Let s Play Space Empires IV
Thread: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
This is the beginning of all. The second and third posts have quite a lot of information related to the passed LP.Spoiler
What is it? LP content?
that's right. He was boosted by a slightly terrible LP archive, boring, and his desire to see the LP would not die at the moment of the concept, and your friend will introduce this small game with the title Space Empires IV to you. did.
Then, timeout. What does LP actually mean?
Quoted the sem i-filtered slogan "Let's pla y-We Play These Games so you don't have to to". This idea is to play LP creators and report your passage in the form of videos (often commented) or screenshots (always with comments). In principle, creators do not rush to pass, explain the various nuances of the game along the case, demonstrate secrets, and reveal Easter eggs. Depending on the ability (like this topic), the role of the audience is encouraged, the creator recognizes from other forum users, and in fact, they chose which version of the conversation they want to see further. , Restrictions, etc. As a result, everyone can enjoy it.
A more absolute note is that this is actually LJ, which can be found here. Alternatively, you will get a point by reading some of the SA archives.
By the way, what do you actually have?
Star Imperial IV was developed by Malfado r-Machine, the first strategy in 2000, and it is a 4 X-game for space conquest. The main features are old graphics, some extr a-large interfaces, and the best AI.
For example, why do you play again?
In fact, it's still quite interesting, so sometimes it spends a certain amount (several tens of hours). And wonderful materials for LP are prepared.
The question is already good! If you continue to recite, everything will be revealed.
1. I am playing vanilla. 2. Do not count a low quality queue, as the distributor in this country does not try to let us know anything. For example, you don't have to worry about seeing unread, unread in screenshots. Translate if necessary. Disclaimer: A part of my translation will be noticeable from a unique version. 3. 3. Updates are performed as skills. I try to impose one after a few days. 4. Votin g-First, it is a big number, and when we start working, it is not absolute. At least, the role of the audience will be exactly the sam e-if you want to recognize the details, read it.
And then it all comes.
In a galaxy far, far away.
But at the start, we have to decide where our epic state of conquest will begin.
Above, we have the quadrant generation screen. Choose the right option:
Quadrant type (table above) - from top to bottomModerate Disintegration - A high percentage of systems possibly compatible with life, and a very small percentage of rare galactic phenomena.
Cluster - Star systems are connected in small groups, with only a certain number of connections to the "outside world". On a theoretical level, this makes it easier to create defense points for nascent empires.Galaxy's Edge is a state with a negative location.
Otherwise similar to Moderate Old, but with a more even distribution of systems on the map.Spiral... except it doesn't look like it at all.
Not all star systems are clustered towards the center, with greater distances towards the edges.
But this only makes sense if you want to use the warp tunnel generator for tactical purposes, as travel through warp tunnels is quick regardless of distance.
The grid is pretty evenly spaced. Each system is equidistant from the other four systems, and they combine to make a square. Still, it's not fun. Antique is probably the hardest to play, with a high percentage of "dead" systems, not to mention navigational hazards such as dark holes, unstable star fields, and other unusual appearances. Last but not least, it's what makes the game exciting.
Quadrant Size (Middle Table)Determines what "large" means.
General Options (Lower Table)All Connected System s-The original text sounds like "all warp points are connected", but if you think about it, this doesn't make much sense. If you set it to "OFF", the warp tunnel can be distributed more interestingly (tactical tasks, toast), but at the same time, some star systems may form a mini cluster without communicating with other quadrants. If you don't have a warp tunnel, you'll be boring the way to open the warp tunnel. The warp tunnel is "invalid" along the end of the system. When set to "comprehensive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. All visible systems, that is, the entire map will be searched. Invalid. " Let's protect the fun of the survey. All systems displa y-that is, there is no fog in the war. The same is true. Limited resource s-resource extraction objects slowly deplete the natural resources of the planet until zero. Usually, the goal is to maximize resource production so that the contents of more ships can be covered, maintaining large surplus in preparation for unexpected situations. When you install this parameter
Therefore, we recall the voting about the following issues: -Honfimus typ e-General setting s-Each "comprehensive" or "off".
... the place where interesting things happened
We also have the ability to set the size and frequency of random events that occur during the game (I'm very sorry).
N o-the way I want. Lo w-default. Experienced observations lead to something once in about 100 to 200 movements. Middl e-once every 50-100 times. Frequen t-once every 20 to 50 times.
Lo w-The ship's engine explodes for no reason. Middl e-The ship is in the Negatis Space Weed Guy and is in the star system via a half colba dran. Fucky diseases spread throughout the planet. Seriou s-The instability of the planet core is detected. boom. Disaste r-The instability of the star core is discovered. boom. < SPAN> All Connected System s-The original text sounds like "all warp points are connected", but if you think about it, this doesn't make much sense. If you set it to "OFF", the warp tunnel can be distributed more interestingly (tactical tasks, toast), but at the same time, some star systems may form a mini cluster without communicating with other quadrants. If you don't have a warp tunnel, you'll be boring the way to open the warp tunnel. The warp tunnel is "invalid" along the end of the system. When set to "comprehensive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. All visible systems, that is, the entire map will be searched. Invalid. " Let's protect the fun of the survey. All systems displa y-that is, there is no fog in the war. The same is true. Limited resource s-resource extraction objects slowly deplete the natural resources of the planet until zero. Usually, the goal is to maximize resource production so that the contents of more ships can be covered, maintaining large surplus in preparation for unexpected situations. When you install this parameter
Therefore, we recall the voting about the following issues: -Honfimus typ e-General setting s-Each "comprehensive" or "off".
... the place where interesting things happened
We also have the ability to set the size and frequency of random events that occur during the game (I'm very sorry).
N o-the way I want. Lo w-default. Experienced observations lead to something once in about 100 to 200 movements. Middl e-once every 50-100 times. Frequen t-once every 20 to 50 times.
Lo w-The ship's engine explodes for no reason. Middl e-The ship is in the Negatis Space Weed Guy and is in the star system via a half colba dran. Fucky diseases spread throughout the planet. Seriou s-The instability of the planet core is detected. boom. Disaste r-The instability of the star core is discovered. boom. All Connected System s-The original text sounds like "all warp points are connected", but if you think about it, this doesn't make much sense. If you set it to "OFF", the warp tunnel can be distributed more interestingly (tactical tasks, toast), but at the same time, some star systems may form a mini cluster without communicating with other quadrants. If you don't have a warp tunnel, you'll be boring the way to open the warp tunnel. The warp tunnel is "invalid" along the end of the system. When set to "comprehensive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. All visible systems, that is, the entire map will be searched. Invalid. " Let's protect the fun of the survey. All systems displa y-that is, there is no fog in the war. The same is true. Limited resource s-resource extraction objects slowly deplete the natural resources of the planet until zero. Usually, the goal is to maximize resource production so that the contents of more ships can be covered, maintaining large surplus in preparation for unexpected situations. When you install this parameter
Therefore, we recall the voting about the following issues: -Honfimus typ e-General setting s-Each "comprehensive" or "off".
... the place where interesting things happened
We also have the ability to set the size and frequency of random events that occur during the game (I'm very sorry).
N o-the way I want. Lo w-default. Experienced observations lead to something once in about 100 to 200 movements. Middl e-once every 50-100 times. Frequen t-once every 20 to 50 times.
Lo w-The ship's engine explodes for no reason. Middl e-The ship is in the Negatis Space Weed Guy and is in the star system via a half colba dran. Fucky diseases spread throughout the planet. Seriou s-The instability of the planet core is detected. boom. Disaste r-The instability of the star core is discovered. boom.
As a result, I would like to tell you in front of you that you have decided to play with the maximum frequency and degree. Because in the direction of 100 hands, all my colony became a new star. That's exactly it. For example, if you do not want to recite long, multiple LPs.
And people noticed.
The Star Empire IV can be carried out as one because you can create your own personal races using a large amount of statistics and variables. For example, how many statistics and variables are used in it, and we will discuss their moon, we will simplify the process for the song.
1. For those who really want to study a new phase with a flying barrel.
2. The design of the ship is absolutely normal in my opinion.
3. Hmm. wonderful. Not enough. spy.
4. It is not sufficient that our selected people are made of some of the stems, for example, the design of their ships comparable to the main is distinguished only by volume.
5. I don't touch this, and you are not obliged to do so.
6. By default, this race is called "AI". For example, I answered:
7. Evil eyes are mixed intensely with the lazy design of the ship.
8. Even if it looks like a song song, the best ship design is available.
10. It has potential.
11. For some reason, I remember Battle Star Galactica. The ship, I understand the appearance. The personality is reminiscent of a filthy hemp.
12. is required. Duvina. joke.
13. Personality, absolute bee.
14. Overall, I like their ships. The appearance is not bad compared to others.
15. Monster.
16. For example, what happened to no n-metal, small and large designs, which are the cornerstone of human technology in most science fiction?
17. Pyramid Mapeta. Mappet. V. Pyramid.
18. Now, everything is exactly the same.
19. OK, OK, for example, bad, I can exist in data.
20. An important image of beetles. Are you trying to get into a drone, hive?
Our races are all nominally guided by a series of characteristics starting with average or 100 %. The birth rate, attack and defense, research, trade, bliss, production efficiency, etc. in combat and ground attacks in galaxy. But we will promote everyone. Votes on what our civilization is more inclined:
Warrior s-But our ship is probably not our crew or the army than sufficient sophisticated and effective designs and other training in the universe. We declare strong freedom and charm over and over again to bring at least a perfect victory to several opponents.
Technology... Maybe we're not the strongest race, or working on something new and shiny in our laboratories. Our mines and factories produce resources day and night, and our ships are monsters of efficiency. Where others build fleets, we build 10.
Researcher - Combat power? Superior numbers? No. Maybe it had some meaning when our ancestors were still hitting each other over the head with stones. Now, all that matters is technological superiority. What's the point of your shields if our weapons can penetrate them? What's the point of your powerful fleets if you can't outrun ours? Technology is the future, and only those who embrace it can speak of the future.
Settler is a big universe, and there's enough room for everyone. No problem, just a place to settle. But once we get our weapons and ships... But once we get our weapons and ships... We're many, and we won't go quietly. So let's not start something we'll regret, okay?
I give 3000 points to create a race. Some of them can be spent on any of the features below. Or you can vote "No" and get more points to spend on increasing stats.
Talented Mechanic 1000pts - Basic ship upkeep (not followers) is reduced by 25% (also called a large fleet)
Mechanoid 1000pts - Planet is immune to plagues (easily overcome with research and one building)
Luck 1000pts. - 50% reduced chance of negative random events (this wording seems to imply a possibility of positive random events. I have yet to encounter this).
Constructor 1000pts. - No need to build distances (usually you need one per colonized system to get income from planetary resources. Basically, you can expand a little faster).
Engine Expert 1000Pt. - Gives all ships extra points for base movement (if you were to take anything, it would be that; maneuverability has a big impact on combat in SE4).
Ancient Species 1000Pt. - Start researching the entire quadrant map (we forbid this for reasons mentioned above). Experienced Stockpiling 1000Pt. - 120% of base stockpiles and storage capacity on planets (more resource sources and more space for ground troops, fighters, ground artillery, etc.).Industry 1000pts. - 125% of the production rate of the base shipyard (you can borrow up to 20 hands, becoming more valuable when building more advanced ships).Psychic 1500pts. - Reveals access to the "Parapsychology" research tree (use information control over your army's population to make them happier, or demoralize or turn enemies to you, my take on it is rather boring).Religious 1500pts. - Gain access to the "Faith" research tree (crew or brainwash your ship with fanatical fervor).Time Traveler 1500pts. - Reveals access to Temporal Research (you gain access to other versions of some needed technologies, get Temporal weapons that are agile and enemy ship debris, and actually "they do damage" before it is very likely).Crystal Manipulator 1500pts. - A weapon with an unusual name and average damage).BioGineers 1500pts. - Reveals access to the research tree "Bio-Engineering" (it's worth it, because you get missiles with the best fire. This doesn't count, you get regenerative armor, which sounds really cool until you realize it, its actually a huge share of it, everything is also totally destroyed by the average of the opening).Stoic 3000pts. - The spectator has almost no control over all the impressions. (No brainwashing works. They never rebel. On the other hand, they will never win practically any production awards due to luck. In any case, I try and forbid it, for example, so that we remain from us have something to actually regulate our people.
Planets in SE4 are oriented by their type and atmosphere (among other things). We can choose the right option:Atmosphere: - No, it's only rocky planets, with quite occasional collisions. Yes, you can start with gas planets without atmospheres. No, don't trust me, in my judgment, you won't see large planets without atmospheres either. - Methane - Air - Hydrogen - Carbon dioxideType: - Granite - Ice - Gas - As well as their largest percentage of giant planets, as well as a huge variety of atmospheres, in fact the intelligence of suitable planets turns reckless.Any planet can be colonized if you study the corresponding colonization module in the analogy. Any planet with any atmosphere can be colonized, but only planets with an atmosphere suitable for our race can realize the full potential of the individual.
How to associate with aliens who may meet us while studying the galaxy.-Living togethe r-we are all friends. Why do you spend life and resources in wasted wars to teach your friend's friends? (This is an extra thing. It is possible to be the most intimidated allies, half of the four-minute yen, but at the moment of luck-so that I can blame it, it achieves a sense of specific technical formation. Always connected-Everybody will declare war.-Mand y-to reach them, but to make them can preserve their own ships and their own ruler s-until they continue to respect us (declaration of war, colonials) Establish a certain number, then select buyers or slaves-nations.-Alaxatio n-To achieve them, they eliminate their governments and arrange some of our empire (it needs to contain terrestrial army on the planet and establish the center of peace. )-Enge r-Planetary bombing, absolutely stopped. (In addition, this is the most unpretentious option. As a candidate, I like to drop it like an assimilation, and then put all the crowds on a cargo ship and throw them into tracks.) ... and they were called.Finally, if you present the title, I will choose what I like most.
When calculating the vote, consider each category separately. Among them, the first three votes will win. If the voting is delayed in any category (if there are more than 10 votes, no voting will be made), I will accept the conclusions based on which options are now the top. The following is a brief explanation of the category for reference:
Quinong typ e-equal attenuation
-The cluster 4 votes
-A end of the galax y-Spiral 1 vot e-Mes h-Antique
Common feature s-All star systems are coalition 2 votes Yes/2 Vote s-The chain tunnel is scattered by the star system 3 votes Yes/1 vote-Resources are limited
2 Yes
Random behavior
Frequency: -N o-Low 2 Voic e-Middle 1 Voic e-Frequently 1 Speech Level:
-Low 1 voic e-Middl e-powerful
-Katakuri 3 Voice
Observation: 1 2-2 stems 3-1 stems 4 5 5 6-2 stems 7 9 9 10 11-11 stems 12 13 14 15 16-1117 19-2 20 Civilization:
Objective: Vote for three categories from most important to least important. The first favorite gets a huge bonus, the second favorite gets the smallest bonus. Anyone who borrows the last ball gets a penalty. - Warrior - 9pts. - 3rd space - Technician - 10pts. - 2nd space - Scientist - 11pts. - 1st space - Settler - 5pts. - 4th space Special features - Mechanic - Mechanoid - Lucky - True trader - Automotive expert - Experienced warehouseman - 1 vote - Industrialist - 1 vote - Paranormal researcher - Religious - 1 vote - Time traveler - 1 vote - Crystal handler - Bio-engineer Homeworld: Air: - None - Methane - 2 votes - Air - 1 vote - Hydrogen - 2 votes - Carbon dioxide Type: - Stone - 3 votes- Ice - 1 vote
- Gas - 2 votesDiplomacy - Cohabitation - Slavery - 2 votes - Assimilation - 2 votes - Extermination - 2 votes
Things that are posted on this wall
SpoilerName - how you want to be identified in the LP Fleet name - what you want your fleet to be called Flag name/Class - what you want your personal command ship to be called Doctrine - what military operations your fleet will specialize in.
SpoilerJust to clarify a bit: SE4 allows a fairly flexible approach to ship design. If there is space in the chassis, you can basically mount it. Hocus pocus is about finding the balance between speed, defense, and firepower, and if you do everything right, you can win even when outnumbered with the least amount of losses.
First off, I'm going to limit my fleet to 10 admirals, which will be the only giant fleet I've ever played (I usually limit it to 4). HoistingRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
A highly specialized fleet). And those on the list must wait for a while until they are introduced to the game. But don't be disappointed. Even those who do not want to be an Admiral have a good chance to become a captain. If you specify the name and class of the ship you want to control, I will do as much as possible to participate in the game.Finally, there are some things I want to do:The doctrine sledge hammer is the best strategy. It is a general strategy, in your case, in which the enemy Salvo is unnecessarily dancing on your shield, and absolute salvation to the enemy. Energy and mass driver are your weapons and the only weapon that includes true meaning. Sing-this determines the distance of the battle and determines the course. Some people ridicule how easy it is to shoot their ships, but they should understand that they don't need shields-a missile into a radioactive dust long before the enemy's gun chased. As long as you change it. Swar m-Most of your fleet will be a carrier full of interceptor missiles and bomb carriers. Your strategy is to overload the enemy's detector with so many contacts that cannot be tracked. The cost will be inevitable, but if you lose a ship with hundreds of crew, it's better to die a handful of pilots. Note that fighter research is quite expensive and can be started immediately, but there are many "priority" technologies that are first needed. For example, the appearance of an Admiral by the Swarm theory is likely to be later. Balanc e-The fleet must be adapted by history in the combination of the above three theories. < SPAN> A highly specialized fleet). And those on the list must wait for a while until they are introduced to the game. But don't be disappointed. Even those who do not want to be an Admiral have a good chance to become a captain. If you specify the name and class of the ship you want to control, I will do as much as possible to participate in the game.Finally, there are some things I want to do:
The doctrine sledge hammer is the best strategy. It is a general strategy, in your case, in which the enemy Salvo is unnecessarily dancing on your shield, and absolute salvation to the enemy. Energy and mass driver are your weapons and the only weapon that includes true meaning. Sing-this determines the distance of the battle and determines the course. Some people ridicule how easy it is to shoot their ships, but they should understand that they don't need shields-a missile into a radioactive dust long before the enemy's gun chased. As long as you change it. Swar m-Most of your fleet will be a carrier full of interceptor missiles and bomb carriers. Your strategy is to overload the enemy's detector with so many contacts that cannot be tracked. The cost will be inevitable, but if you lose a ship with hundreds of crew, it's better to die a handful of pilots. Note that fighter research is quite expensive and can be started immediately, but there are many "priority" technologies that are first needed. For example, the appearance of an Admiral by the Swarm theory is likely to be later. Balanc e-The fleet must be adapted by history in the combination of the above three theories. A highly specialized fleet). And those on the list must wait for a while until they are introduced to the game. But don't be disappointed. Even those who do not want to be an Admiral have a good chance to become a captain. If you specify the name and class of the ship you want to control, I will do as much as possible to participate in the game.Finally, there are some things I want to do:The doctrine sledge hammer is the best strategy. It is a general strategy, in your case, in which the enemy Salvo is unnecessarily dancing on your shield, and absolute salvation to the enemy. Energy and mass driver are your weapons and the only weapon that includes true meaning. Sing-this determines the distance of the battle and determines the course. Some people ridicule how easy it is to shoot their ships, but they should understand that they don't need shields-a missile into a radioactive dust long before the enemy's gun chased. As long as you change it. Swar m-Most of your fleet will be a carrier full of interceptor missiles and bomb carriers. Your strategy is to overload the enemy's detector with so many contacts that cannot be tracked. The cost will be inevitable, but if you lose a ship with hundreds of crew, it's better to die a handful of pilots. Note that fighter research is quite expensive and can be started immediately, but there are many "priority" technologies that are first needed. For example, the appearance of an Admiral by the Swarm theory is likely to be later. Balanc e-The fleet must be adapted by history in the combination of the above three theories.Battleshi p-Heavy protected, most of the time, global engine and energy engine are armed. Admiral's favorite "sledge hammer". Missile boats are low in defense, but are highly piloted and equipped with rocket launchers, so they are almost always out of the enemy range. The carrier is a platform for fighter transportation. In principle, the armament is poor, but it is regarded as an excellent flagship thanks to the cover that does not allow fighters to enter. The Admiral usually has a special detector or EW device on the carrier. Gumboat is small and has a weak defense, and is mainly armed with point defense weapons to eliminate fighters and missiles. Professiona l-different, often experimental weapons and equipment platforms. It is expected that it will be noticed quite late. Support is a common category of no n-combat ships, at least close to a permanent fleet ship. It includes repair ships, descent ships for ground, and cargo ships equipped with support fighters.
That's it for now.(The gods, it will not explode).The doctrine sledge hammer is the best strategy. It is a general strategy, in your case, in which the enemy Salvo is unnecessarily dancing on your shield, and absolute salvation to the enemy. Energy and mass driver are your weapons and the only weapon that includes true meaning. Sing-this determines the distance of the battle and determines the course. Some people ridicule how easy it is to shoot their ships, but they should understand that they don't need shields-a missile into a radioactive dust long before the enemy's gun chased. As long as you change it. Swar m-Most of your fleet will be a carrier full of interceptor missiles and bomb carriers. Your strategy is to overload the enemy's detector with so many contacts that cannot be tracked. The cost will be inevitable, but if you lose a ship with hundreds of crew, it's better to die a handful of pilots. Note that fighter research is quite expensive and can be started immediately, but there are many "priority" technologies that are first needed. For example, the appearance of an Admiral by the Swarm theory is likely to be later. Balanc e-The fleet must be adapted by history in the combination of the above three theories.Thanks to Altanis for surviving this topic.
Current memberAdumiralty
1. Premier Displa y-Premier Display Admiral Baron Young Wroostar Caus 2. Gemini 2-Gerald Mine 3. Admiral Gemini 1-Yanus 4. Lord Asmodiu s-Admiral 5. Admiral Dumbledore Aliv e-Admiral Michael Wilson 6. Token o-N. B. 7. Kan e-undecide d-Altani s-Unfamily Pape r-undecided 10. *Free
First off, I'm going to limit my fleet to 10 admirals, which will be the only giant fleet I've ever played (I usually limit it to 4). HoistingRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Such a young man fan art
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workSpoilerFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Bug bear at the playground
And Drunkmonkgar's workNight Peacekeeper ProactiveFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Bug bear at the playground
And Drunkmonkgar's workBugbear in the Playground Bugbear in the Playground は 2005 に released され, the latest の开発のみをダウンロードすることができます.Finally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Telefoonnummer: Telefoonnummer: Telefoonnummer: Telefoonnummer: Wachtwoord: en: Flagship/Fighter Platform Spoiler Class: Lightweight Fighter Interceptor Class: Lightweight Destination:
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workSpoilerFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Turned and landed ship bomber
And Drunkmonkgar's workNight Peacekeeper ProactiveFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Planetary bomber
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workescortFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Boarding behavior/ record of ships
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workAppointmentFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
And Drunkmonkgar's workAppointmentFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
And Drunkmonkgar's workAppointmentFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
And Drunkmonkgar's workAppointmentFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workAnt i-core weaponFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Light cruiser
And Drunkmonkgar's workAnt i-core weaponFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
And Drunkmonkgar's workAnt i-core weaponFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Spoiler
And Drunkmonkgar's workSpoilerFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Planetary attack
And Drunkmonkgar's workMediu m-sized transport aircraftFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Spoiler
And Drunkmonkgar's workAnt i-core weaponFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Installation of machine light fields
And Drunkmonkgar's workNight Peacekeeper ProactiveFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Appointment
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workAverage miningFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Passive aggressive defense system
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workAppointmentFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
And Drunkmonkgar's workAppointmentFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
And Drunkmonkgar's workNight Peacekeeper ProactiveFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workFleet replenishmentFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
And Drunkmonkgar's workAppointmentFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.class
And Drunkmonkgar's workNight Peacekeeper ProactiveFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Spoiler
And Drunkmonkgar's workSpoilerFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Orbital shipyard
And Drunkmonkgar's workBugbear in the Playground Bugbear in the Playground は 2005 に released され, the latest の开発のみをダウンロードすることができます.Finally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.College/ warp tunnel protection
And Drunkmonkgar's workSpoilerFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.College/ warp tunnel protection
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workMy voting is as follows (I do not vote for problems without strong hope):Finally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Honorary type: Cluster (for defense in narrow places)
And Drunkmonkgar's workMy voting is as follows (I do not vote for problems without strong hope):Finally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Culture: Favorite orde r-Researche r-enginee r-settlement
SpoilerAnd Drunkmonkgar's workThis wallFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.Final editor: Premier; 2008-08-08 at 10:33 AM.
And Drunkmonkgar's workThis wallFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.A wonderful game. I want to find a multiplayer friend.
And Drunkmonkgar's workType Honpo n-Cluster Joint Characteristics: -The System is unifie d-The chain tunnel spreads throughout the syste m-No restricted resourcesFinally, it was dominated by maxymiuk; 26-08-2009 at 19:01.External Photo of Race: 16 Civilization: -Sdis t-Technicis t-Special Features: -Time Traveler (Time Shipyard FTW) Inhabitant World: -It Type: -Type: -Delivery Cliffs: -Eradication of Diplomatic Cliffs: : Teller nation
People on this wall
Nam e-Purpose of Admiral Field Nuncen Flee t-Dark Fleet Tame / Class Flagshi p-Subjugator / Line Ship theor y-Sladge Hammer. Features the huge and terrible ship.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Barbarian at the playground
Release date: August 2007
Honorary type: Spiral
Frequency of random measure s-Low leve l-Katakrism
How to associate with aliens who may meet us while studying the galaxy.race
Office: 11 out of 2 people
Culture: Higher taste: -Cultivator s-Warrior s-Colonial Special Lines: - Industrial
Professional planet: -Hydrogen type: --It
When calculating the vote, consider each category separately. Among them, the first three votes will win. If the voting is delayed in any category (if there are more than 10 votes, no voting will be made), I will accept the conclusions based on which options are now the top. The following is a brief explanation of the category for reference:
Nam e-The Purpose of Admiral Gerald Mine Flee t-Dominas Spear Flagship Name/ Clas s-Named Orbit/ Aircraft Carrier Theor y-Sling
Sage binder playground moderator
Registration Dat e-August 2005 Residenc e-Mountain View, California Paul
Space Empire's IV is a great game, but as a veteran unique to the British version, he is completely confident that some of his luggage had been distorted when translated into Polish. The UK version is a Strategy's first shop where you can purchase a box or instant download version for only $ 99. At the same time, my comments are attached to the translation errors. There is also an active website developed to automate the space, empire, multiplayer, game, under the title "Play from Web".Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Posted by: Maxymiuk
2. The country's sales company, aside from lo w-quality localization, does not try to notice anything, so I only have Polish games. For example, don't worry, even if an unread man is different from the screenshot. Translate if necessary. Responsibility: Some of my translations may be more noticeable than their own version.
How to make the British version look like a top link.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Quadrant type (top table) -Topdown
When calculating the vote, consider each category separately. Among them, the first three votes will win. If the voting is delayed in any category (if there are more than 10 votes, no voting will be made), I will accept the conclusions based on which options are now the top. The following is a brief explanation of the category for reference:
Posted by: Maxymiuk
The warp tunnel has conquered the star system. When set to the default "OFF", the warp tunnel is at the end of the star system. If the default is "Inclusive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. I like this setting.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Posted by: Maxymiuk
This setting is not only necessary for all of your first planet to be the same volume, but also all enemies will start with the same volume as you. This allows you to prepare the game more fairly.
How to associate with aliens who may meet us while studying the galaxy.frequency
no. Lo w-default. According to empirical research, something happens once every 100 to 200 times. Averag e-once every 50-100 times. Frequen t-once every 20 to 50 times.
When calculating the vote, consider each category separately. Among them, the first three votes will win. If the voting is delayed in any category (if there are more than 10 votes, no voting will be made), I will accept the conclusions based on which options are now the top. The following is a brief explanation of the category for reference:
An element that revives frequent disasters and history. With these options, the Star Burst explosion should be quite frequent, and anyway, alerts will arrive within 30 hands. If your country is so small that it is really inconvenient to lose one system with this huge number of alerts, you are doing something wrong.
Posted by: Maxymiuk Appearance photoRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
I personally like XIATS.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Posted by: Maxymiuk
I assign 3000 points to the generation of races. Before the division, it can be used as one of the following devils. Alternatively, you can vote for "No" and forget me more than the point for making stats. Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why. Quadrant type (table above) - from top to bottom Posted by: Maxymiuk Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Not 1000 points. It is not worth it.
Posted by: Maxymiuk Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.I don't doubt that it will take almost anything, even in the biggest option for random events. Furthermore, I have no doubt that the game will accept the right to belong to the star system for this, for example, this is the ability that does not affect the random supernova probability.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Quadrant Size (Middle Table)Determines what "large" means.
General Options (Lower Table)All Connected System s-The original text sounds like "all warp points are connected", but if you think about it, this doesn't make much sense. If you set it to "OFF", the warp tunnel can be distributed more interestingly (tactical tasks, toast), but at the same time, some star systems may form a mini cluster without communicating with other quadrants. If you don't have a warp tunnel, you'll be boring the way to open the warp tunnel. The warp tunnel is "invalid" along the end of the system. When set to "comprehensive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. All visible systems, that is, the entire map will be searched. Invalid. " Let's protect the fun of the survey. All systems displa y-that is, there is no fog in the war. The same is true. Limited resource s-resource extraction objects slowly deplete the natural resources of the planet until zero. Usually, the goal is to maximize resource production so that the contents of more ships can be covered, maintaining large surplus in preparation for unexpected situations. When you install this parameter
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why. The original is advanced technology Storyege. This is an unconditional peak. I can't help but mark it. Is this 20 % auxiliary space? This is applied to the property. The subject is basically resources, study, intelligence, etc. This is everything related to the creation, in fact, literally like an additional charge of 20 %. This is all that is more expensive than 2 or 3 times.Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Original text: Hardy Industrialists. One of the best options. The restriction that there is only one space ship station per planet means that it is difficult to increase the construction speed or higher, which helps that help.
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.4. It is not sufficient that our selected people are made of some of the stems, for example, the design of their ships comparable to the main is distinguished only by volume.
5. I don't touch this, and you are not obliged to do so.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.6. By default, this race is called "AI". For example, I answered:
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.7. Evil eyes are mixed intensely with the lazy design of the ship.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.8. Even if it looks like a song song, the best ship design is available.
By: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.10. It has potential.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.12. is required. Duvina. joke.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.13. Personality, absolute bee.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.14. Overall, I like their ships. The appearance is not bad compared to others.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.15. Monster.
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.16. For example, what happened to no n-metal, small and large designs, which are the cornerstone of human technology in most science fiction?
Frequency: -Frequent levels: -Catacrism
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.17. Pyramid Mapeta. Mappet. V. Pyramid.
Nam e-LP to identify yourself, as you wan t-specify a flee t-as if your fleet is called a flagship, name/ class as you wan t-You call your personal command theory What kind of military acts do your fleet specialize in?
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.18. Now, everything is exactly the same.
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.19. OK, OK, for example, bad, I can exist in data.
Physical strength: 50 % -In any case, it is necessary to reduce the majority of the unit, which is not very important. Glasses are almost free. Intelligence: 120 % -The research is very powerful and the largest level before it starts to be expensive. 80 % of trick s-reconnaissance operations are not very powerful in stock. There should be no special problems with protection, and it is better to use glasses elsewhere. Luck is 50 % -The unit is not so bad, even before receiving technology from the unit easily overlapping this penalty. If you receive a unit quite early and build one or two dozen on each planet (you do not want to be armed if you do not want to be armed), the planet will rejoice, despite the fine. In addition, emotionalism is a useless function because it is easy to ensure happiness using the army. People who are judged give 20 % bonus to production, and those without emotions only give 10 %. 120 % aggression is like a combat sensor is added to all ships. Very powerful. Unless you take a "deep religion" for the Talisman, you will not drop this attribute. Protence 120%can add one ECM level to each ship. Very powerful. If almost all the players in the game do not assume that they have a religious Talisman, do not drop them. Political strategy 50% -Trade for the weak. The mineral extraction capacity of 114%is almost all major sources.
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Our races are all nominally guided by a series of characteristics starting with average or 100 %. The birth rate, attack and defense, research, trade, bliss, production efficiency, etc. in combat and ground attacks in galaxy. But we will promote everyone. Votes on what our civilization is more inclined:
Spoilers < Span> Physical strength: 50 % -In any case, it is necessary to reduce most of the units, which is not very important. Glasses are almost free. Intelligence: 120 % -The research is very powerful and the largest level before it starts to be expensive. 80 % of trick s-reconnaissance operations are not very powerful in stock. There should be no special problems with protection, and it is better to use glasses elsewhere. Luck is 50 % -The unit is not so bad, even before receiving technology from the unit easily overlapping this penalty. If you receive a unit quite early and build one or two dozen on each planet (you do not want to be armed if you do not want to be armed), the planet will rejoice, despite the fine. In addition, emotionalism is a useless function because it is easy to ensure happiness using the army. People who are judged give 20 % bonus to production, and those without emotions only give 10 %. 120 % aggression is like a combat sensor is added to all ships. Very powerful. Unless you take a "deep religion" for the Talisman, you will not drop this attribute. Protence 120%can add one ECM level to each ship. Very powerful. If almost all the players in the game do not assume that they have a religious Talisman, do not drop them. Political strategy 50% -Trade for the weak. The mineral extraction capacity of 114%is almost all major sources.
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Warrior s-But our ship is probably not our crew or the army than sufficient sophisticated and effective designs and other training in the universe. We declare strong freedom and charm over and over again to bring at least a perfect victory to several opponents.
Spoilers: 50 % -In any case, it is necessary to reduce most of the unit, that is not very important. Glasses are almost free. Intelligence: 120 % -The research is very powerful and the largest level before it starts to be expensive. 80 % of trick s-reconnaissance operations are not very powerful in stock. There should be no special problems with protection, and it is better to use glasses elsewhere. Luck is 50 % -The unit is not so bad, even before receiving technology from the unit easily overlapping this penalty. If you receive a unit quite early and build one or two dozen on each planet (you do not want to be armed if you do not want to be armed), the planet will rejoice, despite the fine. In addition, emotionalism is a useless function because it is easy to ensure happiness using the army. People who are judged give 20 % bonus to production, and those without emotions only give 10 %. 120 % aggression is like a combat sensor is added to all ships. Very powerful. Unless you take a "deep religion" for the Talisman, you will not drop this attribute. Protence 120%can add one ECM level to each ship. Very powerful. If almost all the players in the game do not assume that they have a religious Talisman, do not drop them. Political strategy 50% -Trade for the weak. The mineral extraction capacity of 114%is almost all major sources.
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Seika avatar
SpoilerAncient Species 1000Pt. - Start researching the entire quadrant map (we forbid this for reasons mentioned above).Halfling in the playground
Planets in SE4 are oriented by their type and atmosphere (among other things). We can choose the right option:I'll give it a go. The options are:
Quadrant type: Cluster
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Quinong typ e-equal attenuation
Culture: In order of preference: - Scientist - Engineer - Settler Special Route: - Time Traveler
Homeworld: - Methane Image: - Cliff
SpoilerName - Admiral Janus Fleet Purpose - Weapon Flagship Title/Class - Liar/Expert Theory - Sling
The Last Rule by Twin1; 08-08-2008 at 12:59 pm.
Playground Vandal Joined December 2007 Location Great Empire Gender
I vote by race.
Appearance: 2 (preferably 5, but I don't think anyone will) Civilization: Warrior, Colonist, Scientist Special Skills: Cultist, Bio-Engineer Hometown: Methane Type: Cliff Diplomacy: Submission Title: Tyrant Concordiat
SpoilerName: Dominus Fleet Designation: Hive Flagship Name/ Class: Dominus Nex/ Carrier Theory: Swarm
Last ruled by Lord Asmodeus; 07-08-2008 at 17:42. Caesar Asmodeus by AndrasteRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Playground Barbarian
Introduced August 2007
Regarding the cohesion of the admirals, for example, I get that they're all on the same side, or are they all fighting on different sides?
This setting is not only necessary for all of your first planet to be the same volume, but also all enemies will start with the same volume as you. This allows you to prepare the game more fairly.
Written September 2005 Location Prefecture Potato Gender
Updated the original post with the current vote. Quietly we'll get there.
Cultural Explanation: I forgot to show how the votes were counted in this category. I gave 3 points to the first choice, 2 points to the second choice, 1 point to the third choice, and whoever got to 10 points first won. As you can see, it was pretty close.
Special Rule: To make the story clear, I wanted everyone to choose one trait. For those who chose a number, I only counted the 1st choice, but if you want to change this, give me nobility.
Diplomacy: The only thing we can agree on is that we're not very peaceful.
Twin 2 Yeah, we're all on the same side. The idea is that you decide the composition of your own fleet, and I'm going to try to win with that.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Douglas: Thanks for the clarification on the mistranslated preposition.
The last one was corrected by Maximiuk; 2008-08-08 at 12:04am.
SurgeBinder Moderator Commentary
Joined August 2005 Mountain View, CA Paul
Posted by MaxymiukDouglas: Thanks for the clarification on the mistranslated preposition.
The warp tunnel has conquered the star system. When set to the default "OFF", the warp tunnel is at the end of the star system. If the default is "Inclusive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. I like this setting.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Do you like 4X genre games? Do you understand programming? Are you interested in game development? Check it out.
First off, I'm going to limit my fleet to 10 admirals, which will be the only giant fleet I've ever played (I usually limit it to 4). HoistingRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
12 Saberhagen Blades, a certain number of homebrew relics for 3. 5 (please comment), True Tonchet for ECL74 player. Yes, DM begged me.
Arcane Sword Sage
Force it Work (homebrew)
Playground Bugbear
Joined November 2006
Location Ireland
Btw, if anyone is having trouble finding a copy, you can buy Space Empires IV Deluxe on Stream for about $10.
Posted by: Maxymiuk Appearance photoRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why. Location IrelandBy Maxymiuk
Twin2: Yes, we're all on one side. In fact, you mean the composition of your fleet, and I'm trying to win with that.
I vote by race.
Appearance: 2 (preferably 5, but I don't think anyone will) Civilization: Warrior, Colonist, Scientist Special Skills: Cultist, Bio-Engineer Hometown: Methane Type: Cliff Diplomacy: Submission Title: Tyrant Concordiat
SpoilerName: Dominus Fleet Designation: Hive Flagship Name/ Class: Dominus Nex/ Carrier Theory: Swarm
Last was Lord_asmodeus; 2008-08-08 at 13:19.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Caesar Asmodeus of AndrastePlayground Dwarf
The warp tunnel has conquered the star system. When set to the default "OFF", the warp tunnel is at the end of the star system. If the default is "Inclusive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. I like this setting.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Joined November 2006
And on the pretext of special quality, the choice is only once, so I decided to go with the Time Traveler.Spoilers
Twin 2 Yeah, we're all on the same side. The idea is that you decide the composition of your own fleet, and I'm going to try to win with that.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
May I change the image of the fleet and the image of the mothership? I held back on my run to "Sledgehammer".Think about it, Sledgehammer already has 3 fleets, I need a Roy fleet.
Last seen by Lord_asmodeus; 2008-08-08 at 01:45.Douglas: Thanks for the clarification on the mistranslated preposition.
Last ruled by Lord Asmodeus; 07-08-2008 at 17:42. Caesar Asmodeus by AndrasteRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Submitted by Twin1 And on the pretext of special quality, the choice is only once, so I decided to go with the Time Traveler.Oh, and on the pretext of special quality, the choice is only once, so I decided to go with the Time Traveler.
Go with the scout fleet.
Twin 2 Yeah, we're all on the same side. The idea is that you decide the composition of your own fleet, and I'm going to try to win with that.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Playground Troll Joined December 2007 Location Empian Ocean GenderPosted by Twin2
All fleet of scout planes, go.Douglas: Thanks for the clarification on the mistranslated preposition.
The warp tunnel has conquered the star system. When set to the default "OFF", the warp tunnel is at the end of the star system. If the default is "Inclusive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. I like this setting.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Playground BarbarianOh, and on the pretext of special quality, the choice is only once, so I decided to go with the Time Traveler.
Go with the scout fleet.
Playground Troll Joined December 2007 Location Empian Ocean Gender
Posted by Twin2
Twin 2 Yeah, we're all on the same side. The idea is that you decide the composition of your own fleet, and I'm going to try to win with that.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Submitted by Twin1Playground Troll Joined December 2007 Location Empian Ocean Gender
Posted by Twin2
Release Date August 2007 Douglas: Thanks for the clarification on the mistranslated preposition.Spoilers
The warp tunnel has conquered the star system. When set to the default "OFF", the warp tunnel is at the end of the star system. If the default is "Inclusive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. I like this setting.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Location Empean Ocean
Twin 2 Yeah, we're all on the same side. The idea is that you decide the composition of your own fleet, and I'm going to try to win with that.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Submitted by Twin1 Location Empean OceanPlayground Bear
Douglas: Thanks for the clarification on the mistranslated preposition.Spoilers
The warp tunnel has conquered the star system. When set to the default "OFF", the warp tunnel is at the end of the star system. If the default is "Inclusive", the warp tunnel will appear anywhere. I like this setting.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Well, I had hopes, so the attention doesn't compare, so I'm another day for the ladies, and then I get what I actually am, and I start the game.
Twin 2 Yeah, we're all on the same side. The idea is that you decide the composition of your own fleet, and I'm going to try to win with that.Re: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
You're a pathetic bastard.Douglas: Thanks for the clarification on the mistranslated preposition.
First off, I'm going to limit my fleet to 10 admirals, which will be the only giant fleet I've ever played (I usually limit it to 4). HoistingRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
You'd be very surprised. There are strategies that are very effective against computer players. You can clear the floors of a Dreadnought with an escort, but if I want to get close to someone, I won't use this method.Submitted by Twin1 And on the pretext of special quality, the choice is only once, so I decided to go with the Time Traveler.
Location: Province: Potato
Playground Barbarian Oh, and on the pretext of special quality, the choice is only once, so I decided to go with the Time Traveler.Cards
First off, I'm going to limit my fleet to 10 admirals, which will be the only giant fleet I've ever played (I usually limit it to 4). HoistingRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Star systems dotted with warp tunnels - Yes
Ancient Species 1000Pt. - Start researching the entire quadrant map (we forbid this for reasons mentioned above).Random actions
Frequency - Low level - DisastersEnvironment
Planet image is cliffs. Air is methane (terrorist attacks usually mix air into the vents of the target building, causing sparks).Special line - businessman (I was torn between this and Advanced Savings, but in the end I decided that at least the number of research etc. would increase significantly). Stats: After that, I made some money to spend on special features, and had 2000pts left. I raised it to 3000pts, and reduced the colonist features: (translation error) Adaptation, Fertility, Bliss, Political Insight. From there, I spent 2000S on explorer features Reason and Pros, and the remaining 1000S on Chance. - Spent on Chance. I left the warrior features at nominal levels.
Stamina: 100% Intelligence: 130% (128%) Aplosh: 120% (118%) Adaptability: 89% Fertility: 91% (for some reason they won't let you go below this level) Bliss: 90% Enmity: 100% (105%) Defense: 100% (105%) Political Insight: 90
Mining: 110% Farming: 100% Processing: 105% Building: 105% Repair: 100% Maintenance: 110
Diplomacy: Obedience, Assimilation for when the xenos go wild, and Extermination for when all else fails.
Culture: I decided to ad d-2% to intelligence and cunning, and +5% warrior to rage and defense. Also, for example, I changed the meaning of Attitude (although it may be translated differently) to Aggressive. As far as I can consider, this has no mechanical effect, but social tendencies do have an impact, and I've given them the meaning of "Bloodlust", which basically means that the more you win, the happier your society is, but if you suffer losses or make treaties, you lose prestige.
Technical Cost: Top (I don't want to buy a black hole generator right away) Technology: All (all of this game is treated in war, so I really want to ban scouting. But that's it. Technical starting level: Low (I'm particular about standard research methods. I will allow points evenly to all projects instead of studying one after another. Starting resources from this LP from this LP) Start resources: 20. 000 (not very important) Start planetary value: Low (you will know the reason immediately) AI player density : Average AI player skills: High
Please look forward to the first update of the game tonight.
Moderator Surge binder
Posted by: Maxymiuk Appearance photoRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
Posted by: MaxymiukBerserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why. Stealth has nothing to do with exploration. It increases the production of intelligence points used for spy activities and destruction works.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why. If you set this to 120%, you can save 1. 000 points. It is enough to purchase advanced storage technology and combine it with resourc e-producing bonuses to further increase the ultimate research efficiency bonus.Posted by: Maxymiuk
Berserker. Busta. Yes, this price +10 is really expensive in the galaxy contest. If you really want, I'll comment on why.Bloodlust has a serious problem. When a planet is colonized, it is hit by a disaster.
Do you like 4X genre (civiicization) games? Is it possible to program? Are you interested in game development? Let's take a closer look.I vote by race.
Appearance: 2 (preferably 5, but I don't think anyone will) Civilization: Warrior, Colonist, Scientist Special Skills: Cultist, Bio-Engineer Hometown: Methane Type: Cliff Diplomacy: Submission Title: Tyrant Concordiat
SpoilerName: Dominus Fleet Designation: Hive Flagship Name/ Class: Dominus Nex/ Carrier Theory: Swarm
First off, I'm going to limit my fleet to 10 admirals, which will be the only giant fleet I've ever played (I usually limit it to 4). HoistingRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
It should be enough for AI opponents to play well, but after a while it will be boring. Want to play a cozy mult i-player game?Posted by: Maxymiuk
This trick does not contain anything linked to the survey. Intelligence points used for spy activities and sabotage increase.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
If you lower this indicator to 120 %, you will earn 1000 points. It is sufficient to buy advanced stresse techniques, and as a result, the final price of research results combined with resource production prices can further increase.
Posted by: Maxymiuk
Relentless has a serious inconsistency that colonization of the planet leads to misfortune.
Do you like 4X genre (civiicization) games? Is it possible to program? Are you interested in game development? Let's take a closer look. Bug bear at the playgroundSpoilers
First off, I'm going to limit my fleet to 10 admirals, which will be the only giant fleet I've ever played (I usually limit it to 4). HoistingRe: Let's Play: Space Empires IV
On the main screen, we look for it without counting our mother star (small purple planet with a selection window on the upper and left side). The first is to be considered the main election in the provided cas e-nearby greenish Asterix means that it actually contains our home star and art composition and atmosphere. It means supporting more houses and more population. The reddish asteroids have different skys, although their composition is actually our home star (needs to study different colonial modules for gas planets and cold planets). As a result, the colonies have to build a giant dom e-shaped city. At least, this planet is a good world to live in, and this kind of environment at the start of the game is very grateful.
The two things covered in deep blue pods are warp tunnels, conduits to other systems. In SE, warp tunnels are considered natural defense points, and properly authorized defenses are literally impossible to breach. We'll explain this later, but for now, just remember that in a duel, the first move always belongs to the defender. Also, an attack using a warp tunnel puts all ships within range of the enemy's fortress.
The irregular purple dots in the bottom left of the screen are galactic storms. They appear in almost every normal star system in the game, and can give some kind of superiority or punishment to any ship that gets caught in them. For example, fighting from inside this storm can negate any advantage you or your enemy might receive from a military detector on your ship. By the way, I haven't had to fight from inside the storm yet. Storms are very random, very unusual, and tend to be beneficial to the least advanced ships.
The bottom right of the screen shows a quadrant map. You can probably guess why this map is called a "star cluster".
Finally, there are stars in our star system. It's essential for a planet suitable for life to exist, it's necessary for some key technologies to function, there may be more than one, etc. Our star is special because it's this "star waiting to explode."
"An unstable star that could explode at any moment"
Planet Dictator, Vendrin system, year 2400
-Is it a joke? -Concordart is not a joke, Maximiuk. Rude, hebel, this is, "he hit the documents on the desk with his finger. -There is a public seal here. -At full power delegation, Hebel? Is it authority for all systems? Hebel nodded solemnly. -I can't be convinced. Heaven. Did you read this? I have the right to say about all ships coming out of the shipyard. I am in charge of military, colonization, and deep space mining. Giving a great power to one person who is not a Concordia way. I don't even have a politicia n-Do you know all the wars change all the war? -In the Concoda, the colonial war occurred dozens of private interests because no one could control the situation. Thousands of officials share their personal pies, this time they need a steering role. "I want someone to blame when something goes wrong." But why am I me? -The answer is easy. You are a hero of the war, Max. Thanks to you, the capital is still standing, trusts you. You are not a politician, not in anyone's pocket, that is, Concordat trusts you no w-if you refuse? - You can't stop it, but you need a functional cosmic plan We needed land last month, we had food riots last month, and webel dropped the tone.
A few days later, the Vanadus Shipyard < Span> -Is it a joke? -Concordart is not a joke, Maximiuk. Rude, hebel, this is, "he hit the documents on the desk with his finger. -There is a public seal here. -At full power delegation, Hebel? Is it authority for all systems? Hebel nodded solemnly. -I can't be convinced. Heaven. Did you read this? I have the right to say about all ships coming out of the shipyard. I am in charge of military, colonization, and deep space mining. Giving a great power to one person who is not a Concordia way. I don't even have a politicia n-Do you know all the wars change all the war? -In the Concoda, the colonial war occurred dozens of private interests because no one could control the situation. Thousands of officials share their personal pies, this time they need a steering role. "I want someone to blame when something goes wrong." But why am I me? -The answer is easy. You are a hero of the war, Max. Thanks to you, the capital is still standing, trusts you. You are not a politician, not in anyone's pocket, that is, Concordat trusts you no w-if you refuse? - You can't stop it, but you need a functional cosmic plan We needed land last month, we had food riots last month, and webel dropped the tone.
A few days later, the Vanadus Shipyard is a joke? -Concordart is not a joke, Maximiuk. Rude, hebel, this is, "he hit the documents on the desk with his finger. -There is a public seal here. -At full power delegation, Hebel? Is it authority for all systems? Hebel nodded solemnly. -I can't be convinced. Heaven. Did you read this? I have the right to say about all ships coming out of the shipyard. I am in charge of military, colonization, and deep space mining. Giving a great power to one person who is not a Concordia way. I don't even have a politicia n-Do you know all the wars change all the war? -In the Concoda, the colonial war occurred dozens of private interests because no one could control the situation. Thousands of officials share their personal pies, this time they need a steering role. "I want someone to blame when something goes wrong." But why am I me? -The answer is easy. You are a hero of the war, Max. Thanks to you, the capital is still standing, trusts you. You are not a politician, not in anyone's pocket, that is, Concordat trusts you no w-if you refuse? - You can't stop it, but you need a functional cosmic plan We needed land last month, we had food riots last month, and webel dropped the tone.
A few days later, the Vanadus Shipyard
- Director, I have a question. How long? - 4 months. Both ships. - From the first dock to the second dock can be excluded. - Hebel. - Immediately start with some colonists "Great, but there is more," welcomed the colonial governor Maksimyuk. Actually, he is not going to ecstasy, but to declare. - This is very slow. - For example, our engineers are working at high speed, like ... - No doubt, Director. In fact, your assessment than anyone other than me was waiting for. But this is all exactly very slow. We need one more shipyard. And I'm going to stay there. Hobel's eyes and the director's eyes widened. "Max. I'm going to say, Governor, you can't seriously chat." Since the battle began. Social considerations. - It will be necessary to come to terms with the public position. To create a fleet in the next century, we need shipyards in orbit. And while he cut off the right sentence of insubordination, we're going to add another orbital base in the meantime and be forthright. We're not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. Do we understand? What is their choice? - Yes, Governor.
Above, let's see what the completed plans look like. Here are the classes, types, prices, etc. - If you step back a bit, you'll see that this is part of a huge control screen that allows you to create and edit plans for any ship, base, or unit you're currently researching (including alien plans, if you can get them).
The main quirk I want to share with you is the modular design that makes SE possible. As you can see in the screen image above, we're using a small galactic station as a template, once and for all, for our Gremlins and Overwatch plans. A bridge, two life support systems, two crew modules. Plus - basically everything we're going to conquer there (and that actually fits).
The tonnage of the small galactic station is 500kt. The aforementioned bottom takes up 50kt. The Gremlin shipyard takes up 400kt. The remaining 50kt would allow the station to be equipped with one missile system, but to maximize the ill-fated escort, for example, we decided to equip it with two additional cargo modules (20kt).
