bombed Screen
Infern o-Appears on Wave 20 Wave 20. This boss shoots a fireball and leaves a trace of fire. Flame radiator is not very effective for this zombie, but head mazombie is effective.Spoiler: Inferno screenshot
THE BROODMOTHE R-Wave 30 The 30th Wave appears on the final wave. Advanced guards wearing golden armor. He does a lot of proximal damage and sometimes releases lasers to the whole team. Spoiler Blue Mother Screenshot These are additional zombies. teamSpoiler: Command list
/hu b-If you hit this twice during the game, you will return to the main lobby. /Rejoi n-If you are kicked out or accidentally escapes the game, you can r e-participate in the game.
Note that this manual is still WIP and may be changed or new. If you have any oversight or need to change, please let me know. -Techgamerz Attachment PNG 23, 2 KB - Browse: 296TechGamerZ
Dedicated Member
Subscription on November 21, 2016 Posted on 2. 746 Reaction evaluation 8.Record date: November 21, 2016 Posted on: 2. 746 Answer: 8. 589
Renewal reservation
2017/10/07 Edit 1: Weapon screenshot should work! Edit 2: Add information about zombies. Thank you for your cooperation. Edit 3: Deleted attached file.
12-07-2017 Edit 4: Added all bosses and zombies!HonestlyConfused
New Member
Last update July 12, 2017Login Date: June 1, 2017 Posts: 3 Feedback Evaluation: 6
Dedicated Member
Thank you very much for posting to this forum. I didn't try the sniper because I didn't know if it was good.Disclaimer: Zombies are also new games. Something may change, may be added, or forget. If I have been confused, please let me know below. Zombies have recently been released and are becoming one of the most popular games, starting to advertise more than secret of Murder. Even if it was released recently, it is not too late to make a guide about it. So I made it.
Zombie is a team survival game, united with the other three players and continues to live 30 rounds. Remember that this is the death of a vampire and a block. We fight in vast area, collect coins, shoot zombies and repair windows. Collect coins to shoot zombies and repair windows. Gold can be used to get cartridges and armor or open new areas. You have to defeat the boss every 10 rounds.
When you start the game with a zombie, you have the following items: hot bar slot 1: Knife (iron sword) hot bar slot 2: pistol (wood hoe) hot bar slot 3: empty pistol slot (empty pistol slot ( Replace when you get another pistol)
Hot Bar Slot 7: Sky Park Throt (filled with benefits after purchase) Hot Bar slot 8: An empty peel slot (filled with Parkom after purchase) Hot Bar slot 9: Empty park slot (filled with Parkom after purchase)
Rain III status effect (constant) Production fatigue (constant)
The zombie invades the window scattered into the map, breaks the tree, and attacks the player. The window looks like this, and the zombie is behind it.
Spoiler: Screenshot exampleI n-game management seemed to be new management. The operation is like this: righ t-click to shoot, left click to reload, fix the window while pressing the shift, and revive the teammates. You can use a car or armor shop by righ t-click.
In addition to ad d-on weapons and armor, you can get ad d-ons. There are three bonuses in the game.
Spoiler instant kilSpoiler Instacill
Spoiler: Maximum cartridgeSpoiler: Maximum cartridge
Spoiler: Double coinSpoilers: Double coins
In this IRGE, zombies have a lot of gold (zombies are received for repair and killing). Guns, shells, fresh rooms, etc.
There are many zombies that can be obtained by gold (you can get a window repair or when you get a zombie). Weapons, armor, new rooms, etc.
Spoilers: Weapon information(The explanation is quoted from the game)
Revolve r-Given by default. In some respects, if you try to update it, another notch will help you your soul: 6 H P-Cartridge: 300 rounds in clips: 10 pace of gunfight: 0, 5 seconds charging: 1 , 5s
Spoiler: Photo of the weapon screenDorobobi k-Location: Cabinet Cabine t-Price: 500 Fire a coin bullet. Ideal for close combat. Loss: 6, 5 HP Cartridge: 65 Cartidges in clips: 5 Pace of shooting: 1, 4 c C. Reload: 1, 5s
Spoiler: Shot from the shotgun screenI found it with a gun: Hote l-Price: 500 I can shoot more than 500 coin revolver. Loss: 4, 0 horsepower cartridge: 256 clips cartridges: 32 shots: 0, 2 C charge: 1, 5 Seconds
Spoiler: Photo of the gun screenSnipe r-Appeared place: Housin g-Price: 900 Coin increases at long distances. The bullet has the probability of breaking through a certain number of opponents. Loss: 20 horsepower cartridge: 40: 4 launch speed: 1. 0 Reload: 2. 0 seconds
Spoilers Snipe r-ScreenshotDiscovered by rocket-: prize: 900 coins. It explodes when hitting a rocket bullet. Ross: 20 HP Cartridge: 20 Clip Cartridge: 4 Showt down: 2.
