Radiant Echoes - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Radiant Echoes
Radiant Echoes is the starting event preceding War Within and will run from July 30 to August 26, 2024. The event is open to characters of levels 10-70.
Older versions of characters will travel through time throughout Azeroth. Within the framework of the Invasion event, it will take place in three locations (Dazero Bolot, Hronse Gap and Dragonlight) divided into Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms and Nordland. The center of the event is Dalaran - Broken Isles.
Active zones are indicated by icons:
"Memory of Azeroth" is BUP!
- 1 Notable prices
- 2 Currency, merchants, and prizes
- 2. 1 Radiant echo and essence group
- 2. 2 Clothes 10-69 levels
- 3. 1 Original embodiment
- 4. 1 Burning canyon
- 4. 1 Stage 1
- 4. 2 Phase 2
- 4. 3 Phase 3
- 1 Phase 1
- 4. 2. 2 Phase 2
- 3 Phase 3
- 4. 3. 1 Phase 1
- 4. 1 Argentine test
- 4. 3. 1. 2 Champion call
- 5. 1 Stage 1
- 5. 2 Event completed
Notable rewards
- 2 Mounts (1 alliance, 1 race)
- 3 Fighting pets
- Attached to the detachment until equipped with items:
- 32-slot bag and 30-slot bag with reagents
- Weapon, armor, and accessory catch-up - ILVL 480, veteran items 1/8
Currency, vendors, rewards
The main currency, [Remaining Memory], drops from event enemies and is displayed in the Currency tab.
- Memoral Amulet in Dalaran
- Echo of Silver Arm in Dragonlight Temple of Viemrest
- Hero Forgotten by Farm Diabetes in Doparow Swamp
- Memory of Duke in Iron Peak, Canyon of Flame
Equipment Reward - 480ILVL. List of Awards
Radiant Echoes Award
Item Prize Type [Lifeless Stone Ring] 000025 25 Part of Relic [Staring from Professor's Bag] 2000 2. 000 32 Tablet Pouch [Recruit's Reagent Pouch] 02000 2. 000 30 Slot Reagent Pouch [Horseman's Wind Souvenir] 20. 000 20. 000 Bet [Golden Griffon of Remembrance] 20. 000 20. 000 Bet [Remember Spawn] 10. 000 10. 000 Fighter [Remember Spawn] 10. 000 10. 000 Fighter [Riverpaw Memory] 10. 000 10. 000 Fighter [Northrend Sigil) 02000 2. 000 Keychain [Shrunk Old Tentacle] 02000 2. 000 Keychain [Tooling Blacktree Scale] 02000 2. 000 Keychain [Defender Dalaran Bolter] 08000 8. 000 Crossbow [Defender Dalaran Cortel] 04000 4. 000 Dagger [Defender Dalaran Dagger] 05000 5. 000 Dagger ["Leading Wire from the Dalaran Defense Force"] 03000 3. 000 Not prepared [Delaran Defender's Battle Axe] 04000 4. 000 One-handed axe [Delaran Defender's Carper] 04000 4. 000 One-handed axe [Carper of the Defender of Dalaran] 05000 5. 000 One-handed axe [Brava - Delaran Defender's Axe]. 04000 4. 000 One-handed club [Dalaran Defender's Drum] 04000 4. 000 One-handed club [Guardian Dalan's cane] 05000 5. 000 One-handed club [Dalan guardian's board].] 05000 5. 000 On e-handed sword [Dalaran's sword]. 04000 4. 000 On e-handed sword 1 [Vela Land Defender Blade]] 04000 4. 000 On e-handed sword [Impala Land Dalan] 08000 8. 000 Pole arm [Defender Dalan spear] 08000 8. 000 Pole arm [Aegis of Defender Dalan] 03000 3. 000 shield [Defender Dalan's spire] 08000 8. 000 Wand [Defensive Dalan's cane] 08000 8. 000 Wand [Defender Dalan Club] 08000 8. 000 Disabled two clubs [Hammer of Defender Dalan] 08000 8. 000 Disabled two clubs [Defender Dalan's Great Sword] 08000 8. 000 Tw o-handed sword [Dalan Defender's Great Sword]]. 08000 8. 000 Tw o-handed sword [Dara Land Die Fender Great Sword] 05000 5. 000 Wand [Dalaran defense cloak] 05000 5. 000 One piece of clothes [Rao Fars of Defender Dalan] 03500 3. 500 Cloth legs [Defender Dalan Mittens] 03500 3. 500 Cloth hand [Defender Dalan Crown] 05000 5. 000 The head of the cloth [Leggings "Defender Dalan Leggings] 05000 5. 000 Cloth legs [Dalan's guardian] 03500 3. 500 Fabric waist [Dalaran's defense class] 02000 2. 000 Cloth wrist [Defender Dalan's cloak] 03500 3. 500 Cloth shoulder [Dalaran defender's tread]. 03500 3. 500 Leather leg [Dara Land Die Fender Grip] 03500 3. 500 Leather hand [Dara Land Die Fender Mask] 05000 5. 000 Leather head [Dara Land Die Fender Pants] 05000 5. 000 Leather leg [Googa of Defender Dalan] 03500 3. 500 Leather waist [Defender Dalan Wear] 02000 2. 000 Leather wrist [Tunica-Defender Dalan] 05000 5. 000 Leather chest [Dalaran's defensive scapula] 03500 3. 500 Leather shoulder [Defender Dalan Chain Helmet] 05000 5. 000 Postviv [Dara Land Die Fender Glove] 05000 5. 000 Plastic legs [Dara Land Die Fender Stomper] 03500 3. 500 Pos t-leg [Dara Land Die Fender Grip] 03500 3. 500 hand [Help from Dara Land Die Fender] 05000 5. 000 head [Defender Dalan Eplors] 03500 3. 500 Shoulder plate [Defender Dalan loading bandage] 03500 3. 500 Waist [Defender Dalan's armor] 02000 2. 000 wrist [Defender Dalan's leg] 05000 5. 000 leg [Defender Dalan Help] 05000 5. 000 Plastic head [Bustard Defender Dalan] 05000 5. 000 Plastic chest [Mamoru Dalan] 035000 3. 500 Plastic legs [Dara Land Defender gloves] 03500 3. 500 Hand hub [Progresser Dalan's Spalders]. 03500 3. 500 Shoulder bearer [Lawyer Dalan's lawyer]. 03500 3. 500 Waist plate [Dalan's lawyer bracelet] 02000 2. 000 wrist [Lawyer Dalan] 02000 2. 000 Cloak [Dalaran advocate cloak] 02000 2. 000 Cloak [Dalaran's cloak] 02000 2. 000 Cloak [Dalan's lawyer "cloak] 02000 2. 000 Cloak [Lawyer Dalan's grace] cloak] 02000 2. 000 ring [return] 02000 2. 000 ring [Pendant in the Cities of the Wizard] 02000 2. 000 Amulet [Jewel jeweling of craftsmen] 02000 2. 000 Amulet Band of Radiant Echoes and essences
[The brilliance of the craftsman] When you purchase an amulet, [the shine of the craftsman] increases by 20 times. When you purchase a ring of the parade stone], you can get 20 times [memory of Nort Drenders], [Calim Doll's Memory] 20 times, and [Memory of Oriental Kingdom] 20 times. When you collect 20 pieces, you will get [Nortland's spirit], [Calim Doll's spirit], and [Eastern Kingdom]. After collecting the essence, make a new relic using [Ring of Deadstone]!
Level 10-69 gear
This set, which can get a value of 10 to 69 with any probability, is made from tools and equipment contained in the "Power of Runors" kits.
Event overview
The portal indicates that it is actually active. HUD RADIANT sounds in the intensive zone.Move the three zones of the burning gap, Dustwallow Marsh, and DRAGONBLIGHT. Circulation in this order. For example, Dragonblight's functional zone follows the burning gorge. In Dalaran, broken islands can be used as a portal, so you can go directly to the action area. One of the action areas is a portal to return to Dalaran quickly and go to an appropriate event. If the event is active in the zone, the portal shines gold and indicates that it is actually active. The zone map is displayed in an even horn, along with a normal Vinnet.
During the intense action, the note can be used in the zone. When the player completed the note, a new note appears in the zone, reducing the progress indicator. When the progression display is 0, the headline of this zone is displayed:
- The memory of Rich wrapped in the light of the dragon
- Remember the king of the fire in the scorching gorge
- Return Onyxia in Dazarrow swamp.
When the boss is defeated, the progress scale drops 100 % again, and this cycle continues. Each zone lasts for one hour, and then the corresponding zone occurs.
The inactive zone can only be used for permanent reminders, and in Spabs's "Boss Space", the timer is displayed when the event enters this zone.
Original incarnation
The contents of this section are allocated from World of WarCraft of 11. 0. 0 patches.
HUD RADIANT ECHOES in Intensive Zone (original event).This event occurs in four stages and moves three zones periodically. Apart from this, it is planned to reduce the cycle time between the zones every week, and in the first week of July 30, the cycle interval is 90 minutes.
- For the first week, the zone event is a 9 0-minute cycle.
- The second week is a 6 0-minute cycle.
- In the third and fourth weeks, zone events are periodically repeated every 30 minutes.
In the first process of any of the zones, you can see the integrated memory. Next, on the head of the merged memory, you can see many NPCs with past notes about Azerot win, but they can easily destroy them with the support of various people.
After the victory in the "Memorable Memory", two periods begin. In the zone where "Radiant Echo" occurs, there are six events that you can see the past memoirs you saw during the adventure of Azerotto. For example, memories of Dustwallow Mars h-Kalimdor, Searing Gorg e-Eastern Kingdoms Memories related to DRAGONBLIGH T-NORTHRAND.
These actions have a chance to connect this luggage as a past nemes, support battle arrangements, and collect wel l-known objects in the past!
When all six events are cleared, an ending boss appears, called the dus t-kwarwar wetland onixia, the lagunaros in the searing goose, and the King of Licht in Dragon Bright. If you defeat the chef, you will get "Radiant Echo"!
On the fourth line, the radiant sound declined. There are all opportunities for players to return to Dalaran, remove the zone, eradicate long note, and keep the remaining note. The timer in the zone, where the remaining note is still functioning, counts the time it takes to take appropriate action with that zone. The player returns to Dalan and has many opportunities to go to the right zone.
Event scenario - Radiant Echoes
The entrance of each echo zone is paired with one of the replicas of Kadger:
- Great Magic Tono Cadger says: Oh! I remember this!
- The story of Kadgar Great Mage: Is this a note of Azeros? Or us?
- Arkhmag Khadgar's story: Are these answers considered a message? Or a rudimentary reaction?
- Archmag Khadgar is talking: Well, again! Absolutely practical.
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: It will be interesting to see what Azeroth is trying to communicate with this echo.
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: I would not call this particular echo a void.
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: Likewise, Azeroth does not need historical data.
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: It is amazing how strongly Azeroth remembers these actions.
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: The echoes are stacking up! Fight the creatures
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: These reactions must be suppressed!
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: We defeated it once, and we will defeat it again!
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: What wonderful memories Azeroth has given us.
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: This is no time for nostalgia, champion!
Assauged Memories will report back to the player as appropriate once activities in the zone are completed.
Each action has a 100% bar. Complete Radiant Echoes' instructions to demote them and summon the boss.
Searing Gorge
Phase 1
Stages are categorized with additional messages and bars:
- Memories remaining (0/100%)
- Archmage Khadgar speaks: Ragnaros threatened to set Azeroth ablaze. Ragnaros threatened to set Azeroth ablaze.
Rare boar liver of impeccable quality (Primitive boar liver)
- Impeccably rare boar liver harvested
- Selgra Darkthorn speaks: Zevra's hoof, an ordinary runner's beak, a suspicious man's claws, and a boar's liver are all the same to me.
- Thunderlord Ragnar speaks: And make sure he's a good man! I'm trying to find my own personality in this liver!
Kill the boars you remember until you find the impeccably rarest boar liver. Failed kills are differentiated as follows:
- Precious liver? Terrible!
- Low quality liver!
- Wait. No liver?
- Half-baked liver!
- Regular liver
Hogger's Memories
- Memoirs of a slain Hogger.
Fight the gnoll east of Pyrox Flats. Sometimes he will cast Hogger's Memories to reduce damage dealt to himself:
- Timberlane remembers! I need more underwear! Bring me a bandana from the Defia that's always wandering around.
- Memorable dialogue from Mabel
- A whirlwind has taken my romantic letter! Get it before it's carried away!
Remy remembers! I have the best priced woman in Goldshire!
- Kill the mobs around Hogger to return his items. Mabel wants a "Memorized Romantic Message", Remy wants a "Memorized Imp", and "Memorized Defia" wants Timberlane's underwear.
- Memorized Timberlane cries: Thanks for the help! I want more reddish flax every time.
- Mabel: Oh, thank you! Thank you. Tommy Joe is the most dreamy person, isn't he?
Remi will cry when he remembers!
- Poisoned Pumpkin
Poisoned Pumpkin (40)
- Thought Shor across from Tarenmir
Reminiscence of a past battle. (0/100%)
There are many allied and tribal units in Pyro x-flats. Destroy the supporters of the opposite faction.
- VCLING MORKBREW (Burning Mournbrew Run).
Feed Burning Mournbrew until it cools! (0/100%)
Coffee-laced trogi spreads, knocking characters off their feet. Also, the area is wet and slippery!
Interact with the barrel in Mournbrus and deliver it to the tower while remembering your benefactor.
- Reminiscence about Hackal
Defeat the Hackal of Memory
Defeat Hackal in the western Pyrox Flats. During the battle, Hackal will summon his descendants.
- LED Dwarven Memoirs (Pumped Gnome)
Defeat Jumping Gnome Memoirs (0/100%)
- Memoirs on Style
Memoirs of Stitches Killed
- Green Block Zone (Green Hills Injured)
- Page 1
- Page 4
- Page 6
- Page 8
- Page 10
- Page 11
- Page 16
- Page 18
- Page 20
- Page 21
- Page 24
- Page 25
- Page 26
Phase 2
Page 27
- The final stage is broken down with additional messages:
Defeat Ragnaros
- Remembrances of Ragnaros (Ragnaros)
Defeat the Flame Lord of Memories
Return to the Cauldron and defeat the Flame Lord.
Phase 3
Archmage Khadgar is speaking of Ash's only memory of Azeroth, which is about the Flame Lord.
Dustwallow Marsh
Phase 1
Stages are categorized with additional messages and bars:
- Memories remaining (0/100%)
- Vestige Memory (0/100%)
Archmage Khadgar speaks: Memories of Onyxia and her pack still snake through these marshes.
- Crystal Power
- Get more crystals for the pylons wherever you can! (0/100%)
Put the loan data back to work! (0/100%)
Guide Virmbog to interact with the sleeping Slacker Peen. They will either go to work or attack.
- Spider Eyes or Swamp Eyes
- Collect a pile of spider eyes for Jarl's "Swamp Eyes". These spider eyes are salty and delicious. (0/100%)
- "Conceptual-sized spider penny eyes"
"Horribly powerful spider eyes"
- Deviant Pleasure
Catch a deviant fish from memory (0/100%)
- Memoirs of Mosha (King Mosha)
Defeat King Mosha's memoir
- Memoirs of King Pride (King Gordoc)
Defeat Memoirs of King Pride
- Memoirs of Garzril (King Garzril)
Defeat Memoirs of Garzril
- Zenna's Auction
Help Zenna overcome Folhuf!
- Quilboa Restraint
Phase 2
Page 27
- An additional message is displayed in the final stage:
Defeat Offsia
- Kadger Great Mage Sponge Call: Onixia! Dark Dragon's breast milk must be destroyed.
Phase 3
Memorially defeated onxia subjugation
Phase 1
- Memories remaining (0/100%)
The Trials of the Argent
Remaining note (0/100%)
- Pilliod 1: Challenge
- 2nd period: Defeat Fizare Bang
Defeat Wilfred Fizzle Bang
- Final phase: Defeat Jaraxus
Defeat Sir Jaraxus
You can see three stages up close in "grapes of anger." Place the Argentine flag, summon the recalled Wilfred Fizzlebang, summoned the recalled Lord Jaraxus and wait for Wilfred to destroy. Defeat Jaraxus.
The recalled LORD JARAXXUS shouts. Your universe is ruined
- Seratus prophet
The Champion's Call!
Protect the prophet SSERATUS from the pest drag car! (0/100%)
All three stages are set in the Bronze Dragon Temple.
- 1st time: Defeat the Orinoko of the eyes
Defeat Orinoko
2nd period: Defeat the vampire king king
- Final period: Defeat the fear of fear
Defeat the slaughterer Vradov
- Fill's Crusader (release the fins of fins)
Release the Crusade (0/100%)
In the West Draconic Waste, you defeat the recalled Webway Crusade and release them.
- Clean yourself with flames!
Burn the corpse so that it is not used by the enemy! (0/100%)
Orakin torch and additional impact buttons are still available.
- terrible! Winter tadpoles!
Save the tadpoles! (0/100%)
- Wood collection
Collect trees! (0/100%)
- A good knife to the champion (kissing all frames)
- Kiss a frog (0/100%)
Discovery of a girl
At the Emerald Dragon Temple, you can kiss the frog who remembered the lake. Adventurers can choose whether to transform into frogs with the support of "Frog Sense" buff or to take "Ivoy Bodhu!" The last work jumps in.
- In the mountains (Torim)
Defeat Thorim!
Phase 2
Page 27
- The final stage is classified by additional messages:
Defeat Arsace
- Reminiscence King Licht (Richito King)
Reminiscence of King Licht
Defeat Lich King on the way in Titan, south of the Wilm Rest.
Great Magic Tono Kadger says: Arsus Menethyl. Richt King itself, we all have longed to be the past. Agro Flashback Rich King shouts: Get a personal catastrophe hat.
Phase 3
During the battle, he summons the fear of the skeleton.
Original cycle
During the i n-active phase, a recollection appears near Wrathgate, Ruby Dragonshrine, and New Hearthglen.
Stage 1
- The contents of this section are quoted from World of WarCraft.
- Overcome the thickened memory
Great Mage Kadgur says: I remember the memories, but this is overkill!
- The coagulated memory taiga contains a mass of the memory of 100 stacks. Unlock the buff in the storm. Then an enemy appears:
Event Completed
A goblin with a hungry swallowtail, an evil thief, an angry snake, a forgotten tiger, a wak e-up clock, a memorable hill, a shining ghost, a ghost ghost, a hungry wild boar, and a candle.NPCs and objects
- The shining kidama disappeared. Return to Dalaran or kill a persistent Mome.
- Dustwalow swamp
- Memories of Onixia
- Onikia's birth scene
- [Corn of Fel's memories]
- Crystal pylon of memories
- Lord of the memorable flame
- Ogune's son
- Remembering offspring
- Memories of love
- Pumpkin that is memorable
- Greedy flag
- Storm window flag
- Rich King of Memories
- Skeleton nightmare
- Valkyir's twilight guardian
- Lady of Paine
- Hungry penguin of recruitment
- Remembered barbell
- Responding coast guard canoe
- Soft recollection
- Condensed reminiscence
- Hungry wild boar
- Started alarm o bot
- Hungry Rush
- Marlock Memory
- Radiant Vampire
- Twisted kidnapper
- Sick gnome
- Angry snake
- Goblin with a candle
- Memorial pedigree
- Forgotten tiger
- Exekutus of memories
- Memories of tide skipper
- [10-70] Radiant Echo
- [10-70] Past adventure reminiscence
- [10-70 days] Breakdown masquerade
- [10-70 days] Favorites of the king of water
- [10-70 pieces every day] Only darkness
Patch changes
- This event adds a green mound page of StrangeThorn as an unlucky item.
- Correction (07-08-2024): The quest reward is 5 (10) and 5 (2) of [WHELPLING'S AWAKENED CREST].
- Fixed (01-08-2024): You can now get 200 [Remaining Memories] in the quest (increased from 100).
- Fix (31-07-2024): 10 [Whelpling's awakeneD CREST] can now be obtained in the quest.
See also
- Patch 11. 0. 0 (23-07-2024): Added.
Action version of WorldSoul Memory, Khaz Algar.
I moved to Warcraft Wiki. Click here for information and the latest URL. Click here for those who do not have an accountDeath Rising
advertisement See [Death Rising] for heroic force.- Mouseworn executor in ICECROWN
- The scarge invasion is reflected in the nothrend and contained.
- The Toland Whisper Storm killed Nasanos in Maris Sted.
The adventurers headed to Shadowland. Loss and cost Loss and cost not clear
The target of this note or section was a member of the larg e-scale activity and Bright's rebellion that began the twilight territory.
Death Uprising was a major event in patch 9. 0. 1 that took place from November 10, 2020[2] until the launch of The Shadowlands on November 23–24, 2020, when World of Warcraft: Shadowlands launched. In scale, it was similar to a beach seepage measurement.
- The event was dedicated to certain outcomes such as Silvanas Windranner dismantling the Helmet of Domination, leaving the Plague without its owner and control, and stealing the alliance and racial favorites.
- 1 Mission
- 1. Cinematograph
- 4. 1 Wind and Bonfire
- 4. 2 Rarity
- 5. 1 Argentine Meritorious
- 5. 2 Chef's Drop
- 6. 1 Union
Quests [ ]
6. 2 Race
- Once a week, new instructions for the quest chain are released, supplementing information between the Allopathic Medicine video (Sylvanas destroys the Helm of Dominance) and the start of the quest in the Twilight Area (the entry episode of Twilight Land). After completing the Finish quest after two weeks, the player will receive a Heroic Act of Force [Death Rising]. Two sets of mundane missions are unlocked as part of the campaign.
- [50] Distress Request
- [50] Give Reason for Diversion
- [50] Return of the Crusaders
- [50] Field Report
- [50] Cursed Villains
- [50] Return of the Beach
- [50] Letter from Ice Claw
- Optional Side Instructions
- [50] Favorite Banchou
- [50] Earth Guard and
- [50] Falling Tension
- [50] Search from Distance
- [50] Boost of Effort (Unlocks 1 Week Daily)
- [50] Fresh Beachhead
- [50] Culture & amp; ... pcs:
- [50 pcs daily] Combat Nullifier 07-X
- [50 pcs daily] Cult kidnappers
[50 pcs daily] Raising their efforts
- [50 pcs daily] Evacuation efforts
- [50 pcs daily] Fungus feeding
- [50 pcs daily] Displacement distortion lovers
- [50 pcs daily] So many offspring
- [50 pcs daily] Care: This is only a test! Completion of an abnormally excited invasion reveals:
- [50] Dark Scourve Stone (repeat)
- [50] Dark Pebble (repeat)
- Daily Order for 2 weeks, 2 of them
- [50 per day] Careful Crafting
[50 per day] Warehouse
- [50 per day] Rampart Defense
- [50 per day] Frontline Supply
[50 per day] Frozen Firmware
- [50 per day] Research Brake
- [50 per day] Scourge Soldier
- [50 per day] Go with the flow
- [50 per day] Work in progress
- During the execution of the quest-chain, two non-eRrolling-cinematographic videos are replayed: [50] Root Cause during "Dark Abduction" and [50] Favorite banschi during "for teldassil".
- Mundane Scenes in Malice Stud
- In the Eastern Parade, Nathanos Blitkaller returns as the big boss, repeating his classic (at least for the Alliance) role of himself. The player simultaneously receives a breadcrumb pointing the direction to the ice cream crown as part of the quest chain, but the universal quest [50WQ] Nathanos BlightCaller is immediately available.
- The quest gives a 115 gun, the same as Nerialot's heroic gear. See Sentinel Gear Cache or Death Guard Gear Cache.
- However, do not try to fight from on the roof or inside the house.
Cinematics [ ]
Invasion to Westfall
New world boss [ ]
As in patch 1. 11 and patch 3. 0. 2, Scourge has spread in many zones, infecting players, creatures, and NPCs.
At the entrance to Stormwind in Orgrimmar, players receive a flag for PVP autonomously from a state of Warm Mode, and the timer expiration is simply updated.
When the invasion of cities, towns and quest centers begins, infested cockroaches and infested parasites appear. Attacking them will make the player quickly become an infected zombie. NPCs are also infected zombies, and their attacks have all sorts of possibilities.
In addition, a ruthless creep can be witnessed in Stormward in Orgrimmar. Destroy it, loot the [Partially Digested Cloth]/[Partially Digested Leather], and hand over the Carnal [50].
Zombie invasion [ ]
The player, in fact, what is infected, if it becomes noticeable, he has a small time to free himself from the disease with the support of the player's skills or find an Argentine healer, he will turn into an infected zombie otherwise. With death, the player will still be reborn into a zombie.
You are [infected]! Infected! - Find a potion until it's too late! Disease. Duration 60 seconds.
As always, zombies are aggressive to all units not counting other zombies, have every opportunity to chat up friends with another on a fractional level, and have access to future opportunities:
[Mangle!"] Melee combat range - Deals X-Physiological damage to enemies and increases resulting mass reduction by 5% for 12 seconds. Fast (3 second cull down)
[Range 40 yards - Spits bile, dealing nature damage to opponents every 2 seconds and reducing movement speed by 40%. Fast (20 second extended)
[Wayling moan] Range 40 yards - Summon up to 4 zombies within a 35 yard radius. Does not need to join combat. Fast (20 second extended)
[Ree! ] -The 10 seconds of the nearest zombie movement speed for 10 seconds to catch food. It illuminates the effect of hindering movement and crowd control. Instant (30 seconds KULDOWN).
[Zombie-Explode! Range 30 m-Divides into parts, perform X physical damage to the enemy with a radius of 15 m and infect. 4 seconds. Cast (1 minute)
- Ice Crown is included in a new phase with a new mechanics for players who have passed [50]. Players who have not reached this point cannot see rare items and do not perform quests in the zone. Players who have reached the maximum level will not be able to participate in regular arrangement tournament events or ice crown missions during the event.
- Ice crown covered with a trembling wind
- Ban fire to fight the cold wind
- Occasionally blowing winds of closing
- [Closed wind] fills the air! Find warmth on fire. Justik Mariel's true heart: The cold must not be allowed to hinder our efforts. Alien, find warmth.
Icecrown [ ]
The wind imposes a 2 0-minute debuff to all players in the zone:
Chilling Winds and Bonfires [ ]
Damage X damage due to frost every 10 seconds closed. Get comfort by fire.
To confront this, find a bonfire in the zone, participate in the bonfire for a while, and get a glass buff:
Sustainable hea t-Report damage increases by 5%. As a result, frost damage decreases by 18%. I can't move with 5 attacks
If you receive five attacks, the damage will increase by 25%, the resulting frost damage will be reduced by 90%, and the effect of "Lurid Wind" will be completely reduced.
Bonfire place
Argent tournament northeast
[75. 3, 21. 0]
Argentina Southeast Tournament [75. 3, 23. 0] Iron wall [45. 6, 44. 2] Blooded Queen Ranaetel in Aldurthal 1 After a certain period of time, Maussa Sashin summons the undead boss from the anger of King Rich. These bosses (with symbols) drop 20 to 50 times [Black Scure Stone], get level 110 in the form of the original drop echo with a slight probability, and with a rare probability. Get cursed Kepsake]. To reach the target ice crown stage, the player must receive a message from the ice crown [50]. If you do not reach this phase, you will not be able to see rare items. 1 In the first week, the boss event appeared in 20 minutes (B: 00, 00, 20,: 40), but from November 16, this interval expanded to 10 minutes. M-out reports the appearance in the zone: A figure with wings appears in the destroyed sky and shouts, "Stand up again!" Return to be saturated by the magic of darkness! 2 Rares [ ]
Before the boss can attack, the player must reach the boss location shown in a purple skull on the zone map within 2 minutes, as the emotional "winged figure" appears. The boss screams at Agro, level 50 %, death.
Every time the boss appears (every 3 hours and 20 minutes), it can be defeated to get a loot. There is no daily block.
Boss appearance and order
Precautions and prominent loot
Black night
[64. 8, 22. 1] [75. 3, 23. 0] Brother hood [70. 6, 38. 5] Shindragosa trap You can drop your dad's mint condition bag]. Scowgeload Tyrannos [47. 1, 65. 9] Corp "Letter: Gate of Fear South of the northern hearth Folg Master Gerflost [58. 9, 72. 7] Maricris: filthy hold Marvin [58. 2, 83. 5] Ice crown fortress On the east side Faririk [50. 2, 88. 1] Ice crown fortress Exit of dungeon Prophet Talongja [80. 4, 61. 4] Ski jform Exit of dungeon Novos Saminer [77. 4, 66. 0] Scillholm Tall goal [58. 3, 39. 3] Bombardment Gate Ban Cricker Tall goal Mold Oretal: Gate of Death Ground level Prince Tardara [29. 5, 62. 1] farm The elder are correct [44. 2, 49. 2] Ice cone glacier Attention to plague [31. 7, 70. 4] flash Pashuberg [36. 5, 68. 0] Resuscitation shrine The mouth of the cave on the map of the flasher [34. 4, 68. 5] [31. 7, 70. 4] [49. 6, 32. 3] Aldual devastation gate Northwest Professor Putricide [57. 0, 30. 5] Aldual devastation gate Northeast Whispering of death [51. 2, 78. 6] Ice crown fortress Northeast Scaddy is ruthless [57. 6, 56. 0] Mimem Exit of dungeon Ingval is turned [52. 3, 52. 5] Mimemm Prince Keleset [53. 9, 44. 7] Aldual devastation gate South end Prince Keleset Players can obtain rewards by defeating mobs and rare creatures for [Darken Scurestone] and [Pitch-Black Scourstone], and gives 25 or three rewards each time. The vendor address is as follows: Northeast Quarter Master Lungren (Valley of Power, Orglimmer) Rewards [ ]
Argent Commendations [ ]
CRUSADER ADVALD IRON BEARD is on sale only in the second week (ICECROWN, IRONWALL RAMPART) -Argent TourNament Field.
Veteran carrier Arrioja Segard (Icecrown) is still feeling the effects of the end of Argent Vanguard action.
Argent Appreciation Award
- Alliance Entity
- Race Award
- Award
- Type
[Anti-Doom Broma]
[Anti-Doom Broma] Toy Prize Type Pet Pet 15 [Argent Conscript's SkullCap]] [Argent Conscript's SkullCap [Argent Conscript's SkullCap 20 [Argent Conscript's Cloak]] [Argent Cloak] Shoulders 15 [Argent Conscript's Drape]] Drape Drape 15 Sunny Cloak [Argent Conscript's Robe]] [Argent Conscript's Robe]] 15 Sunny Box [Argent Conscript's Bracelet]] [Argent Conscript's Bracelet]] 15 Fabric List [Argent Conscript's Gloves]] [Argent Conscript's Gloves]] 15 [Argent Gloves]] Cloth Hands Cloth Hands 15 [Argent Conscript's Cord] Belt Belt 15 [Argent Conscript's Leggings]] Fabric Legs Fabric Legs 15 [Argent Conscript's Treads]] Fabric Feet Fabric Feet 15 [Argent Conscript's Mask]] Leather Head [Argent Conscript's Pauldrons]] 15 [Argent Conscript's Pauldrons]] Leather Shoulders Leather Shoulders 15 [Argent Conscript's Cape]] Leather Cape Leather Cape 15 [Overview Tunic]] Leather Box Leather Box 15 [Argent Conscript's Wrist Strap] Leather Wrists Leather Wrists 15 [Argentinean Grips] Leather Hands Leather Hands 15 [Argentinean Belt] Leather Belt Leather Belt 15 [Argentinean Conscript Leggings]] Fabric Legs Fabric Legs 15 [Argentinean Boots] Leather Legs Leather Legs 15 [Argentinean Helmet] Back of Head Back of Head 15 [Argentinean Conscript Post Shoulders Post Shoulders 15 [Argentinean Conscript Lined Cape] Mail Cape [Argentinean Conscript Mail Shirt] 15 [Argentinean Conscript Mail Shirt] P. O. Box P. O. Box 15 [Argentian Conscript's Wrist Clasps] Mail List Mail List 15 [Argentinean Conscript Overgloves]] Post Hands Post Hands 15 [Argentine conscript cinch] Post belt Post belt 15 [Argentine conscript trousers] Post leg Post leg 15 [Argentine boots] Rear leg Rear leg 15 [Argentine conscript tusk helm] Plastic head [Argentine Conscripted Spardas] | theWORLD | Enjoy soccer from around the world 15 [Argent Conscripted Spardas] Shoulder Plate Shoulder Plate 15 [Argent Conscripted Cape] [Argentinean Conscript Mail Shirt] Mail Cape 15 [Argent Conscripted Breastplate]] Badged Bib Badged Bib 15 [Argent Conscripted Wrist Plate] Wrist Sign Wrist Sign 15 [Argent Conscripted Hooded Gloves] Plastic Arm Plastic Arm 15 [Argent Conscripted Buckle]] Lamellar Waist Lamellar Waist 15 [Argent Greaves] Plastic Legs Plastic Legs 15 [Argent Conscripted Claws] Plastic Legs Plastic Legs 15 In addition, like the normal mobs in the Ice Crown, they have a small chance of dropping. [3] Boss drops [ ]
Boss Drops
[64. 8, 22. 1] Item Type Plastic Head [Fantasmic Chris] [Argent Conscripted Spardas] [Notorious Rogue's Shoulder Pads] Leather Shoulders Brotherhood [70. 6, 38. 5] [Argent Conscript's Cape]] Cloth Hands [Confused Look] [Argent Conscript's Cord] [Crying Gloves] [Argentinean Conscript [Dad's Mint Condition Bag] [Argent Conscripted Buckle]] Skorger Tyrannus [47.] [Fringed Wyrm Leather Leggings] Leather Legs [Guardian of Stolen Souls] [Argentinean Boots] [Rim Woven Pantaloons] shield Forgmaster Garfrost [58. 9, 72. 7] [Argent Conscript's Treads]] Powerful Two-Sided Club [Icy Fathom Leg Guards] Plastic Legs [Ring of Carnelian and Sinew] [Argent Conscripted Claws] Marvin [58. 2, 83. 5] [Frayed Fleshstitch Shoulder] Shoulder [Frostsworn Rattleshirt]] Sunny Cloak [Urmas Visible Capuchin]]. [Argentian Conscript's Wrist Clasps] Falric [50. 2, 88. 1] [Argent Conscript's Drape]] Cloth Wrist [Ghost Slicer] [Argent Gloves]] [Valonforce's Damaged Pauldron] Bad Shoulder Prophet Talonja [80. 4, 61. 4] [Argent Conscripted Cape] Leather Legs [Prophet's Phantasmal Seal] [Argentinean Boots] [Talisman Talonja] Shield Novos de Summoner [77. 4, 66. 0] shield Record box [Necromantic Blacer] [Argent Conscripted Wrist Plate] [Summoner's Granite Hammer] [Argentinean Conscript Overgloves]] Troll Go [58.] Runaway troll hood] [Runaway troll hood Cross head [Stay of notorious charms]] [Argent Conscript's Drape]] [Troll Goar]] [Argentine boots] Gatekai Critia >> [67. 4, 58. 2] [Subsident scint] Cloth belt [Skitterrobe] [Argent Conscript's Leggings]] [Web entry Machet] [Argent Conscript's Wrist Strap] Prince Taldalam [29. 5, 62. 1 [Hill's waist] Post band [Chain of Tardalum] [Argentine conscript trousers] [Taldalam's supple slippers] Leather leg Elder Nadox [44.] [Argentinean Helmet] Ring of reinforcement/ multipurpose [Nadox saw blade] Agile dagger [Wrist rigidity shoulder applied] [Hill's waist] Not plugbringer [31. 7, 70. 4] Sunny Cloak Plate feet [Helstone loop] In addition, like the normal mobs in the Ice Crown, they have a small chance of dropping. [3] [Torn breath clothes] The chest of the cloth Patchwork [36.] Fabric List Leather belt [Regulator shoulder pad] [Argentinean Conscript Leggings]] [Cut the limb of death] [Argentinean Conscript Lined Cape] Blood Queen Ranatel [49. 6, 32. 3] [Blood splash] Agility pole arm [The breast arm of the sucked vitality] Personal book box [Venuity breaker glove] [Argentian Conscript's Wrist Clasps] Professor Putricide [57. 0, 30. 5 [Argent Conscripted Buckle]] Leather head [Chest suture plate] [Argent Conscript's Pauldrons]] [Extremely ugliness in the pot] [Argent Conscripted Wrist Plate] Lady Death Wisper [51. 2, 78. 6 [Deathwasper Robe] Leather box [Heart of the fog and the sleet] [Argent Conscript's Wrist Strap] [Handbow that sounds Zod] [Argentine conscript cinch] Ruthless scaddy [57. 6, 56. 0 [Drake rider dualet] Leather bust [Skadi's salonite belt] [Argent Conscript's Wrist Strap] [Scaddy Scales Sollet] [Argent Greaves] [Blue Proto Drake's Wrimines] [Argentine conscript tusk helm] Loturer Ingval [52. 3, 52.] Bet Criticism ring/ hurry [Ingvar's Monolithic Skull Chopper " Durable tw o-handed ax [Leather waist with razor] Leather waist Prince Keleses [53. 9, 44. 7 [Argentinean Conscript Leggings]] Pos t-hand [Keleses influencer] [Argentine conscript cinch] [Royal Sung Inmant] Power cloak In the capital, the favorite of all factions has a specific rumor: The shadow of Gen Grayman's cursed Banshy hangs on us. She will pay for the act! Expert Matthias indicates that the Lord stealed with me. I was led by more agents. That's what happens when I weaken my attention. If I forgive me ... no, I will take the devil. This is her hand. I don't intend to blame myself just because I found a bliss. Andouin would say this first. No matter what the other person you find, you will always pay. Teal Fortragon ... I was near the Admiral when the monsters came to pick up her. They attacked a skillful person. She was able to talk a bit about how the chain was wrapped. She fought with the whole body, but that was not enough. I ... I'm not hanging them. However, I swear to the tide, and I do this problem to the end. It's not so important where you get close and what you meet. Shandris Fezelmun is also similar, and my mother was one target and managed to escape the capture. I have to thank Erung for this blessing. Yes, my Mindu ruined the black manifestation of Banks sent behind her. However, the strength she showed, the ferocity she released ... something in this ... terrible. She knew she had to pay for the Night Warriors rituals. We are afraid that this value will be spoken with each day. We looked for Alelia Windrunner over the months. Leader gossip [ ]
Tarari could be defamed: < SPAN> Gen Grayman's cursed Banshy shadow was hanging on us. She will pay for the act! Expert Matthias indicates that the Lord stealed with me. I was led by more agents. That's what happens when I weaken my attention. If I forgive me ... no, I will take the devil. This is her hand. I don't intend to blame myself just because I found a bliss. Andouin would say this first. No matter what the other person you find, you will always pay. Teal Fortragon ... I was near the Admiral when the monsters came to pick up her. They attacked a skillful person. She was able to talk a bit about how the chain was wrapped. She fought with the whole body, but that was not enough. I ... I'm not hanging them. However, I swear to the tide, and I do this problem to the end. It's not so important where you get close and what you meet. Shandris Fezelmun is also similar, and my mother was one target and managed to escape the capture. I have to thank Erung for this blessing. Yes, my Mindu ruined the black manifestation of Banks sent behind her. However, the strength she showed, the ferocity she released ... something in this ... terrible. She knew she had to pay for the Night Warriors rituals. We are afraid that this value will be spoken with each day. We looked for Alelia Windrunner over the months.
Alliance [ ]
Tarari could be defamed: Gen Grayman's cursed Banshy shadow hangs on us. She will pay for the act! Expert Matthias indicates that the Lord stealed with me. I was led by more agents. That's what happens when I weaken my attention. If I forgive me ... no, I will take the devil. This is her hand. I don't intend to blame myself just because I found a bliss. Andouin would say this first. No matter what the other person you find, you will always pay. Teal Fortragon ... I was near the Admiral when the monsters came to pick up her. They attacked a skillful person. She was able to talk a bit about how the chain was wrapped. She fought with the whole body, but that was not enough. I ... I'm not hanging them. However, I swear to the tide, and I do this problem to the end. It's not so important where you get close and what you meet. Shandris Fezelmun is also similar, and my mother was one target and managed to escape the capture. I have to thank Erung for this blessing. Yes, my Mindu ruined the black manifestation of Banks sent behind her. However, the strength she showed, the ferocity she released ... something in this ... terrible. She knew she had to pay for the Night Warriors rituals. We are afraid that this value will be spoken with each day. We looked for Alelia Windrunner over the months.
Tarari can be defamed:
Teal Fortragon is talking: Did you ever know that my founder is still alive, but did you tell me? Gen Grayman is talking: For example, not everything, Terra. Your founder was missing in the cluster without creating anger. I knew the truth only later. Gen Grayman's story: Dragon flame helped his life, but hurt the meat. And for revenge, Altas Menethyl captured him and began torture. Gen Grayman's story: When Rich King was defeated, someone arrested the cloak and did not take the plague. Your founder thought that it would take this and would actually sacrifice everything. Gen Grayman speaks: Tillion Ford Ring promises to secretly dispose of Vorbal heels. He made us the same oath. We believed that knowing his fate would only have pain for you. Terrier Forgon says: "We?" And Anduine also knew? The Lord talked about my founder, as if a dead hero in the past had been long ago. However, during that time he hid and hid the truth. Gang Rayman is talking: I'm sorry, Terrier. We really trusted, but in fact he was sacrificed in the war. In fact, Volbar Fortragon really left to continue to be Rich. Taelia Forgon's story: Then you made a mistake. Now, I will consider it
As a Matthias show
Master Matthias Show says: Lord Grayman, you don't have to stick to your appearance. You are a very attractive target. Gennn Graman Is Talking: If Sylvanas wanted to catch me, he would have done it with Ando. Gen Grayman's story: No. She tried to forget me from behind. To lose me and afflict me. A connoisseur Matthias Show speaks: At least you need it between the thrones. Sometimes you have to check before the king is back. Gen Grayman is talking: And u-in entrusts our army to Turalion. Stormwinda nobles support him as a regent and as a kingdom defender. Experts at the Matthias Show are talking: I have no doubt about the abilities of the Supreme Professor to protect the alliance. However, His Excellency himself is not actually thinking about what to do ... Gen Grayman's story: You and Turalion are obliged to protect our people from the return of plague. I have to concentrate on that and arrange everything I need for Ando and others. The connoisseur Matthias Show is talking: Yes, His Majesty.
Horde [ ]
There was a house in Agraagland and a house. We were happy. But ... Goel had to go home. The Bansie's army for Saul Fang for the races he wished, is keeping in mind that he continued to fight even if he was arrested for Goel, who fought with anger, but was not enough. He wants to survive and protect the children. So I want you to go instead of me. Find him. Find everyone. And please return home. Karia Menethyl When I held a meeting between living and no n-life in Arati with Lord Villin, I seemed to know the abandoned people. I noticed that I didn't have enough knowledge later. But later, when I became undead, I came to understand the depth of what they had to endure. With the support of Lillian Voss, I have found a way to help people who are abandoned and lonely. Now, the whole universe is trembling with the fear of destruction. If you do not control fear, all souls that touch the fear will be sucked. This is not allowed. For Lordelon people, anyone fighting for the good of Azeros. Lillian boss wrestling gave me a lot of lessons. Who believes and who you believe? Her actions proved that Sylvanas was indifferent to her. However, we had a very large amount of money, and there was a home in < SPAN> Agraugland. We were happy. But ... Goel had to go home. The Bansie's army for Saul Fang for the races he wished, is keeping in mind that he continued to fight even if he was arrested for Goel, who fought with anger, but was not enough. He wants to survive and protect the children. So I want you to go instead of me. Find him. Find everyone. And please return home. Karia Menethyl When I held a meeting between living and no n-life in Arati with Lord Villin, I seemed to know the abandoned people. I noticed that I didn't have enough knowledge later. But later, when I became undead, I came to understand the depth of what they had to endure. With the support of Lillian Voss, I have found a way to help people who are abandoned and lonely. Now, the whole universe is trembling with the fear of destruction. If you do not control fear, all souls that touch the fear will be sucked. This is not allowed. For Lordelon people, anyone fighting for the good of Azeros. Lillian boss wrestling gave me a lot of lessons. Who believes and who you believe? Her actions proved that Sylvanas was indifferent to her. However, we had a very large amount of money, living in Agraagland. We were happy. But ... Goel had to go home. The Bansie's army for Saul Fang for the races he wished, is keeping in mind that he continued to fight even if he was arrested for Goel, who fought with anger, but was not enough. He wants to survive and protect the children. So I want you to go instead of me. Find him. Find everyone. And please return home. Karia Menethyl When I held a meeting between living and no n-life in Arati with Lord Villin, I seemed to know the abandoned people. I noticed that I didn't have enough knowledge later. But later, when I became undead, I came to understand the depth of what they had to endure. With the support of Lillian Voss, I have found a way to help people who are abandoned and lonely. Now, the whole universe is trembling with the fear of destruction. If you do not control fear, all souls that touch the fear will be sucked. This is not allowed. For Lordelon people, anyone fighting for the good of Azeros. Lillian boss wrestling gave me a lot of lessons. Who believes and who you believe? Her actions proved that Sylvanas was indifferent to her. But we have reduced the very large amount,
Banshee fires a stronger blow. Yes, the strand is rising. If you are not careful, this world will be dominated by destruction. We are all responsible for vigilance. " Queen Talangji returned to Zurdazar to protect the kingdom. I don't know if I heard it, but she has a problem. The horde must be strong, but what appears from the shadow is what Valilla Sangginar doesn't misunderstand, I have a friend on both side, an alliance with the race. I don't want to fight each other. There is something more important than political impulse. Our universe is in danger. I will cooperate with anyone, no matter who you are.
Valilla has a chance to slander:
Patch changes [ ]
- The story of Valella Sanginal: Menethyl, maybe you have to ask a question ... Oh, rude. Should I call you a princess, or is it a queen now? The story of Karia Menethyl: Menethyl is wonderful. Potassium ... more than anyone else. Long ago, I refused to complain about the throne. The story of Valilla Sanginer: I understand. Dr. Anduin has highly valued you, and keeps in mind that you are guilty about what happened in Arati Highlands. The story of Karia Menethyl: The Lord is a kind person. I don't intend to blame him for what happened. All responsibilities are in Sylvanas Windrunner. Valilla Sanginer's narrative: I think we have a lot of common points. We are between the two worlds, not either. And the ability to go back and forth makes certain excellent qualities stand out. The story of Karia Menethyl: I thought freezing was a bridge between living and unrealistic ones. The first challenge ended with a sad result. But I don't lose hope, Sanjinner. Valera Sanginal's narrative: It's very good for me to hear this. But please, I'm not a lady. My friend invited me to Valilla, Menethyl. sorry. Potassium.
See also [ ]
References [ ]
- Patch 9. 0. 1 (13-10-2020): Added.
- Steve Danuser of Wow Forum.
- ^ Shadowland arrives on November 23
- Dustwalow swamp
