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📖 Let's Read! Historica Arcanum: The City of Crescent
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Knight in tarnished armor
10th year resident!Needless to say, the third-party publishing market is crowded and individual products can't easily stand out. This is even more of a pressing issue for young publishers who often don't have the name recognition or connections of older publishers. However, Historica Arcanum: City of the Crescent was able to generate a strong initial emotion with the support of a slightly unusual idea: Kickstarter.
Instead of the usual knight fantasy, City of the Crescent used the 5th edition to try to create a setting and adventure route from 1st to 8th degrees that is closer to the urban fantasy genre. Although a more modern world, a secret society of monsters and wizards blends into the human crowd and plots secret conspiracies with the help of cloaks and magic daggers. But unlike the genre's progressive Earth, Crescent City's shocking setting is a historical fantasy version of 19th-century Istanbul, where a future Sultan in Topkapi Citadel turns to dangerous magic to reverse the perils of his empire. A loyal officer who has sacrificed almost everything to strengthen and modernize his state takes up arms against the royal family in the name of liberating the downtrodden. Then, hired by a royal polymath to accompany him on an archaeological expedition, the PCs find that the relevant knowledge has been magically wiped from his employer's memory. Thus, they come under the watch of those who, with blood and spellfire, seek to reform the Ottoman Empire in their own way.
She also has her own soundtrack, which you can listen to on YouTube, Spotify, and more. In this book, the track names match the correct characters, spaces, and events. I'll do my best to link the songs during the review, if necessary.
Head 1: Historica ArcanumOrigin of Magic: In another time scale of the Historia Arcanum, mysticism is a force that contradicts reality, the non-ordinary distorts and breaks with nature through the cracks of space. The more a person trusts in the power of magic, the more fragile a medium he prepares in the environment, including himself, and that this fragility has the ability to manifest the abundance of its ways. In fact, magic depends on the forces of entropy, divinity depends on the faith of the individual, magic depends on the influence of other worlds and beings, druids/nature create natural spirits from their own subconscious, and users of contract magic receive their powers from the blessing of magical beings.
The Mythopoetic Arcanum is responsible for fantasy, that is, races and monsters, their origins and space in the world. Dragons, for example, were worshipped as gods in Mesopotamian cults, and were born from humans who were transformed into winged beasts as a result of years of experiments and rituals. Humans who die with the desire to fulfill the majestic unfinished become undead as a rule, or become undead thanks to black magic. This process is rather dangerous, and as a result, most people become mindless or absorbed in one purpose, like zombies or ghosts. But more powerful personalities have every possibility to adhere to the analogy of free will, they are called originals, and are on a par with vampires, larches and other similar creatures.
Gins deserve special mention. In Historica Arcanum, Gins are beings who live in the invisible world known as Al-Hives, developed from minute flames. But these are not of elemental essence, as in classic D& AP. Most of them are evil, but almost everyone tried to summon them out of their power. But genius has different forms, diminished by the fact that they look like creatures generated by the most terrible fears.
But what about the races of the player characters? They, too, have a place in this setting. Unlike other worlds and eras, the Nerides of Historica Arcanum are forced to hide, relying on magic, camouflage, and hidden communities to avoid persecution. Like elves and halflings, a strategically placed mackintosh or hat makes it easier to walk the streets of Istanbul. More frankly non-human races, such as dragonborn and tieflings, are forced to cover up from head to toe.
Dragons - Lumes resemble dragons, but their special bloodline emerged when the Bronze Age empire collapsed.
The slaughter arranged by Qing soldiers at the Battle of Changping, Gnomes - Yin monks and scholars transformed as a result of magical research, Tieflings - children of parents and ancestors who dabbled in pact magic.
Telling a story in Istanbul means telling a side of mundane life in the city of the half moon, something close to what life was like back then, without the backdrop of magical intrigue. Istanbul is called by many names, but people from different eras and cultures agree that it is a jewel of the Mediterranean, a bastion of knowledge, trade and history. After the conquest in 1453, the Ottomans considered themselves the heirs of the legacy. The fall of the Eastern Roman Empire was absorbed and revived under their rule.
But the heyday of the Ottoman Empire was left behind. Few doubt this fact, but why did this happen and how can this process be made to develop into a major controversy if possible? The current government is aiming to modernize, renew social and political infrastructure, and westernize to adopt the successful European experience. Such reforms cannot but cause conflict among traditionalists. One such outcome is the violent destruction of the Janissaries' legions due to a favorable historical event.
The records in this section are divided into several topics: how magic is perceived by the inhabitants (silk, sorcery, tools of the wicked, but people still treasure them), where the inhuman races (in the underground city) congregate, a general list of noble and government titles, common interjections and loanwords (e. g. insallah, meaning "so God wills", mostly "I hope"), common names of the inhabitants as written on ethnic and religious signs, recent major events (e. g. Tanzimata reforms and the Crimean War). These data also detail the occupations common in the different economic classes, the fact that people in these economic classes usually have more carry than pleasure, *where they get their news, their general education level, the possibility of speaking different languages, etc.
*For such events, there are even skill and very short mini-games, from shadow games to buying rare items at auctions. There are even tables for less leisurely activities, such as skill checks for rooftop hunts, underground wanderings, and scenes such as riding teams!
Speaking of language, the book portrayed Istanbul and the Ottoman Empire as a whole as a very heterogeneous society. Turks, Greeks, Arabs, Jews, Armenians, Slavs, and many other ethnicities and nationalities are a common phenomenon in the city, and representatives of minorities mostly speak their native language and do not often lead a secular lifestyle, preserving their cultural traditions rather than assimilating. The book also gives reasons why people of certain nations, both PCs and NPCs, might visit Istanbul.
The Lies We Told: In one of the back cover applications, the authors discuss the creative liberties they took with the real story. For example, Istanbul only became the official name of the city in the 1920s, and in the 19th century it was often called Constantinople. This was done to make it a common name suitable for an international readership. In addition, the current dates have no clear definition, and events from the beginning and end of the 19th century were combined. However, the aesthetics and adventure techniques correspond to the 1850s.
But more on this will be said in the appropriate chapter. The book has a short article on languages and equipment configuration. PCs who would otherwise know Arteric have fluent Turkish, French*, and Arabic. Also, other languages like Gnome and Elvish can choose another language that exists in the world. However, the book still uses the copper/silver/gold stereotype, with the highest currently conceivable equivalents being an atcha (silver coin), a pear (gold coin), and an Ottoman Turkish harp (1 platinum coin). There would be a clear monetary interpretation as well: 1 Ottoman harp is equal to 100 krushams, and 1 krusham is equal to 40 pears**, but manufacturers have a more comfortable progression of 1/10/100.
*Many pompous Ottomans are Francophiles, and from this state almost all the excesses of Westernization are examples.
**I believe that they actually had the opportunity to arrange Kurush with the stereotype of the electrum, which is considered an incomprehensible unit of currency and in the heads of many players of computer games.
In addition, there is an updated version, as well as other lists of weapons and armor, bearing in mind that in the 19th century the onions and armor were changed to shotguns and less defensive ammunition. Everyone who has a combat weapon has bullets.
Just looking at these tables of fresh pistols and armor, we can sort out some comparisons. The iron vest is similar to a semi-plastic armor, but more profitable and allows you to keep secrets along with the freedom of selective bullets. The Macintosh is even more presentable than the Non-Wise, and is an intermediate scale whatever the terrain. As for pistols, firearms are especially so. Both types of handguns incur losses due to short onions, but are much more expensive and have a decent range. The mattress has an even longer range than the long onion, but it must be reloaded like a revolver or crossbow. The Battered Onion does a satisfying loss, but at a much smaller range than the Listless Crossbow. Apart from this, all guns with "Gunpowder" do a lot of damage. When you throw the maximum amount on a damage cube, the cube is thrown anew, and this new amount is added to the previous damage. The text doesn't indicate a loss of guns, so this has the potential to be pretty cool for an attacking horn.
However, it is possible to state that this is actually an "overly powerful" ammunition to compare with the core 5e equipment, it is not at all possible that they do not observe the balance of the conflict and are absolutely consistent, encouraging the PC at least by obsolescence objects equipment.
Dumas: Historica Arcanum at this time began to be very successful. It is an unusual setting rarely seen in Dungeons & Dragons, and the creators did a great job to create the first concept, with a concise but informative description of daily life in a big city. Namely and poor illustrations * are considered weaknesses *, but there is diversity, almost all fantasy monsters and races have their own origin, including when they come monstrous or mystical, "This was placed by a wizard" is an option, very similar, they come from the original background and way to represent this magic.
I have no idea how to touch the conversion of pellet guns to combat. The prevalence of pellet guns is partly explained by their simplicity of use compared to onions, and they give unusual options, for example, the horns have every chance of using a manual crossbow, but no revolvers. Apart from this, pistols have no quality, but the book has a certain number of examples of heroism and NPCs owning them in, for example, 2 accounts, which I consider to be basically an omission.
*In the chapters ahead, especially from chapter 3 onwards, everything will be more detailed.
Next time, take a look at chapter 2 and join in after knowing how to create a character!
Knight in tarnished armor
10th year resident!10-year steel!
Character creation in Historica Arcanum is similar to character creation in other 5th edition campaigns. The difference is that PCs have the chance to choose any firearm as their combat tool, and there is a certain number of total issues from race, class, and space that can be plot hooks that show the character is a clan. You get a table of background thoughts on why Osman Hamdi-Bey, Tsar Polymag, accompanies him on an expedition to the ruins of Troy in the Mediterranean.
Fresh material--25 spells, 28 magic objects, 5 heroic deeds, and one fresh subclass for each magic class in the OGL. Due to its size, we won't talk about one spell and one magic object, only the more prominent and fascinating ones.
*You will receive 2 Magicians as a reward.
For spells, most of them are within the range of the estimated level assumed in this adventure path, with only four levels or more. Regarding classes, major spells are biased. Wizards, sorcerers, and sorcerers can use 14, 18, and 17 spells, but Baldo is overwhelmingly small. In natur e-themed classes, Druid knows only one spell, and no ranger knows. In a class with a divinity, cleric can access 16 spells and Paladin is 6 spells.
There are also spells dedicated to geniuses: To Find a Geniu s-Needless to say, Jin's blow can cause psychic damage and some powerful negative effects (from conversation to lack of all kinds) due to save failure. THE GENIU S-Solomon Solomon's eternal wish, which forcibly withdraws this creature is AOE, removes one kind of resistance from the affected enemies and is damaged by this type. You can, Zawbawaw'ah/Lesser/High/Nouble Djinn is a genius type for the world that is not a native of Argaiba who is not summoned in different summons. In the case of a summoning spell, it can protect the person in the blood circle by dedicating blood as part of the spell.
Some spells are related to luck. Knot the Luck and Purifying Breath are common spells that impose rich fertility and bad luck, such as changing fertility, and imposing trivial setbacks and luck in a mediocre life. Faithful Guidance (1 level) is to make the following rolls in an advantageous way, and Nazar the Evil Eye (2 levels) gains a label in the next short vacation, and rolls a cube in the next short vacation time. There are many cursed lists divided depending on the type of relief, such as unusable, obtaining a deficit with a common type of task. Nazar and rosary are canto lip, and if the subject fails to the saves of wisdom, it imposes a negative test for the next ability and attack. Regarding
Other spells are more delicate direction, they are more likely to be more magical, defensive, defensive, cursed, and more magical folkl o-roofers than open fireballs and manufacturing. Wide Brothers drinks holy liquids to gain the superiority of spas to poison and illness, and temporarily gets 10 hits-points, and the hero is reduced. Infernal Whispers is a man's eyes and asking a strong devil with two cats, and the devil is obliged to answer honestly. SENSE THE SINNER enables the master to recognize the purpose of transient sinful acts. Warlord's Bond, So the Propons Consecrated by the Price of Professionalism to the Rightack D by A Castor and Another Ally Selected by a Spell (The Highest Slots Are More Alies). It is related to the popular ancient Greek philosopher. Sofisto's delegation Avisenna identifies the advantage of controlling the drug, you can identify the qualities of natural illness and toxins in the body. If you have the magic you do, arrange a saved charisma, or immediately, or immediately rush to the nearby creatures you have heard of your voice to clarify your true form. do
"Career Dream flow" is different from spells, and when everyone is asleep, it depends on the other six humanoids and remarks, but unlike other spells, which classes can be used. Not. "Da Visha's Peace" is a powerful spell, one hour later, distinguishes the counter action against all no n-human damage and the approach to psychological damage. It is partially balanced by concentration and accidentally requires silk consumption at 250 gold costs, but at a level where PCs use it, those spheres need to swim with treasures.
For magic items, most of them require ammunition (19), of which six are specific class level or skills. Some items are clearly not so magical and can be used for skilled ones. For example, Greek flaming radiator (AOE-firefighter), janisari's masket gun (magically enhanced to overcome the resistance to penetration damage), Lydia's coin (founder of cast currencies Yes, not magical, but because of its cultural significance, it can be used by the owner to make a completely fair transaction with the seller), and the defenses (most of which are good luck. What it was made by Charatin, but the real thing is cursed, relief from attachments, constant effects of "protection from evil and good", giving the owner once a day), and Rayhan Sherbet (8 hours dominance. There are the sweet potions to be given, the rider Bow (+2 for the damage during the riding), and the wings of Galata (a machine device attached to the armor, giving the holder once a day 10 minutes a day).
Some magic tools have a historical meaning related to famous people. The "Book of the Engineer A l-Jazari" is written by a scholar who was in the Saladin court and functions as a book of a magician who contains various magic spells. The ruler of the first empire is covered by the crown of Sargon and can charge various enchantment spells; the large bronze blacksmith, the sword of Alexander the Great King, is threatening and belief (already has it. In that case, it gives a double skill) and gives all the tests of the charisma. Yakup's focus, the focus of Yancha-Sumitar +2, gives the owner to save wisdom. For magic items, most of them require ammunition (19), and six of them require specific class level or skills. Some items are clearly not so magical and can be used for skilled ones. For example, Greek flaming radiator (AOE-firefighter), janisari's masket gun (magically enhanced to overcome the resistance to penetration damage), Lydia's coin (founder of cast currencies Yes, not magical, but because of its cultural significance, it can be used by the owner to make a completely fair transaction with the seller), and the defenses (most of which are good luck. What it was made by Charatin, but the real thing is cursed, relief from attachments, constant effects of "protection from evil and good", giving the owner once a day), and Rayhan Sherbet (8 hours dominance. There are the sweet potions to be given, the rider Bow (+2 for the damage during the riding), and the wings of Galata (a machine device attached to the armor, giving the holder once a day 10 minutes a day).
Some magic tools have a historical meaning related to famous people. The "Book of the Engineer A l-Jazari" is written by a scholar who was in the Saladin court and functions as a book of a magician who contains various magic spells. The ruler of the first empire is covered by the crown of Sargon and can charge various enchantment spells; the large bronze blacksmith, the sword of Alexander the Great King, is threatening and belief (already has it. In that case, it gives a double skill) and gives all the tests of the charisma. Yakup's focus, the focus of Yancha-Sumitar +2, gives the owner to save wisdom. For magic items, most of them require ammunition (19), of which six are specific class level or skills. Some items are clearly not so magical and can be used for skilled ones. For example, Greek flaming radiator (AOE-firefighter), janisari's masket gun (magically enhanced to overcome the resistance to penetration damage), Lydia's coin (founder of cast currencies Yes, not magical, but because of its cultural significance, it can be used by the owner to make a completely fair transaction with the seller), and the defenses (most of which are good luck. What it was made by Charatin, but the real thing is cursed, relief from attachments, constant effects of "protection from evil and good", giving the owner once a day), and Rayhan Sherbet (8 hours dominance. There are the sweet potions to be given, the rider Bow (+2 for the damage during the riding), and the wings of Galata (a machine device attached to the armor, giving the holder once a day 10 minutes a day).
Some magic tools have a historical meaning related to famous people. The "Book of the Engineer A l-Jazari" is written by a scholar who was in the Saladin court and functions as a book of a magician who contains various magic spells. The ruler of the first empire is covered by the crown of Sargon and can charge various enchantment spells; the large bronze blacksmith, the sword of Alexander the Great King, is threatening and belief (already has it. In that case, it gives a double skill) and gives all the tests of the charisma. Yakup's focus, the focus of Yancha-Sumitar +2, gives the owner to save wisdom.
Spell return tabl e-One of the two new sub systems, Historica Arcanum. Introducing magic in Historica Arcanum is more risky than other rooms, such as being socially trusted. Each time a spell is cast, the threshold increases depending on the degree. Each spellcaster has a rebellion equal to the spell skill revision value, which functions as a hit point and represents the will of casters that resist the result of destroying reality. When the default rating is completed, subsequent spells are completely cast towards slessods. In a specific THRESHOLD value (from 3 to 19), the caster must make a role in order to save with the average effect of the spell, and the higher the level of Threshold, the higher the DC, more extreme. It has a good effect. For example, SMALL SOOTHSAYER THRESHOLD has the ability to lose two random sensations for casters, and SMALL Illusion Thold has the ability to make the caster unreasonably the casters of their spells if they fail in save. The huge effect of Sles s-mode is that the mysteriousism affects the surrounding environment except for the caster itself and exposes it as an incompetent flood, and the result of the ground is difficult.
This threshold can be lowered by a short time entertainment, and during this entertainment, the evaluation of defense is completely completed. An unusual effect that does not apply the threshold includes the effect of using a spell slot, such as a spell of a land spell, a spell from a spell, and a spell of a spell of the paradin.
In other words, is it a new risk for spells that recover between short fun and do not affect land spells? Warlock is ironic.
First Impressions As a more serious analysis of this new rule, the outsider rebound effect (3) may appear at any level, but the important effects (12) only appear on the average value and extreme. It is worth noting that the dull effect (18 and 19 or more) can only be at a high level.
The wizard that depends on Eldrich Blast is most likely to be affected by this rule. They usually contribute to the highest charismatic score personally, their spell slots are r e-charged in a short time, mechanically reset their defense rating, and lower the threshold. be. They are at risk of receiving more effects beyond thresholds when they cast spells on their own.
Corporeal sorcerers are at the greatest risk. But like warlocks, they have increased defenses, the most spells of the major classes, and still bring them up to 9th sense. A 5th grade wizard with charisma 18 has 16 spell slots, invulnerability 4, and even more potential if he has darkbloodwood spectacles in his secondary slots. In duels, they often want their own spells, whereas other classes have a chance to resort to eldritch explosions, lacies, or non-mastic methods. In more difficult and dangerous combats, they have a chance to cast 6-value spells calmly, but if there is a large gap and a short rest occurs, they have a chance to raise the threshold.
For example, an 8th grade wizard with 20 slots for general meaning spells and defense 5 spells has a chance to cast a certain number of 1-2-grade spells even without tasks. But if they are impatient, or are in a dangerous story with no other short diversions, or start using spells of value 3 or 4, they run the risk of going over the threshold. To get to the small threshold (8), they must cast spells of value 13 during a short rest.
If you take an 8th-class ranger with wisdom 14 for example, the number of spells is twice as few, 10. Since their protest rating is 2 and their spells have a maximum value of 2, they have every chance of saying two spells of value 2 (or four first spells) without worrying about the threshold. If the party prepares a short rest, the ranger generally has nothing to worry about.
But the main danger is those with heroic deed spells, magical objects, and semi-casters who don't have the highest indicators of intellectual ability. Flamestone Necklace.... Did you enjoy being a goofy barbarian? He'll collect the threshold in no time.
The subclass features are strong and don't need any explanation.
Urban Stamps are barbarians who serve as fighters in the city, adhering to a more reliable moral code than the average criminal. Early on, they can inflict a one-time fear AO effect on enemies within a 60-foot radius due to their rage, and at higher levels, they can deal extra damage in their course and make affected creatures take the lack of attacks they would give to other creatures. Creatures other than Barbara deal bonus damage to allies within a 20-foot radius, grant them the benefit of attacks and one blush due to their rage, and at 14th level, they allow themselves and allies within a 10-foot radius to use a reaction once per level to prevent the vagrant from loitering.
Thoughts: City Tramps are incredibly good at controlling mobs and as tanks. The fear multi-burn condition can push enemies aside, and imposing a lack of attacks on other characters is always appreciated. Auras that give advantage and bonus damage help the whole party.
Shadow Actor: A bard who has learned to magically manipulate shadows for entertainment and more practical purposes. At 3rd level, you can use a modest light source as a focus for spells, see the dim light of the focus as if it were a bright light, and make exciting attacks with shadows in close combat. At 6th level, you can summon the shadow of a slain creature, which has a limited version of the original feature block, and at 14th level, such shadows can exist for longer (1 minute instead of 3 rounds).
Thoughts: The first possibility at 3rd level is not very good. Shadow Conquest is a possibility. It is a close-combat attack by close combat, and the bard card can focus only on charisma. However, there is a limit to using the bard-inspiration- for this special type of capture. The ability to cast a shadow on a slain opponent is quite powerful, depending on which creature was slain. Legendary actions, lair actions, and legendary resistance are of course within the rules, but they may wear down the DM's patience, so ask in advance!
The Reality Master is a cleric who specializes in destroying gaps in reality caused by insane spells, and is adept at countering all forms of abnormal effects. At certain levels, he gains a bonus to cleric protest, and his spells are a mix of divination and anti-magic effects, such as turn, counterspell, evil and good dispel, and silence. At 1st level, he gains a knowledge-based XP, Resistance Cantilla, with a good chance of revealing air, fey, fjord, and undead creatures within a 18 meter radius, similar to a paladin's XP. At 2nd level, his divinity channels a curse on a wide range of abnormal creatures for 1 minute, giving the cleric malfunctions when casting spells on them. At 6th level, they mechanically cast counterspells with every chance and dissipate magical effects into higher spell slots; at 8th and 14th levels, they deal extra damage with radiant energy when attacking with a weapon; at 17th level, they cast counterspells on their followers with every chance and counter them with a magic shield, giving them a bonus on saves against countermagic effects equal to their wisdom modifier.
Thoughts: In terms of dramatic fate, the Realist is a good "pure caster" cleric at a good price for their defense. Their domain spells are broad enough and useful, and Channel of Divinity is useful against a variety of creature types. It may not be useful in duels against more mundane opponents, but as a cleric, you should have some spells to overcome that.
Nazal's circle is a druid who studies evil eyes to protect humans from all evil magic. Their bonus spells are mixed with fortun e-telling and protection, such as fortun e-telling, small restoration, great restoration, protection from evil and good, and removing geniuses. At first, research on tactile senses, research on "release of death" and "breath of purification", which can be advocated as bonus effects, "world faces" on the elimination of the effects of the spells "General" and "evil eyes". By owning, you can detect the various supernatural effects of creatures. At a higher level, you can restore a part of the spells used when chanting the removed spells or purify the ginni-spells, and use the wilderness and as a ritual. You can apply some protection magic without any material parts, you can impose an expulsion spell at 14 levels, as a result, as a result, a specific type of creature (fairy, fay, fay. If you belong to an undead, heaven or genius), you can select up to three creatures that are not enough for relief.
Impressions: This druid is quite special, most of his class functions are reactive, based on certain effects related to removing curses and attachments. A genius is a symbolic being, but on the adventure route, it is not often seen by default, and in the most climax battle, Nazar's favorite type is used and several points are points. In addition, Ottoman Hamd i-Bay, an eternal friend of the PC, knows some spells that Nazar's Druids can be used, so the need for Druid is low.
Ya n-Ya l-Hunter is probably the most symbolic occupation among the Ottoman Turkish conquerors. Once defeated the European army with its outstanding combat skills, they are now forced to dissolve in shadows with criminal authorities and other dubious people. < SPAN> Nazar's circle is a druid that studies evil eyes to protect humans from all evil magic. Their bonus spells are mixed with fortun e-telling and protection, such as fortun e-telling, small restoration, great restoration, protection from evil and good, and removing geniuses. At first, research on tactile senses, research on "release of death" and "breath of purification", which can be advocated as bonus effects, "world faces" on the elimination of the effects of the spells "General" and "evil eyes". By owning, you can detect the various supernatural effects of creatures. At a higher level, you can restore a part of the spells used when chanting the removed spells or purify the ginni-spells, and use the wilderness and as a ritual. You can apply some protection magic without any material parts, you can impose an expulsion spell at 14 levels, as a result, as a result, a specific type of creature (fairy, fay, fay. If you belong to an undead, heaven or genius), you can select up to three creatures that are not enough for relief.
Impressions: This druid is quite special, most of his class functions are reactive, based on certain effects related to removing curses and attachments. A genius is a symbolic being, but on the adventure route, it is not often seen by default, and in the most climax battle, Nazar's favorite type is used and several points are points. In addition, Ottoman Hamd i-Bay, an eternal friend of the PC, knows some spells that Nazar's Druids can be used, so the need for Druid is low.
Ya n-Ya l-Hunter is probably the most symbolic occupation among the Ottoman Turkish conquerors. Once defeated the European army with its outstanding combat skills, they are now forced to dissolve in shadows with criminal authorities and other dubious people. Nazal's circle is a druid who studies evil eyes to protect humans from all evil magic. Their bonus spells are mixed with fortun e-telling and protection, such as fortun e-telling, small restoration, great restoration, protection from evil and good, and removing geniuses. At first, research on tactile senses, research on "release of death" and "breath of purification", which can be advocated as bonus effects, "world faces" on the elimination of the effects of the spells "General" and "evil eyes". By owning, you can detect the various supernatural effects of creatures. At a higher level, you can restore a part of the spells used when chanting the removed spells or purify the ginni-spells, and use the wilderness and as a ritual. You can apply some protection magic without any material parts, you can impose an expulsion spell at 14 levels, as a result, as a result, a specific type of creature (fairy, fay, fay. If you belong to an undead, heaven or genius), you can select up to three creatures that are not enough for relief.
Knight in tarnished armor
10th year resident!Ya n-Ya l-Hunter is probably the most symbolic occupation among the Ottoman Turkish conquerors. Once defeated European troops with their outstanding combat skills, they are now forced to dissolve in shadows with criminal authorities and other dubious people.
At the three levels, new comba t-style and existing combat style options will be available, and twice before a long rest, you can transfer the throwing that made a mistake by attacking as a bonus action. Study. At high levels, such as 10 levels and 18 levels, it can be used more frequently and can be recovered during a short rest. At level 7, you will learn the legendary Ottoman Blow. The unarmed blow given as a bonus action can do more damage as a type, and can confuse the target of Saving Throw (no skill score) is a PC. It is stated that half of the bonus can be used, but short rests or long rests are not shown. At 15 levels, the special combat style gives additional bonuses (usually +1 for attacks and damage throwing).
Impressions: Hunter is a very lo w-power class, so it is necessary to add power like a warmer star, rune knight, or echo knight to make the subclass attractive. Unfortunately, Yanchal's abilities are inadequate than existing options, most of which are the ability to reflect on the attack they missed. Ottoman's face slap is a good bonus attack with a visible damage and a good start from, but the lack of a specific save and no update speed is quite noticeable, so its true usefulness depends on the DM Fiat. It suggests which save is reasonable for them. By the way, Yancas's NPC saves physical strength and recovers the usage after a long rest (excluding ARA, which is a special NPC). < SPAN> 3 levels will allow you to use new comba t-style and existing combat style options, and you can transition the throwing that made mistakes by attacking as a bonus action twice before a long break. Study the "vitality". At high levels, such as 10 levels and 18 levels, it can be used more frequently and can be recovered during a short rest. At level 7, you will learn the legendary Ottoman Blow. The unarmed blow given as a bonus action can do more damage as a type, and can confuse the target of Saving Throw (no skill score) is a PC. It is stated that half of the bonus can be used, but short rests or long rests are not shown. At 15 levels, the special combat style gives additional bonuses (usually +1 for attacks and damage throwing).
Impressions: Hunter is a very lo w-power class, so it is necessary to add power like a warmer star, rune knight, or echo knight to make the subclass attractive. Unfortunately, Yanchal's abilities are inadequate than existing options, most of which are the ability to reflect on the attack they missed. Ottoman's face slap is a good bonus attack with a visible damage and a good start from, but the lack of a specific save and no update speed is quite noticeable, so its true usefulness depends on the DM Fiat. It suggests which save is reasonable for them. By the way, Yancas's NPC saves physical strength and recovers the usage after a long rest (excluding ARA, which is a special NPC). At the three levels, new comba t-style and existing combat style options will be available, and twice before a long rest, you can transfer the throwing that made a mistake by attacking as a bonus action. Study. At high levels, such as 10 levels and 18 levels, it can be used more frequently and can be recovered during a short rest. At level 7, you will learn the legendary Ottoman Blow. The unarmed blow given as a bonus action can do more damage as a type, and can confuse the target of Saving Throw (no skill score) is a PC. It is stated that half of the bonus can be used, but short rests or long rests are not shown. At 15 levels, the special combat style gives additional bonuses (usually +1 for attacks and damage throwing).
Impressions: Hunters are quite lo w-powered classes, so it is necessary to add power like a warmer star, rune knight, echo knight to make the su b-class attractive. Unfortunately, Yanchal's abilities are inadequate than existing options, most of which are the ability to reflect on the attack they missed. Ottoman's face slap is a good bonus attack with a visible damage and a good start from, but the lack of a specific save and no update speed is quite noticeable, so its true usefulness depends on the DM Fiat. It suggests which save is reasonable for them. By the way, Yancas's NPC saves physical strength and recovers the usage after a long rest (excluding ARA, which is a special NPC).
Voltex Darvish monks are a mystery who wants to open enlightenment, and practice rhythmical movements and chanting to cut off the connection with the reality so far. At first, you can choose one bonus skills and instruments of "skills", and for example, three special dances with different effects, such as changing close friends and avoiding attacks. There is a chance to meet one of them. At the sixth level, there is a chance to consume two Ki as a reaction and get AC+5 to start the right movement, and at the 11th level, there is a chance to become a transformer due to infinite entertainment. be. At the 17th level, they have all the opportunities to freeze the only whole space in space for one minute, competing against all kinds of no n-violent damage, and fighting a considerable "similar effect". Suitable with peace.
Impressions: A chance to ignore the attack by abilities and receive AC + 5-Mix is a huge protection qualities, similar to a shield spell. This is like a shield spell. The 11th value transformer has a useful ability for agenders, thanks for its excellent inthletics, and its duration is one minute, and most of the battles are absolutely enough. However, outside of the battle, there are no similar usefulness, such as some other subclasses of monks, such as betrayal of shadow roads, limited teleportation and grace healing. The star of the stars still contains a very long military buf f-10 minutes ...
Continue to the post below.
10 years of resistance!
Paladin receives assistance for geniuses. Rayning Hands has the ability to heal the effects imposed on jeans*, and the auxiliary loss of Divine Smite functions not only for jeans but also for core and undead, and they have support for sacred sense. He has all the opportunities to experience Genie's similar creatures.
*This is a fresh simulated sound formed by contacting a genius, and can be cured with a curse or hand. Those who are influenced by genius lose music leaders and personal conversation controls, start chatting in the words of Tarabe and genius, and pronounce the names of the king of genius. < SPAN> Voltex Darvish monks are a mystery who wants to enlighten them, and practice rhythmical movements and chanting to cut off the connection with the reality so far. At first, you can choose one bonus skills and instruments of "skills", and for example, three special dances with different effects, such as changing close friends and avoiding attacks. There is a chance to meet one of them. At the sixth level, there is a chance to consume two Ki as a reaction and get AC+5 to start the right movement, and at the 11th level, there is a chance to become a transformer due to infinite entertainment. be. At the 17th level, they have all the opportunities to freeze the only whole space in space for one minute, competing against all kinds of no n-violent damage, and fighting a considerable "similar effect". Suitable with peace.
Impressions: A chance to ignore the attack by abilities and receive AC + 5-Mix is a huge protection qualities, similar to a shield spell. This is like a shield spell. The 11th value transformer has a useful ability for agenders, thanks for its excellent inthletics, and its duration is one minute, and most of the battles are absolutely enough. However, outside of the battle, there are no similar usefulness, such as some other subclasses of monks, such as betrayal of shadow roads, limited teleportation and grace healing. The star of the stars still contains a very long military buf f-10 minutes ...
Continue to the post below.
10 years of resistance!
Paladin receives assistance for geniuses. Rayning Hands has the ability to heal the effects imposed on jeans*, and the auxiliary loss of Divine Smite functions not only for jeans but also for core and undead, and they have support for sacred sense. He has all the opportunities to experience Genie's similar creatures.
*This is a fresh simulated sound formed by contacting a genius, and can be cured with a curse or hand. Those who are influenced by genius lose music leaders and personal conversation controls, start chatting in the words of Tarabe and genius, and pronounce the names of the king of genius. Voltex Darvish monks are a mystery who wants to open enlightenment, and practice rhythmical movements and chanting to cut off the connection with the reality so far. At first, you can choose one bonus skills and instruments of "skills", and for example, three special dances with different effects, such as changing close friends and avoiding attacks. There is a chance to meet one of them. At the sixth level, there is a chance to consume two Ki as a reaction and get AC+5 to start the right movement, and at the 11th level, there is a chance to become a transformer due to infinite entertainment. be. At the 17th level, they have all the opportunities to freeze the only whole space in space for one minute, competing against all kinds of no n-violent damage, and fighting a considerable "similar effect". Suitable with peace.
Impressions: A chance to ignore the attack by abilities and receive AC + 5-Mix is a huge protection qualities, similar to a shield spell. This is like a shield spell. The 11th value transformer has a useful ability for agenders, thanks for its excellent inthletics, and its duration is one minute, and most of the battles are absolutely enough. However, outside of the battle, there are no similar usefulness, such as some other subclasses of monks, such as betrayal of shadow roads, limited teleportation and grace healing. The star of the stars still contains a very long military buf f-10 minutes ...
Continue to the post below.
10 years of resistance!
Paladin receives assistance for geniuses. Rayning Hands has the ability to heal the effects imposed on jeans*, and the auxiliary loss of Divine Smite functions not only for jeans but also for core and undead, and they have support for sacred sense. He has all the opportunities to experience Genie's similar creatures.
*This is a fresh simulated sound formed by contacting a genius, and can be cured with a curse or hand. Those who are influenced by genius lose music leaders and personal conversation controls, start chatting in the words of Tarabe and genius, and pronounce the names of the king of genius.
"Silence oath," Paladin understands the need for secrets, especially about the supernatural phenomena lurking in the shadows of people around the world. Their principles are very vague, and they seem closer to personality rather than moral principles ("not contrary to the precedent, swallow the truth and accept", "I don't hurry the conclusion, I think twice and walk once. ) But their oaths prohibit scolding the sentence.
Oath is focused on fortun e-telling and protection. Their "Channel Divinity" skills will prevent stealth irritability due to on e-way armor for 10 minutes, if a charismatic saving slow fails, silence three favorite creatures within a radius of 18 meters for 1 minute, There are. In addition, if a charismatic saving slow fails, three favorite creatures within a radius of 18m will be silenced for 1 minute. In addition, up to five people within a radius of 9 m can be communicated with telepathy, gaining resistance to lightning attribute damage. There is nothing in my own subclass!
At a higher level, they have a good probability of casting Silence spells in a short or endless round entertainment, and followers within a radius of 3 meters under the radius of weapons attacks. It has a good probability to convert, and the enemy that hits them is forced to be damaged by lightning. At level 20, their special configurations emphasize the resistance to elemental damage, immunity to sander damage, causes additional thunder damage with weapon attacks, and one round as a follower. Has the ability to transmit elementary resistance to followers. There is a reaction.
Dumas: The fact that you can't talk is partially offset by telepathy, but the text and images are transmitted "at a fairly simple level", so the hurdles are quite high depending on the playback method. In the case of Paladin, most of them use both hands weapons, swords and boards, and the seventh value aura that does bonus damage with lightning is considerably weaker than other subclasses, such as antiques and crowns. Silence abilities are effective in defeating the spellcaster, gaining the Spirit Guardian spell, which is considered to be quite good at 5 levels, but is not thinking about whether to supplement other luggage.
The intelligence staff is a rogue and works as a versatile spy and fixer. At the 3 levels, the choice will gain experience value, and the probability of changing intelligence to wisdom will increase by checking, and a defenseless attack will be performed to deal 1D4 damage to the melee attack, and the three willingness to represent the social world. The probability of getting one of the accurate backgrounds is high: Underground contact enables a wide range of accesses to illegal apartments, hal f-price transactions for various crime items such as weapons and poison, and obtained fake documents. The collector of secret is very wide and vague, and the main content is that you can collect the secrets of characters that can be imposed on your own minions for research. At the 9th level, two incorrect backgrounds, at 13 levels, the background for infinite entertainment, and at the 15 levels to identify lies by using "Illumination" throwing, once a day, 3 meters at 17 levels. Get the chance to recite "True Sight", "Disguise Self", and "Invisivity" up to the point.
Impressions This is one of the "rol e-playing" variations in this rol e-playing game, and the professionalism of the player and the failure of DM actually determine the effectiveness of this class. However, it is generally quite weak because it does not automatically highlight everything necessary in most of the developments. The unarmed attack by the reaction is effective when inducing a sneak attack, but there are many other ways to lose the Rogue in the sneak attack due to the reaction. At the 17th level, bonus spells are very useful for their price. < SPAN> Intelligence is a rogue and works as a versatile spy and fixer. At the 3 levels, the choice will gain experience value, and the probability of changing intelligence to wisdom will increase by checking, and a defenseless attack will be performed to deal 1D4 damage to the melee attack, and the three willingness to represent the social world. The probability of getting one of the accurate backgrounds is high: Underground contact enables a wide range of accesses to illegal apartments, hal f-price transactions for various crime items such as weapons and poison, and obtained fake documents. The collector of secret is very wide and vague, and the main content is that you can collect the secrets of characters that can be imposed on your own minions for research. At the 9th level, two incorrect backgrounds, at 13 levels, the background for infinite entertainment, and at the 15 levels to identify lies by using "Illumination" throwing, once a day, 3 meters at 17 levels. Get the chance to recite "True Sight", "Disguise Self", and "Invisivity" up to the point.
Impressions This is one of the "rol e-playing" variations in this rol e-playing game, and the professionalism of the player and the failure of DM actually determine the effectiveness of this class. However, it is generally quite weak because it does not automatically highlight everything necessary in most of the developments. The unarmed attack by the reaction is effective when inducing a sneak attack, but there are many other ways to lose the Rogue in the sneak attack due to the reaction. At the 17th level, bonus spells are very useful for their price. The intelligence staff is a rogue and works as a versatile spy and fixer. At the 3 levels, the choice will gain experience value, and the probability of changing intelligence to wisdom will increase by checking, and a defenseless attack will be performed to deal 1D4 damage to the melee attack, and the three willingness to represent the social world. The probability of getting one of the accurate backgrounds is high: Underground contact enables a wide range of accesses to illegal apartments, hal f-price transactions for various crime items such as weapons and poison, and obtained fake documents. The collector of secret is very wide and vague, and the main content is that you can collect the secrets of characters that can be imposed on your own minions for research. At the 9th level, two incorrect backgrounds, at 13 levels, the background for infinite entertainment, and at the 15 levels to identify lies by using "Illumination" throwing, once a day, 3 meters at 17 levels. Get the chance to recite "True Sight", "Disguise Self", and "Invisivity" up to the point.
Impressions This is one of the "rol e-playing" variations in this rol e-playing game, and the professionalism of the player and the failure of DM actually determine the effectiveness of this class. However, it is generally quite weak because it does not automatically highlight everything necessary in most of the developments. The unarmed attack by the reaction is effective when inducing a sneak attack, but there are many other ways to lose the Rogue in the sneak attack due to the reaction. At the 17th level, bonus spells are very useful for their price.
The wizard possessed by Jin is probably the poorest wizard: they must crush their corpses with the spirit! Most of the wizards are occupied by the spirit. In rare cases, the dead soul can regain control. However, from the perspective of gameplay, the player can completely control his PC, so, for example, an RP variant is faster. Their bonus spells are aggressive debuffs such as Holdperson, Bestou Curse, Black Tentacles, Insect Playig. At one level, there is a chance to study Jin's language (djinnspeak) and use the first value spell slot to perform one of three attacks (can not chat during time and to some extent. You will be tired, or you will be disadvantageous for low illuminance or saveing in the dark). At level 6, the spirit has the ability to leave the wizard corpse as a summoned creature with the same status as the wizard for infinite entertainment, but at the same time, the action is restricted. At level 14, the probability of cursing the enemy as a bonus effect increases, and this curse causes the enemy's future income to be a defect equivalent to the price of the professionalism.
This class depends on the aptitude of the campaign, but has an arbitrary personality within the subclass range. The existence of a soul harms the body to be dead, for example, the two souls inside every day. For specific campaign factors, such as the victory of the witchmaster in the demon exorcism and the battle of the will, the PC has the ability to freeze the witchmaster by a Jinmaster, but the DC of the demon exorcism is the Witchmaster. Increases as the number of values. At the sixth level, the corpse of the sorcerer begins to collapse and receives cumulative penalties for several months. The special rituals performing on the losing consciousness are the ability to transfer PCs to new corpses. Humanoid CR must be twice as low as its value, so this adventure route cannot use this method to get some powerful PC corpses. < SPAN> The wizard possessed by Jin is probably the poorest wizard: they must break their corps with the spirit! Most of the wizards are occupied by the spirit. In rare cases, the dead soul can regain control. However, from the perspective of gameplay, the player can completely control his PC, so, for example, an RP variant is faster. Their bonus spells are aggressive debuffs such as Holdperson, Bestou Curse, Black Tentacles, Insect Playig. At one level, there is a chance to study Jin's language (djinnspeak) and use the first value spell slot to perform one of three attacks (can not chat during time and to some extent. You will be tired, or you will be disadvantageous for low illuminance or saveing in the dark). At level 6, the spirit has the ability to leave the wizard corpse as a summoned creature with the same status as the wizard for infinite entertainment, but at the same time, the action is restricted. At level 14, the probability of cursing the enemy as a bonus effect increases, and this curse causes the enemy's future income to be a defect equivalent to the price of the professionalism.
This class depends on the aptitude of the campaign, but has an arbitrary personality within the subclass range. The existence of a soul harms the body to be dead, for example, the two souls inside every day. For specific campaign factors, such as the victory of the witchmaster in the demon exorcism and the battle of the will, the PC has the ability to freeze the witchmaster by a Jinmaster, but the DC of the demon exorcism is the Witchmaster. Increases as the number of values. At the sixth level, the corpse of the sorcerer begins to collapse and receives cumulative penalties for several months. The special rituals performing on the losing consciousness are the ability to transfer PCs to new corpses. Humanoid CR must be twice as low as its value, so this adventure route cannot use this method to get some powerful PC corpses. The wizard possessed by Jin is probably the poorest wizard: they must crush their corpses with the spirit! Most of the wizards are occupied by the spirit. In rare cases, the dead soul can regain control. However, from the perspective of gameplay, the player can completely control his PC, so, for example, an RP variant is faster. Their bonus spells are aggressive debuffs such as Holdperson, Bestou Curse, Black Tentacles, Insect Playig. At one level, there is a chance to study Jin's language (djinnspeak) and use the first value spell slot to perform one of three attacks (can not chat during time and to some extent. You will be tired of or you will be disadvantageous for low illuminance and Saving throwing in the dark). At level 6, the spirit has the ability to leave the wizard corpse as a summoned creature with the same status as the wizard for infinite entertainment, but at the same time, the action is restricted. At level 14, the probability of cursing the enemy as a bonus effect increases, and this curse causes the enemy's future income to be a defect equivalent to the price of the professionalism.
This class depends on the aptitude of the campaign, but has an arbitrary personality within the subclass range. The existence of a soul harms the body to be dead, for example, the two souls inside every day. For specific campaign factors, such as the victory of the witchmaster in the demon exorcism and the battle of the will, the PC has the ability to freeze the witchmaster by a Jinmaster, but the DC of the demon exorcism is the Witchmaster. Increases as the number of values. At the sixth level, the corpse of the sorcerer begins to collapse and receives cumulative penalties for several months. The special rituals performing on the losing consciousness are the ability to transfer PCs to new corpses. Humanoid CR must be twice as low as its value, so this adventure route cannot use this method to get some powerful PC corpses.
Dumas: If the "distant support" of metamagic or mult i-classing with a more powerful class is not applied, the wizard does not need to be close to the default, and their debuff "Jinnunterha" actually has an auxiliary attack. Prepare faster. Draft geniuses are slightly restricted in that the default attacks in the close combat are quite weak (2D6 mental damage) and have the ability to do numerous actions. The ability at the high level is wider, but most campaigns have no plans to rise strongly.
There are magician dedicated to ancient sages. They were praised by humans, and their wisdom remained far beyond their life on the ground. Their huge spells are mainly focused on fortun e-telling. At the first level, the wizard buys 2-experience from an employee's scientific method, buy an amulet from his own benefactor, and if the benefactor fails to save, he will answer her questions honestly. Have an opportunity to force. At the sixth level, you will experience an inhuman bottom within a radius of 60 feet as a bonus effect, and have all opportunities to recognize the image of its existence. And this and the amulets can apply a certain amount of 1 to lon g-term entertainment, and the price of professionalism is the same. At the 10th level, you gain the wisdom of Saving for ant i-spells and magic effects, and at the 14th level, you will get all the opportunities to collect and call the knowledge of many dead sages to gain all kinds of effects: Psychological damage counters, chances to chat with "ghos t-like undead", the superiority of charismatic controls to collect information from them, all conversation languages and creatures with 3 hearts Get all opportunities to perceive the culprit.
Impressions, an old sage wizard, has a more wider range of spells than Paladin, recovery in short entertainment spells, and finding creatures. Saving brush vs. all spells are excellent, and the possession of the sage is quite powerful. The legal abilities that answer creatures honestly are very useful in adventures with investigations, but in other types of campaigns are more ambiguous. < SPAN> Dumas: If the "distant support" of metamagic or mult i-classing with a more powerful class is not applied, the wizard does not need to be close to the default, and in fact their debuff "Jinnuntha". Prepare an auxiliary attack faster. Draft geniuses are slightly restricted in that the default attacks in the close combat are quite weak (2D6 mental damage) and have the ability to do numerous actions. The ability at the high level is wider, but most campaigns have no plans to rise strongly.
There are magician dedicated to ancient sages. They were praised by humans, and their wisdom remained far beyond their life on the ground. Their huge spells are mainly focused on fortun e-telling. At the first level, the wizard buys 2-experience from an employee's scientific method, buy an amulet from his own benefactor, and if the benefactor fails to save, he will answer her questions honestly. Have an opportunity to force. At the sixth level, you will experience an inhuman bottom within a radius of 60 feet as a bonus effect, and have all opportunities to recognize the image of its existence. And this and the amulets can apply a certain amount of 1 to lon g-term entertainment, and the price of professionalism is the same. At the 10th level, you gain the wisdom of Saving for ant i-spells and magic effects, and at the 14th level, you will get all the opportunities to collect and call the knowledge of many dead sages to gain all kinds of effects: Psychological damage counters, chances to chat with "ghos t-like undead", the superiority of charismatic controls to collect information from them, all conversation languages and creatures with 3 hearts Get all opportunities to perceive the culprit.
Impressions, an old sage wizard, has a more wider range of spells than Paladin, recovery in short entertainment spells, and finding creatures. Saving brush vs. all spells are excellent, and the possession of the sage is quite powerful. The legal abilities that answer creatures honestly are very useful in adventures with investigations, but in other types of campaigns are more ambiguous. Dumas: If the "distant support" of metamagic or mult i-classing with a more powerful class is not applied, the wizard does not need to be close to the default, and their debuff "Jinnunterha" actually has an auxiliary attack. Prepare faster. Draft geniuses are slightly restricted in that the default attacks in the close combat are quite weak (2D6 mental damage) and have the ability to do numerous actions. The ability at the high level is wider, but most campaigns have no plans to rise strongly.
There are magician dedicated to ancient sages. They were praised by humans, and their wisdom remained far beyond their life on the ground. Their huge spells are mainly focused on fortun e-telling. At the first level, the wizard buys 2-experience from an employee's scientific method, buy an amulet from his own benefactor, and if the benefactor fails to save, he will answer her questions honestly. Have an opportunity to force. At the sixth level, you will experience an inhuman bottom within a radius of 60 feet as a bonus effect, and have all opportunities to recognize the image of its existence. And this and the amulets can apply a certain amount of 1 to lon g-term entertainment, and the price of professionalism is the same. At the 10th level, you gain the wisdom of Saving for ant i-spells and magic effects, and at the 14th level, you will get all the opportunities to collect and call the knowledge of many dead sages to gain all kinds of effects: Psychological damage counters, chances to chat with "ghos t-like undead", the superiority of charismatic controls to collect information from them, all conversation languages and creatures with 3 hearts Get all opportunities to perceive the culprit.
Impressions, an old sage wizard, has a more wider range of spells than Paladin, recovery in short entertainment spells, and finding creatures. Saving brush vs. all spells are excellent, and the possession of the sage is quite powerful. The legal abilities that answer creatures honestly are very useful in adventures with investigations, but in other types of campaigns are more ambiguous.
Magicians whose benefactors are supposed to be genius masters play a terrible game. Those who do not go in the footsteps they create with jeans are more than those who are in the footsteps, but the benefits have different abilities, the flaws are the same as those who are dissatisfied with them. But people in the whole situation, including not paying attention here, have concluded a deal with them.
Their extensive list of spells was made with a host of debuffs and some observations. At 1st level, they gain an Arcana experience or other experience of mind if they already possess it, and have every chance to get a price +10 to a test on Arghaiva once for a short or infinite entertainment, learn about this benefactor. At 1st level, as a bonus effect for 1 minute, they have a chance to allow their benefactor to take only their body for infinite entertainment, and all throws of damage in melee and ranged combat have a bonus loss due to power (from 1D6 to 3D8 depending on level). At 6th level, a certain amount of 1 for infinite entertainment, the same price for qualification, any magician who applies a wizard's spell or incantation. Once alone, for infinite entertainment, the magician has the ability to demonstrate a share of his own benefactor's true form as a multi-fire skill, which has the ability to impose a position of fear. At 10th level, the wizard has the ability to use a spell connector or apply an occult lasso as a recoil, reducing losses from oncoming attacks by 2D8, or a number of D8s equal to the level of the cultic arcanum spell. And finally, at 14th level, one for infinite entertainment of the magician has a mogelijkh
Like the genie possessed genie, this subclass has an additional personality: everyone, when receiving the wizard's meaning, must create a savings scrap for charisma; if three savings scraps fail, the genie takes control of his corpse, where he replaces the degree of crimson with the jeans of the possessed brubelkar.
