Mod Data models Dead Rising Wiki Fandom
The Zombies. big file in the Data/Models folder preserves all the zombies in the game. SINEMATOGRAPHIC zombies are in the Data/Models/npcs. big file along with the survivors. This file contains a looter or mercenary model, for example, a zombie in a Missions. txt file.
- 1 Reduce zombies
- 2 Zombie-Added Monster
- 3 types of zombies
- 3. 1 Missions. Txt file type of zombie
- 5. 1 Clear position of zombies
- 5. 1. Section 1 "Casino Day 1" American
- 5. 1. 1. 1 day 1 day Only casino dealers in South America
- 6. 1 Top
- 7. 1 Selection of specific zombies
- 8. 1 Dead zombie
- 8. 2 Zombies infected with the Queen
- 8. 3 Slot machines
- 8. 4 Zombie set.
Decreasing zombies [ ]
Reduce the number of zombie s-Task success, professional boardAdding zombies - example [ ]
File: Please see Missions. txt. In this file, there are 60 zombies made from US casinos during the LUSH LADY mission:
CMISSIONDEFINATION LUSH-IESELADY< CantFailOnLevel = "AMERICANA_CASINO" Color = "16422912" DebugSpawnPoint = "EntryRoyalFlushPlaza" DescriptionSummary = "80557" DisplayName = "80041" Duration = "45000" LevelToStartAtIfDebuggingMission = "AMERICANA_CASINO" MissionType = "3" ShowInDebugMenu = "true" StartTime = "50400" cMissionTimer Lush_Timer < DeltaTimeSecondsRealTime = "2" TriggerXTimes = "1" cMissionPhoneCall Lush_Call < cMissionDialogue Lush_Dialogue < Dialogue0 = "65265" SpeakerID0 = "77510" >& amp; amp; gt; & amp; amp; gt; gt; cmissonobjective lus h-ieSelad y-Obactive< cMissionObjectiveNPCJoin KristinJoinObj < MissionWaypoint = "AMERICANA_CASINO,-309.919,-5.611,-86.779" NPCName = "srv_kristin" >CMISSONELELELREADY LUSH_AMERICANA< LevelName = "LEVEL_AMERICANA_CASINO" cMissionSpawnNPC Kristin1 < PropState = "-2" DefaultBehaviour = "Idle" NPCName = "srv_kristin" Rotation = "-0.561" SpawnPoint = "-310,-5.642,-85.148" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE left side end //< NumberOfZombies = "30" Rotation = "1.243" SpawnPoint = "-292,-5.642,-65" SpawnWithItem = "BowieKnife" ZombieType = "zombie_dealer" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE Zombison //< NumberOfZombies = "30" Rotation = "1.243" SpawnPoint = "-330,-4,-67" SpawnWithItem = "BowieKnife" ZombieType = "zombie_dealer" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE Arena //< NumberOfZombies = "30" SpawnPoint = "-330,-4,-68" SpawnWithItem = "BowieKnife" ZombieType = "zombie_knife" >> >
Types of zombies [ ]
The items. txt file indicates Pro_zombie_cop, which is considered to be zero c o-op.
Zombies. big. File has the following zombies:
name Winding with CMISSIONSSPAWNOMBIE Zombie body name Booster big Poacher mercenary KCSMERCESY Mercenary_phenos Mercenary_feno_ Steve_sm [1] Mercenary_phenos Mercenary_tk. Mercenary_tk soldier soldier Zombieberta. Zombie belt Zombie_Nebet Zombie Nur Zombie_cherleader. Soldier Zombie_cocktail dress. Zombie cocktail dress Zombie Construction. Construction zombie Zombie head Cupzobi Zombie_ dealer. dealer Zombie fat. yes Alum Zombie_ Fat a woman. Cock tor dress zombie Zombies Zombie Gaz Zombie Kitty. Soldier Zombie _ knife. Only one model Soldier Zombie_ maintenance. No Construction zombie Zombie processor. Cock tor dress zombie Zombie_ Protester_ Women. Cock tor dress zombie Zombie_ Sandwich Soldier Zombie_ Show girl. Show girl zombie Zombie_ skinny. yes Kelci Zombie zombie_skinny_female. yes Cock tor dress zombie Zombie_ Soldert Soldier Zombie_Swylives Soldier Zombie_test. big Skeleton Lockname = "Skeletonzombie" Zombie_test. Zombie_tir. Soldier Zombie_waitress. Cock tor dress zombie This folder also has the following files: Bigfile. Xml, Fullbody. big, root. big.
Zombie types in missions.txt [ ]
As an example, the Missions. txt file has the following rows, and a total of 106 lines are issued:
NumberCocktailDresszombie0 = "4" NumberCopzombie0 = "0" Numberkelseyzombie0 = "14" NumberOFALZOMBIE0 = "8" NUMBEROFCHERRYZOMBIE0 = "12" OFDESZOMBIE0 = "8" N UmberOfrankzombie0 = "4" NumberOfradyzombie0 = "8" NumberOfjamalzombie0 = "12" NumberOfjamesznbie0 = "12" Numberofjeremyzombie0 = "10" Numberromanozombie0 = "14" ZombieCount = "106"
The amount, for example, all lines, and changed the same numberCopzombie0 = "106" in the same way, did not work at all. Everyone was similar to the first zombie.
CMISSONZOMBIACTOR Y-DealerExamples of zombies already in missions.txt [ ]
It is in CMISSIONSSPAWNOMBI E-Section Missions.
CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE JAREDZOMBIE1< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "1.243" SpawnPoint = "-297,-5.642,-68" SpawnZombifiedSurvivor = "false" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE Bride Zombie 5< NumberOfZombies = "0" Rotation = "4" SpawnPoint = "5.147,0.693,-113.726" ZombieType = "zombie_bride" >CMISSIONSPAWN Zombie Constraction_zozoms1< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "-2.5" SpawnPoint = "166.296,28.159,-182.799" SpawnWithItem = "Dolly" ZombieType = "zombie_construction" >CMISSIONSPAWN Zombie Kateycinemazombie1< Rotation = "5" Scale = "5.238,2.050,4.388" SpawnPoint = "-77.831,9.151,-3.394" SpecifyZombie = "8971807585387010" SurvivorToTargetName = "cast_katey" Translation = "-72.452,10.847,-4.968" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" ZombieVariation = "3" >CMISSIONSPAWN Zombie Nearirwin< Rotation = "1.5" SpawnPoint = "-81.282,9.169,-12.452" SurvivorToTargetName = "srv_irwin" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" >CMISSIONSPAWN Zombie FirstCage< NumberOfZombies = "2" Rotation = "-1.57" SpawnPoint = "-48.482,9.169,-31.987" SurvivorToTargetName = "srv_shaun" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" >CMISSIONSPAWN Zombie FirstCage1< NumberOfZombies = "2" Rotation = "-1.57" SpawnPoint = "-48.543,9.169,-29.678" SurvivorToTargetName = "srv_tom" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" >CMISSIONSSPAWN Zombie NISMUNCHER< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "2.7" SpawnCorpseMunchers = "true" SpawnPoint = "-55.251,9.168,-27.702" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" >CMISSIONSSPAWNITEM SPAWNCORPSE< ItemName = "Corpse_Attractor" Location = "-55.622,9.157,-28.551" Rotation = "0.041,-1.081,-0.007,-0.720" >CMISSONZOMBIEREMOVAL Surchak Spone< Location = "-55.074,9.169,-34.662" Radius = "5" >CMISSIONSPAWN Zombie Pali_zombie_knife6< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "-0.2" SpawnPoint = "143.352,-0.566,-70.399" SpawnWithItem = "BowieKnife" ZombieType = "zombie_knife" >CMISSIONS Pawnzombia Certilene 12< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "-0.8" SpawnPoint = "91.985,-1.616,-243.670" SpawnWithItem = "Dolly" ZombieType = "zombie_maintenance" >C Missions Pawn Zombie Tripper 4< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "-2.7" SpawnPoint = "53.444,0.698,-76.625" SpawnWithItem = "BobsToy" ZombieType = "zombie_kitty" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE Gas Zombie 25< NumberOfZombies = "3" Rotation = "1.8" SpawnPoint = "-325.161,-5.643,-51.171" ZombieType = "zombie_gas" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE STRITION1< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "2.8" SpawnPoint = "-48.878,-1.497,20.159" SpawnWithItem = "M16" ZombieType = "zombie_soldier" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE Zombie_ Concierge 1< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "-1.9" SpawnPoint = "-160.950,-6.407,64.623" ZombieType = "zombie_dealer" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE Demonstrator 4< Rotation = "1.6" SpawnPoint = "-161.828,-5.811,58.327" SpawnWithItem = "ProtesterSign" ZombieType = "zombie_protester_female" >CMISSIONSPAWN Zombie COP4< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "0" SlotFondler = "false" SpawnPoint = "6.155,1.429,67.053" SpawnWithItem = "HandGun" ZombieType = "zombie_cop" >CMISSIONDEFINATION Drop_pushzombie_placement CmissionElevelready Drop_pushzombie_fortunexior Cmissipawnbie Slot_fondler_38< SlotFondler = "true" SpawnPoint = "-334.606,-5.639,-65.236" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE TIR_ZOMBIES< NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "-1.6" SpawnPoint = "-100.594,9.169,6.932" ZombieType = "zombie_tir" >CMISSIONSPAWNZOMBIE SLOTFONDLER3Zombie factory [ ]
The main forms of zombies that appear in this IRGE are all in the 1 0-segment data of the Missions. txt file:
name start date of expiry function First day Day 1 September 25, 03:00 (10800 3 hours) The second day, 26th, 00:00 (75600 21 hours) First day zombie Second day The second day, September 26, 00:00 (86400 24 hours) The third day, September 27, 00:00 (86400 24 hours) The second day of zombies Day 4 to 5 _ Gas Zombies On the third day, September 27 09:00 (291600 81 hours) Day 5 29th 12:00 (97200 27 hour s-Game over) Gas zombie Dro p-state The first day, September 25, 04:00 (14400 4 hours) On the 4th day, September 29, 07:00 (27000 75 hours) 3 zombies, protests, two merchants added to the Fortuna City Hotel Third day The third day, September 27, 00:00 (172800 48 hours) 4th day, September 28, 00:00 (86400 24 hours) The third day zombie Drop _ push zombie _ placement Day 1 September 25, 03:00 (10800 3 hours) (424800 118 hours) Added zombie to the city Yukatan_ Show 2nd day, September 26 23:00 (169200 47 hours) (90. 000 25 hours) Kaigo After that, Gemini wins Underground lift 4 Day 1 September 25, 2018 18:00 (64800 18 hours) (108000 30 hours) Underground zombie Day 4 K5 Day 4 September 28th 00:00 (259200 72 hours) Game cover (1209600 336 hours) Zombies from the 4th and 5th days, then options 6-1 Rice Rooftop _ suppression Day 1 September 25, 03:00 (10800 3 hours) End of the game (518400 144 hours) Maybe all the zombies outside the door are removed. At a US casino, zombies outside the door were removed from Royal Flush Plaza. If you take this verse 10, Dead Ring 2 has literally no zombies (except if you hack the zombie of this IRGE CHUCK role model and the safe).
Exact location of zombies [ ]
The accurate position (coordinates) of the zombie shown in the Missions. txt file is located in the AREA. Txt file in the Data/DataFile folder.
Missions. txt lists CasinoArea, for example, the location of CasinoArea's zombie data is located in Fortune_exerior. txt.
CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY CASINARAAAAAAAAAAAAAACzombiewarehouse Casino area< cPolygonSmall cPolygon28 < Height = "2.0" NumVertex = "9" Vertex0 = "-301.724,-3.553,11.103" Vertex1 = "-305.130,-3.552,7.685" Vertex2 = "-290.791,-3.552,-6.843" Vertex3 = "-287.404,-3.552,-3.176" Vertex4 = "-284.450,-3.552,-2.709" Vertex5 = "-283.860,-3.552,7.713" Vertex6 = "-288.214,-3.552,12.932" Vertex7 = "-294.622,-3.552,9.683" Vertex8 = "-300.666,-3.552,14.599" >CPOLYGONSMALL CPOLYGON44< Height = "2.0" NumVertex = "11" Vertex0 = "-269.022,-4.264,57.879" Vertex1 = "-276.389,-4.263,60.682" Vertex10 = "-273.444,-4.263,47.455" Vertex2 = "-284.326,-4.263,51.724" Vertex3 = "-284.110,-4.263,36.211" Vertex4 = "-259.806,-4.263,26.910" Vertex5 = "-249.224,-4.263,26.320" Vertex6 = "-250.514,-4.263,34.568" Vertex7 = "-261.694,-4.263,37.307" Vertex8 = "-261.917,-4.263,40.837" Vertex9 = "-270.956,-4.263,41.823" >CPOLYGONLARGE CPOLYGON45< Height = "2.0" NumVertex = "13" Vertex0 = "-293.715,-4.264,29.663" Vertex1 = "-293.064,-4.263,28.526" Vertex10 = "-282.854,-4.263,21.902" Vertex11 = "-292.849,-4.263,24.434" Vertex12 = "-294.746,-4.263,29.634" Vertex2 = "-283.045,-4.263,26.014" Vertex3 = "-269.904,-4.263,15.191" Vertex4 = "-258.701,-4.263,13.975" Vertex5 = "-257.355,-4.263,3.893" Vertex6 = "-264.687,-4.263,-3.296" Vertex7 = "-269.932,-4.263,0.463" Vertex8 = "-272.109,-4.263,5.569" Vertex9 = "-273.729,-4.263,12.109" >>
Americana Casino Day 1 Section [ ]
The Missions. txt file has an absolute part of the US casino CMISSIONTEFINATION Day1, and all zombies to Day1 are in the US casino.
CMISSIONDEFINATION Day1< Duration = "75600" ExplicitStart = "true" IgnoreAction = "false" MissionType = "11" StartTime = "10800" WaitUntilEnd = "true" cMissionLevelReady Americana_Day1 < LevelName = "LEVEL_AMERICANA_CASINO" cMissionAdjustZombieTuning AmericanaDay1 < MaxAttractorsForSurvivor = "8" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone0 = "5" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone1 = "5" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone2 = "3" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone3 = "3" WanderingZombies = "0.4" >CMISSONZOMBIACTOR Y-Dealer< Amount0 = "4" Amount1 = "5" Amount2 = "1" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" IgnoreAction = "false" NumberCocktailDressZombie0 = "4" NumberCopZombie0 = "0" NumberKelseyZombie0 = "14" NumberOfAlZombie0 = "8" NumberOfCherryZombie0 = "12" NumberOfDesZombie0 = "8" NumberOfFrankZombie0 = "4" NumberOfGradyZombie0 = "8" NumberOfJamalZombie0 = "12" NumberOfJamesZombie0 = "12" NumberOfJeremyZombie0 = "10" NumberRomanoZombie0 = "14" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieCount = "106" ZombieWarehouseName = "Dealers" >CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY LEVELGELGELGENERAL1< Amount0 = "30" Amount1 = "30" Amount2 = "20" ClumpDiameter = "3" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" ClumpNoise = "3" ClumpSize = "4" IgnoreAction = "false" NumberCocktailDressZombie0 = "4" NumberCopZombie0 = "0" NumberKelseyZombie0 = "14" NumberOfAlZombie0 = "8" NumberOfCherryZombie0 = "12" NumberOfDesZombie0 = "8" NumberOfFrankZombie0 = "4" NumberOfGradyZombie0 = "8" NumberOfJamalZombie0 = "12" NumberOfJamesZombie0 = "12" NumberOfJeremyZombie0 = "10" NumberRomanoZombie0 = "14" PercentClump = "50" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieCount = "106" ZombieWarehouseName = "Level_General" >CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY Slottalas< Amount0 = "15" Amount1 = "15" Amount2 = "15" Amount3 = "20" ClumpDiameter = "2" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" ClumpNoise = "2" ClumpSize = "4" NumberCopZombie0 = "10" PercentClump = "60" Type0 = "zombie_fat" Type1 = "zombie_skinny" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" Type3 = "zombie_skinny_female" ZombieCount = "10" ZombieWarehouseName = "SlotAreas" >CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY AMERICANAEXIT_FE< Amount0 = "3" Amount1 = "3" Amount2 = "3" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "AmericanaExits_FortuneExteriorDoors" >CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY ARENAEXIT< Amount0 = "15" Amount1 = "15" Amount2 = "10" ClumpDiameter = "3" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" ClumpNoise = "4" ClumpSize = "6" PercentClump = "70" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "ArenaExit" >CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY ARENAEXIT1< Amount0 = "5" Amount1 = "5" Amount2 = "5" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "ArenaExit_2" >CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY AMERICANA_EXITS< Amount0 = "10" Amount1 = "10" Amount2 = "8" ClumpDiameter = "3" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" ClumpNoise = "1" ClumpSize = "6" PercentClump = "50" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "AmericanaExits" >CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY Venjacks< Amount0 = "4" Amount1 = "4" Amount2 = "4" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "BJFrontage" >CMISSONZOMBEEFACTORY Benny Jackfall 1< Amount0 = "8" Amount1 = "8" Amount2 = "8" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "BJFiller" >CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY Atrium Tosino< Amount0 = "4" Amount1 = "4" Amount2 = "4" ClumpDiameter = "3" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" ClumpNoise = "3" ClumpSize = "5" PercentClump = "60" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "Atrium2Casino" >CMISSONZOMBIACTORY slot backwall< Amount0 = "7" Amount1 = "7" Amount2 = "7" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "SlotArea_Backwall" >CMISSONZOMBIEFACTORY ARENA_VISTA< Amount0 = "30" Amount1 = "10" Amount2 = "30" Amount3 = "10" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_fat" Type1 = "zombie_fat_female" Type2 = "zombie_skinny" Type3 = "zombie_skinny_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "Arena_Vista" >> >
Day 1 American Casino dealer only [ ]
This is the smallest part of CMISSIONDEFINITION Day1 in the Missions. txt file, and there are only 10 zombies in Americana Casino near the Platinum Plaza door.
CMISSIONDEFINATION Day1< Duration = "75600" ExplicitStart = "true" IgnoreAction = "false" MissionType = "11" StartTime = "10800" WaitUntilEnd = "true" cMissionLevelReady Americana_Day1 < LevelName = "LEVEL_AMERICANA_CASINO" cMissionAdjustZombieTuning AmericanaDay1 < MaxAttractorsForSurvivor = "8" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone0 = "5" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone1 = "5" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone2 = "3" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone3 = "3" WanderingZombies = "0.4" >CMISSONZOMBIACTOR Y-Dealer< Amount0 = "4" Amount1 = "5" Amount2 = "1" ClumpDiameterDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_skinny" Type1 = "zombie_fat" Type2 = "zombie_fat_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "Dealers" >> >
special zombies in each area [ ]
In the service area of three zombies at American Casino, only dolls were witnessed with dolls.
See also forum discussions: Zombies: MARAUDERS SPAVN and Zombie Mode
Each zone has a special zombie displayed in the zombie segment. These zombies can only be found in specific places. Bandits and ordinary mercenaries may be found only in specific areas.
If you try to change zombies that are not usually in the zone, you can't see anything (see the screenshot). If the zombie needs to smell the thing, you can see only things.
Zombie_hudy, Zombie_tolous, Zombie_huda_ Women can be found in all areas.
Large Zombiesets. txt files resemble all zombies.
It is an incomplete list of zombies that are likely to be in each area:
Zombie Agent Zombie Dealer Zombie Knife
zombie_builder zombie_service zombie_prosthetist_woman Zombie_prosthetist
To work, include the title of one or more debug missions at the bottom of the Missions. txt file.
Zombies will not spawn day 1 from 12 am to 3 am [ ]
Zombies cannot be seen in most areas from 0 (12. 00) to 10. 800 (3. 00). However, the exception is the outside of LUCK and Manege. [1]
Zombie behavior and characteristics [ ]
Items. txt files specify the behavior and characteristics of each zombie. For example, Zombie Bart has two sections in the items. txt file:
czombieClassitem zombie_bertha czombiebiehavioRitem zombie_berthaVertexes [ ]
In the Missions. txt file, only a part of the Fortune Exterior section has the top. For this reason, Fortune_exterior. txt file has a vertex section corresponding.
This reason is unknown.
CMISSIONZOMBICTORY N_Stripend1 CMISSIONZOMBIEPEND_2 CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY N_Stripyucatan_Entriance N_Stripbehindtrailer CMISSIONZOMBICTORY N_Strip_Park1 CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY N_Stripmid1 CMISSIONZOMBIECTORY N_ STRISSION OMBIEFACTORY N_Stripend8 BEHINDTRAILER1 CMISSIONZOMBIECTORY N_Strip_Park5 Cmi'Stripmid5 Cmi'SIONZ OMBIEFACTORY N_Stripkerbiep2 Actory N_Stripmid_kerboom2 N_Stripmid_gas CMISSIONZOMBIECTORY N_Strip_park_gas CmissionZombiestory N_Stripend_gas Tory N_StripkerBoom_Gas CmissionZombiefactory n_stripend11 CMISSIONZOMBIECTORY N_Stripend_6 CMISSIONZOMBICTORY Ance4 CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY N_Stripbehindtrailer4 CMISSIONZOMBICTORY N_STRIP_PARK9 CMISSIONZOMBIEPMID9 CMISSION ZOMBIEFACTORY N_Stripkerboom5 ZombieeFactory N_Stripend9 CMISSIONZOMBIECTORY N_Stripend_4 CmissionZombictory N_Stripyucatan_entrance2 Pbehindtrailer2 CmissionZombiefactory n_strip_park6 CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY N_Stripkerboom3 CMISSIONZOMBICTORY 10 CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY N_Stripend_5 CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY N_Stripyucatan_Stripyucatan_entRance3 CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY N_Strip N_Strip BEHINDTRAILER3 CMISSIONZOMBIEFACTORY N_Strip_Park7 CmissionZombieFactory N_StripMid 7 CmissionZombieFactory N_stripkerboom4
And so on. Missions. txt file has a total of 39 sections.
Zombie variations [ ]
Similarly, the Missions. txt file contains all possible variations of zombies:
[pdv = zombie_bertha_mtl_clothings1. pdv, zombie_bertha_mtl_clothings2. pdv, zombie_bertha ESS1. pdv、[zombie_construction_2] zombie_construction_mtl_hardhat。pdv, zombie_construction_mtl_pants. pdv=zombie_construction_mtl_pants1。pdv=zombie_construction_mtl_shirt1. pdv、 zombie_construction_mtl_shirt2. pdv、 zombie_construction_mtl_shirt3. pdv、 [zombie_bertha_4] zombie_bertha_4_mtl_lod4. pdv = zombie_bertha_4_mtl_lod4_var1. pdv, zombie_bertha_4_mtl_lod4_var2. pdv, zombie_dealer_mtl_pants4. pdv, zombie_dealer_mtl_vest. pdv = zombie_dealer_mtl_vest1. PDV, zombie_dealer_mtl_vest3. pdv、zombie_dealer_mtl_vest4. pdv, [zombie_showgirl_2] zombie_showgirl_mtl_caps. pdv = zombie_showgirl_mtl_howgirl_caps2 MTL_CAPS3. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_caps4. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_eye. pdv=zombie_showgirl_mtl_eye1. pdv、 zombie_showgirl_mtl_eye2. pdv、 zombie_showgirl_mtl_eye3. pdv、 zombie_showgirl_mtl_eye3.
Choosing specific zombies [ ]
zombie_showgirl_mtl_mouth. pdv=zombie_showgirl_mtl_mouth1。pdv=zombie_showgirl_mtl_outfit1. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_outfit2. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_outfit3. pdv=zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_arms1. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_arms2. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_arms3. pdv=zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_levels1. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_levels2. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_levels3. pdv, zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_levels4. pdv=zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_torso1。 pdv、zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_torso2。 pdv、zombie_showgirl_mtl_zombie_torso3。 pdv、[zombie_dealer_4] zombie_dealer_4_mtl_lod4。pdv=zombie_dealer_4_mtl_lod4_var1. pdv, zombie_dealer_4_mtl_lod4_var2. pdv, zombie_dealer_4_mtl_lod4_var3. pdv, [zombie_mager_2] zombie_mager_mtl_pet. pdv、zombie_mager_mtl_pet2. pdv、zombie_mager_mtl_pet3. pdv、zombie_mager_mtl_pet4. pdv、zombie_mager_mtl_shirt. pdv=zombie_mager_mtl_shirt1. pdv、zombie_skinny_mtl_jersey2. pdv, zombie_skinny_mtl_jersey3. pdv, zombie_skinny_mtl_jersey4. pdv, zombie_skinny_mtl_jersey5. pdv, zombie_skinny_mtl_pants1. pdv, zombie_skinny_mtl_pants11.
zombie_skinny_mtl_trillbilly4. pdv, [zombie_showgirl_4] zombie_showgirl_4_mtl_lod4. pdv=zombie_showgirl_4_mtl_lod4_var1. pdv, zombie_ showgirl_4_mtl_lod4_var2. pdv, zombie_showgirl_4_mtl_lod4_var3. PDV, zombie_showgirl_4_mtl_lod4_var4. pdv, [zombie_skinny_4] zombie_ skinny_4_mtl_1. pdv = zombie_skinny_4_mtl_1_var1_var_4_mtl_4_mtl_4_mtl var3. PDV, zombie_skinny_4_mtl_1_var4. pdv, zombie_skinny_4_mtl_1 _var5. pdv, zombie_skinny_4_mtl_2. pdv = zombie_skinnynny_var2. pdv, 4_mtl_2_var3. PDV, zombie_skinny_4_mtl_2_var4. pdv, zombie_skinny_4_mtl_ 2_var5. pdv, zombie_skinny_4_mtl_3. pdv = zombie_skinnynny_var2. pdv, 4_mtl_3_var3. PDV, zombie_skinny_4_mtl_3_var4. pdv, zombie_skinny_4_mtl mtl_4_var5. pdv, [zombie_skinny_female_4] zombie_skinny_female_4_mtl_1. pdv = zombie_skinnynnynnnnyl_var1. pdv, _FEMALE_4_MTL_1_VAR2. PDV, zombie_skinny_female_4_mtl_1. zombie_skinny_female_4_mtl_1_var3. pdv, zombie_skinny_female_4_mtl_1_var4. pdv, zombie_skinny_female_4_mtl_1_var5. pdv, L_2_VAR1. PDV,. zombie_skinny_female_4_mtl_2_var2. pdv, zombie_skinny_female_4_mtl_2_var3. pdv, zombie_skinny_female_4_mtl_2_var4. pdv, zombie_skinny_ female_mtl_var5. pdv, _2
zombie_skinny_female_mtl_tshirt3. pdv, [zombie_protester_female_2] zombie_protester_female_mtl_hair1. pdv = zombie_protester_female_mtl_hair11. PDV、 zombie_protester_female_mtl_hair2. pdv, zombie_protester_female_mtl_hair22. pdv, VES1. PDV, zombie_protester_female_mtl_longsleeves2. pdv, zombie_protester_female_mtl_pants1. pdv, zombie_protester_female_mtl_pants12. pdv、zombie_protester_female_mtl_pants2. pdv=zombie_protester_female_mtl_pants21. pdv, zombie_protester_female_mtl_pants22. pdv、zombie_protester_female_mtl_shirt1. pdv=zombie_protester_female_mtl_shirt11. PDV, zombie_protester_female_mtl_shirt12. PDV、[zombie_protester_female_mtl_shirt2.]PDV=zombie_protester_female_mtl_shirt21. PDV、[zombie_protester_female_mtl_shirt22. PDV, [zombie_protester_female_4] zombie_protester_female_4_mtl_1. pdv = zombie_protester_female_4_mtl_1_var1. pdv, zombie_protestrotl_4_mtl_4_mtl_2_mtl_2_mtl_2_mtl_2_mtl_2_mtl_2_mtl_2_mtl_2_mtl_2_mtl_2_mte _protester_female_4_mtl_2_var1. PDV, zombie_protester_female_4_mtl_2_var2. pdv, [zombie_protester_4] zombie_protester_4_mtl_1. pdv = zombie_protester_4_var1_var1 . pdv, zombie_protester_4_mtl_3. pdv = zombie_protester_4_mtl_3_var1. pdv, [zombie_fat_4] zombie_fat_4_mtl_1. pdv = zombie_fat_4_mtl_1_var1. pdv, zombie_fat_4_mtl_1_var2.
- 5. 1. Section 1 "Casino Day 1" American