Blessed Hammer Crusader BiS Gear Gems and Paragon Points - Diablo 3 - Icy Veins
Blessed Hammer Crusader BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points
The following explains in detail which items and gems to use for the Crusader Brassid Hammer of "Diablo 3". It also mentions PARAGON goggles and Cana Cube items. Updated according to patch 2. 7 and 32 season.
This leadership page Contents of this page- 1. Best in locking equipment and alternatives
- 2. Paragon glasses
- 3. Precious stones
- 4. Cuban bye Kanai
- 5
- 6. Legendary potion
Best in Slot Gear and Alternatives
The build contains five items in the light searcher and the dignified cubic ring of the royal family. The role is the game style that focuses on this play hammer, uses skills that are well entangled with the crown of light and the light. Heart of lights and tower of lights are specialized in the Strength of Strength, and Will of Light contains CDR throws and critical damage. The fourth basic skill of the sadness of light is the decrease in Koldown, which complements the powerful basics of CDR in this build, along with physical strength, resistance, and damage.
As for the armor, it is necessary to create and equip two of the three objects, Captain Crimson, Captain Crimson Silk Belt, Captain Crimson Wading). In Cuba, the bonus can be obtained fully via Ring of Royal Grandeur. This set gives a bonus to CDR and RCR, and also increases the damage and damage to both status, so a major plus to the build.
The royal feat, Cubic Ring, can divide attacks and defense into jewelry slots. One of the 2. 4 updates, Endless Walker Set (Compass Lo Ring and Travelers Promise), the damage increased slowly by 100 % when it was still, and the damage increased during the move, and damage was increased. A unique mechanism that reduces is added. This dynamism is suitable for Hammerdin's play style, which alternately repeats lon g-distance travel and immovable spam by blessed hammer (see this build skill page for details). The second slot in the ring should be occupied by "Treaty of the Elements". This ring provides a large bonus on the main abilities of rotating all the elements that the crocader can be used and damaging while pumping "Holines".
Build, Gabriel's VAMBRACES bracele t-a natural choice of new construction for this. Because it is the most powerful resource management tool, these bracelets allow you to pump the hammer for you without worrying about the shortage of provocation. If you get this build comfortably, it will go for you to see off these bracelets, supporting the damage of the building received from the Strong Arm Blesser achieved for the fall and down of the blade.
Similarly, the bracelet, belt, pistol and shielded combination has been intentionally added to the game to make the Blasseed Hammer play style better. Johanna's claim is a peeled shield, which is recommended to use it for pistol slots. If he doesn't have enough expensive and elemental prizes, he supplements with huge original abilities: he will increase the loss and speed of your BLESED HAMMER attack by 100%. PROJECT THROW should pay attention to the "pr e-life life" to obtain the necessary stability in addition to the normal commands that increase the range, damage, and power quality.
The shield analog was appropriately said by Johanna's guardian: made for the fashion of a blessed hammer game, up to 250 % of the first three targets you hit. Add a significant increase in damage. This is often the case, but a build is added to the side of the line where you stayed in the middle of the battle, but for you, for example, you can set the target, how to remember it. It would be great to keep it. In a battle with the "guardian of the fault", the build advantage "Aoi" naturally retreats to the 2nd project. In his shots, try to make the attributes of critical opportunities, physical strength, coo l-down reduction, and skills for each of the skills.
Season 32 Theme — Ethereal Weapons
Large lift Solo-Beviks to summarize your unusual pistol and the addition of ether weapons theme this season, to summarize the speed of attacks at excellent prices for alternative attacks, abilities and unstable statistics. The original mechanics is Redeemer, which is outlined in all types of other candidates. It should be pumped by the power of Johanna's claim, and it is necessary to have a bot passive in the standard. For Eteril's weapons, read the Eteril's mechanism, and read the Emeral Phamine Guide for how to firm.
Desired Stats, Breakpoints and Other Notes
攻撃ステータスは兜とブーツに Blessed Hammer%ボーナス(最大 30%)、アミュレットと手首に Immaculate Elemental の喪失(最大 40%)、Crit Chance と Crit Damage は 1:10 の割合(標準ではそれぞれ 50%以上と More than 500%), the area damage should be 100%or more. Blessed Hammer Crusaders depends on CDR, so try to achieve at least 50%more comfortable CDR values.
As a defense stats, I want to make the life pool of 70, 000 to 900, 000. While adjusting the build, throw away as many life as possible and attack. Discard as many life as possible to attack while adjusting the build. The lead maintains your welfare at the cost of each device hit, and this should have the minimum number of roles in your kit, but in standar d-2 (optimal slots are weapons and// or/ or/. It is an armband).
The addition of all equipment must sacrifice the most important status, "physical strength."
Keep in mind that the following statistics hints are perfectly pumped, and that statistics themselves are conditionally arranged in orderly in order. The first four are the main, the last two are secondary. If your item has the following main statistical values, especially the highest statistical values of the list, and if there is no possibility, consider to replace them. Improving the secondary status is basically a supe r-optimization, and is not an excuse to deny the item, except in cases.
- Light crown
- Power
- socket
- Critical probability
- Blessed hammer
- Physics or lightning attribute counter (vice statistics)
- Losing rays (secondary status)
- Mountain of light
- Power
- Reduced delay time
- Area damage
- Full tolerance
- Losing rays (secondary status)
- Health Sphere recovery bonus (sid e-b y-side status)
- Heart of Light
- Power
- 3 socket
- Viability
- Reduce damage from above
- Physics or lightning attribute counter (vice statistics)
- Damage reduction due to melee weapons and missiles (secondary status)
- Powerful weapon bracelet
- Power
- Critical probability
- Holy loss
- According to hit rate or ability
- Damage reduction due to melee weapons and missiles (secondary status)
- Intention of light
- Physical strength (in the case of a large paragon, it is replaced by a decrease in the area)
- Critical probability
- Critical hit damage
- Reduced delay time
- Silk waist of Cap Tenk Rimzon
- Power
- Viability
- Full tolerance
- life
- Life per kill (secondary statistics)
- Losing rays (secondary status)
- Tower of light
- Power
- 2 socket
- Viability
- Full tolerance
- Life per kill (secondary statistics)
- Losing rays (secondary status)
- Cap Tenk Rimzon swimsuit
- Power
- Blessed hammer
- Viability
- Full tolerance
- Losing rays (secondary status)
- Health Sphere recovery bonus (sid e-b y-side status)
- Traveler's promise
- socket
- Critical hit damage
- Critical probability
- Holy loss
- Physics or lightning attribute counter (vice statistics)
- Damage reduction due to melee weapons and missiles (secondary status)
- Compass rose
- socket
- Critical probability
- Critical hit damage
- Area damage
- Physics or lightning attribute counter (vice statistics)
- Life per kill (secondary statistics)
- Elemental convention
- socket
- Critical probability
- Critical hit damage
- Area damage
- Physics or lightning attribute counter (vice statistics)
- Life per kill (secondary statistics)
- Savior (Season 32)
- Cooker (Season off)
- Socket (preferably from Ramaladni's Gift)
- High
- Power
- Gun damage
- Life or CDR on hit
- Stun on hit (secondary indicator)
- Johanna's guardian
- Power
- Cretan chance
- Reduced delay time
- Blessed hammer
- Physics or lightning attribute counter (vice statistics)
The old content "Ritual altar" from Season 28 was revised and added back into Diablo 3 as an immutable mechanic of character development. - Literally for players of all builds and all senses of professionalism - from random to advanced - we recommend continuing along the altar tree along the path described below. The proposed path is aimed at getting the maximum quality of life in the first stages, increasing losses in the future, and filling the tree with defensive and utility units.
Altar of Rites
Potions unlock the support of another resource under the title of the original axis and are obtained during the acquisition of emergency objects of famous or original (with a reddish frame) properties. Perhaps faster and in what ways improve them, shown below (kindly provided by the Ritual Altar planners.
You can read more about the Ritual Altar, Sigils and Famous Potions of Power in the Special Guidance on the Ritual Altar Mechanics.
In the core section, the movement speed is up to 25 %. This is usually done by investing the first 50 core paragon points at the travel speed, but if the shoes have the incomplete status of moving speed and cannot be replaced, simply 25 %. Adjust the necessary investment points as appropriate by drawing your own outfit from the maximum value. After that, you will invest as much as possible in Strength, but if you feel that stamina is lacking, you can also invest in Vitality and if you want to play with more resources.
Paragon Points
In terms of attack, it maximizes critical opportunities, critical damage, cool down, and attack speed. In defense, priority is given to resistance, then the life%, armor, and finally life playback priority. In utility, first prioritize area damage and resource cost reduction, and then prioritize the life and control radius when hitting.
Maximum movement speed 25
- Strength
- Power
- Maximum anger (according to personal preference)
- Critical damage
- Critical hit damage
- Critical probability
- Reduced delay time
- Tolerance
- Full tolerance
- life
- Life playback
- Area damage
- Area damage
- U p-facing life
- Glove range
- Bane of the Trapped is a powerful additional damage source and works as another multiplier when calculating the total damage. This gem is consumed by level 25 alone, but also supports your and your followers with Too Scared to Run and other cloud control sprays.
Gogok of Swiftness is compatible with GREATER Rift-Push build, indirectly increases cool-down reset and improves recovery by faster attacks. In version 2. 4. 1, a larger dodge chance was added to this jewel.
Bane of the Stricken, which appeared in Season 4, occupies the last Jewel Socket in the third GR progressing. This gem, which has a level 25 bonuses specially designed for Rift Guardians, has increased damage in lon g-term battles, and designs to help build AOE a lot for highly HP enemies. It is done. If you face not very dangerous content (or low in GR or normal), it is best to use this slot to increase the overall damage with Bane of the Powerful.
When equipped with valuable equipment, the progress is started by installing the most valuable ruby on the chest and trousers. By default, everything should be perfect Royal Bee. As you grow into a paragon (the power of core sections increases) and enters the highest level and more secure GR, you forward the perfect royal diamond to protect these precious pebbles. Masu. There is no specific stage to do this. In the rules of empirism, if the defect of the fortress does not give your progress, it will immediately resolve it. The blessed hammer crusaders mainly depend on the decrease in KULDOWN, and as a result, they go to footprints to stab the perfect royal diamond with a helmet. For weapons, use the perfect Zerlist Emerald to build a critical.
For more information about jewelry, see the jewelry guide.
Failing Memor y-Patch 2. 3 is important to increase Blessed Hammer's loss according to the number of opponents affected by the Falling Sword. At the theoretical level, be aware that this connector can be changed according to whether it is other than other things in Johanna, but blessed hammer is the speed of the attack. It is significantly scaled by a build with one hand focusing on, and as a result, this uniform faithful memory is a temporary conclusion.
Kanai's Cube
The hammer jammer is the intentional remake of the Hammadin-Build, and they occupy the guaranteed space of the Cuban armor slot. The large shor t-term price for damage to the target controlled by gourmet is a larg e-scale skirmish, inspires you as if staying there, and played a more advantageous, thoughtful pace. A opponent who was switched by a method and fell to the beam from the return of the fall blade. Although it is not stipulated in the hints on the theme, the hammer's hammer has the effect of recoil (with the effects of blindness, immovable, and ears).
In this consistency, the light quantity/ Captain Crimson requires the royal dignified ring, that is, the famous cash ring obtained in Act 1. Avoid unnecessary promised spectacular stats by cubes of the power, and the opportunity to work at the absolute price of six sets and the additional price of three items is considered to be a major plus for this construction. 。
Kanai's Cuba cannot be applied only to extract famous odds from the object. If you would like additional information, please contact Cuba Cube Management.
The followers suitable for this build between GR Sol o-Processing Solo are actually pretty cool for the build with the attack speed and the highest level of CDR thanks to the price to lower KULDOWNS and increase the attack speed. So these were given.
In order to get additional information about followers, we recommend reading our guide with a follower with a thorough recommendation to select your followers and equipment.
The bottom of the reach is considered to be a preferred drink for this build for the price for life for life, which is very wel l-mixed with the maximum speed and stability of this build attack. It is being.
Legendary Potion
09 July 2024: 32nd Recommendation of gun guns has been added.
- 10 APRIL. 2024: From the 31st season, we have added recommended items when using Kuban Cuba Rock without binding.
- November 08, 2024: In consideration of the constant addition of the ritual altar, the instructions were revised and the soul fragment was added for a season.
- September 13, 2023: A council on the use of paragon orders in Season 29 and pumping has been added.
- February 22, 2023: Council has been added to the 28th season ritual altar.
- August 26, 2022: A council has been added to the 27th season of the angel.
- 13 April. April 13, 2022: Revised the instructions for the 26th season.
- 2021 December 09, 2021: Added advice on the fragments of the 26th season: Added advice on the soul fragments of Season 25.
- 23 JULY. 2021: Added opinions on S24 ether.
- March 31, 2021 Added a proposal for changing assembly and recommending followers.
- 18 November 2020: Added a proposal for S22 cubes.
- March 12 2020: No change is required in the 20th season.
- Revised and updated the instrument for the 19th season on November 19, 2019.
- August 22 2019: Revised for the 18th season.
- Revised and approved the guidance book for the 17th season, May 15, 2019.
- January 27, 2019 Reviewed by the advice of the additional frame of Season 16.
- 17 June 2019: Seaso n-limited character guess has been added to the base ring of Royal Splendor.
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Jungle Jim and the Lost Sphinx
For example, JUNGLE JIM AND THE LOST SPHINX slot machines include mult i-pliers, rotating drums, charity rotation, etc.
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Head to the Desert
Desert signs with adventure plots include jungle gyms, books, boxes, and vases, which are the highest value signs, and lo w-value signs have valuable pebbles of various colors.
Like many other real money MicroGaming Mobile slots, you can arrange the bed by selecting the coin size and the number of coins per line. JUNGLE JIM AND THE LOST SPHIN X-Gam e-Car has a payment of 50 rows, and up to four coins can be placed per line. This means that the minimum rate actually sets 0 and 10 loans on the spin and set a loan on the maximu m-spin.
Choose Your Bet Wisely
This slot is the most distributed, RTP 96, 3%. The bet is quite low, and in fact it is prepared for those who want to increase personal interests.
Three sharees
4 with a share 5 pieces in one share Tropical bush gym Red/ Amber jewelry Green/ blue gem JUNGLE JIM and THE LOST SPHINX invites many bonus functions. The JUNGLE JIM logo is regarded as a rampage emblem in this IRGE, and does not draw a sign of spread and sphinx, replaces another sign.Trigger One of Many Bonuses
In this slot, if you win any of the payment ranks, there is also a rolling hassp function that will sign a sign of victory and add fresh. Anyway, when this happens, it goes to the mult i-pliar path, and the biggest one is designed at 10 times. The third reel has two opportunities to help more.
To start charity rotation with Jungle Jim and the Lost Sphinx Internet Slot, you need to fall for you for you. As a result, 12 gift games and mult i-pliers occur. Learn the Sphinx sign, remove it from the drums, and resume the front yard. At the end of the round, you still get a specific number of stars in the rotation of the gift.
If you want to start a gift rotation round, you can activate the victory-function. It opened and was outside the drum.
Jungle gyms and lost sphinx game machines are quite interesting, but they are not noticeable from other wonderful slots that have a place in real time. We have decided to arrange some of those educational programs that have any chance to be fascinated.
More Rolling Reels to Spin
If you like Jangle Jim characters, we recommend MicroGaming's Jungle Jim El Dorado. This connector is equipped with a rotating drum and a mult i-pliers, enhancing the art of the game. Be sure to see here!
The stunning connector that I want to try again is IGT's Da Vinci Diamond. This connector with the original theme invites 25 biggest jackpots. This is an innovative and pretty cheerful game, for example, be sure to remember.
Jungle gyms and lost Sphinx online slots are wonderful games full of excellent bonus functions that are likely to increase your personal prize money.
Get Ready for Your Next Adventure
Excellent stories and drums that rotate will definitely help increase the prize money!
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