How to watch the Marvel movies in order release date and chronological GamesRadar
How to watch the Marvel movies in order (release date and chronological)
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(Image credit: Marvel Studios)Welcome back, MCU fans! After you've almost certainly been enthralled by Agatha All Together, you may want to know how to watch Marvel movies in order. Don't worry, you're in luck: here's where you'll find out all about it before you fall into the new Disney Plus series.
Scroll through the pages below to learn about the complete guidance to watch the MCU from start to finish. First, we'll tell you how to watch all Marvel movies and TV shows by release date, starting with 2008's Iron Man and ending with the latest installments of Marvel Studios' fifth period, including Deadpool, Wolverine, and Agatha.
After that, we'll look at more than 50 movies, shows, special releases and one-shots from Marvel Studios in chronological order. We'll flash through the decades of Marvel, covering everything from Captain America's source in World War II to Captain Marvel's adventures in the 1990s and the "modern" MCU - 2026.
We'll also answer all your questions about how to watch the MCU, including where the Netflix series and X-men movies fit in, and the best way to watch Marvel on Disney Plus.
Read our reviews to find out more about the upcoming releases.Upcoming Marvel Movies.Next, we'll read Marvel's latest, open the East East edition of "Agatha Together," and finish our verdict on the new series with our "Agatha All Together" review.
How to watch the Marvel movies in order – MCU release order
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)First, we'll show you how to watch movies and TV shows in descending order of release date. This order is best for MCU beginners and those who want to read more easily and understandably. For ease of viewing, we've split the series into phases, starting with Iron Man in 2008 and ending with the very last, Katherine Kahn-titled Agatha for Life in 2024.
Marvel Phase 1
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- Iron Man (2008)
- Hulk (2008)
- Iron Man 2 (2010)
- Thor (2011)
- Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
- The Avengers (2012)
Marvel Phase 2
- Iron Man 3 (2013)
- Thor: The Dark World (2013)
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
- Galaxy Protection (2014)
- Avengers: Distronal Regulation (2015)
- Man-Man (2015)
Marvel Phase 3
- Captain America: Civilian Fight (2016)
- Doctor Strange (2016)
- Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (2017)
- Spider-Man: Return Home (2017)
- Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
- Black Panther (2017)
- Avengers: Infinity Struggle (2018)
- Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
- Captain Marvel (2019)
- Avengers: Endspiel (2019)
- Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Marvel Phase 4
- WandaVision (2021) (2021) [Disney Plus]
- The Falcon and the Winter Fighter (2021) [Disney Plus
- Loki Season 1 (2021) [Disney Plus
- Black Widow (2021)
- What If (2021) [Disney Plus
- Shangi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
- Eternal (2021)
- Sokolin Station (2021) [Disney Plus
- Spider-Man: No Place to Go (2021)
- Lunna Night (2022) [Disney Plus
- Dr. Strand in Multi-Size Absurdity (2022)
- Ms. Marvel (2022) [Disney Plus
- Thor: Hardens and Roar (2022) )
- I'm Big (2022) [Disney Plus
- She-Hulk (2022) [Disney Plus
- Werewolf by Night (2022) [Disney Plus
- Black Panther: Vakanda Forever (2022)
- Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special (2022) [Disney Plus
Marvel Phase 5
- Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantamania (2023)
- Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (2023)
- Secret Penetration (2023) [Disney Plus
- Loki Season 2 (2023) [Disney Plus
- The Miracles (2023)
- What If Season 2 (2023) [Disney Plus
- Echo (2024) [Disney Plus
- Deadpool and Wolverine (2024)
- Agatha for Life (2024) [Disney Plus
Need some additional context? The MCU is divided into phases, and a phase break usually means a natural end of a plot part. Thus, the beginning of a phase marks the appearance of a fresh and important character.
Phase 1-3 is often called the Infinity Saga, while Phase 4-5 features Kang and some fresh multi-seniors.
In fact, you can still note the list of MCU, Disney Plus TV series, such as "Vandavizhn", "Falcon and the Winter Soldier", "Loki", "Lunar Night", "She-Hill", etc., looking at these as. These are not movies, but the TV series are not at least relevant to the collective situation of the MCU. All canonical episodes from 2008 to 2024 are integrated into the list.
The Netflix saga "Defenders" (Saavik Held, Punisher, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Metal Fist, Defenders) are not included in this phase, but they fit into the Marvel chronology and are now again considered part of the MCU canon. Check out the timeline below and The Defenders Saga below for more details.
If you want to know the discounted service of Disney Stream, see the "Disney Plus Package" page.
You know that Disney Plus contains the largest Marvel movie collection among streaming services, which allows you to watch movies without spending a lot of money on DVDs and Bl u-rays. 。 The fee is $ 7, 99 / £ 7, 99 / au $ 11, 99 per month (or $ 109, 99 / £ 79, 90 / au $ 119, 99).
Upcoming Marvel movies and shows
(Credit image: Disney/MARVEL)Future deployment Marvel is planning after Marvel's fifth and later scheduled to start in 2023. From the current list, you can wait for a new Captain America and Thunderbird. Fantastic Four has begun the sixth term of Marvel, and the Blade is released in 2026 and will not be postponed again.
The recent delay means that "Sanders" and "Fantastic Four" have been shifted again, and according to one version, Lido Richards and his friends have been trying to further confuse the age. 。 Then, nobody knows where the future movie is going.
Until then, we recommend that you get close to the movie and the Marvel series in the future. This is a perfect way for future MCU appreciation!
Marvel Phase 5
- Captain America: Brave New Worl d-February 14, 2025
- Solding: Bone Agai n-March 2025 (Disney Plus Series)
- Sander s-May 2, 2025
Phase 6 Marvel
- Fantastic Fou r-July 25, 2025
- Blad e-November 7, 2025
- Avengers / Dynasty Kan g-May 1, 2026
- Avengers: Secret War s-May 7, 2027
TBA (unpublished):
- Armor War s-undecided
- Black Panther 3-undecided
- Wakanda's Eye s-TBA (Disney Plus Series)
- Iron Hear t-2025 (Disney Plus Series)
- Marvel Zombie s-TBA (Disney Plus Series)
- Nov a-undecided
- Shangi 2-undecided
- Spide r-Man: First Cours e-TBA (Disney Plus Series)
- Spide r-Man: Sino Karl undecided (Disney Plus Series)
- Whut if season 3 undecided (Disney Plus Series)
- Tudoma n-TBA (Disney Plus Series)
How to watch the Marvel movies in chronological order
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)This is! A newly improved guide to watch Marvel movies and TV programs in chronological order.
I would like to thank Marvel for publishing the official chronology and updating the chronology of the Marvel website. Thanks to these two, many of the headaches related to temporary frames have been resolved.
And best of all, if this timeline forces you to look at the MCU in a different light, starting with the 1940s film Captain America: The First Avengers and working its way to the MCU as it is today in 2026. For completeness, we've combined the lists of Netflix Marvel and Marvel's On e-shots. Captain America: The First Avenger (1943-1945)
- One-Shot: Scout Carter (1946)
- Captain Marvel (1995)
- Iron Man (2008)
- Iron Man (2008)
- Iron Man 2 (2010)
- One-Shot: Something Funny Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer (2010)
- Thor (2010)
- One-Shot: The Consultant (2011)
- The Avengers (2012)
- The Avengers (2012)
- Thor: Dismal Universe (2013)
- Thor: The Dark World (2013)
- Iron Man 3 (2013)
- Captain America: The Winter Fighter (2014)
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
- Galaxy Protection (2014)
- I Great 1-2 Seasons (2014)
- Solder Season 1 (2014)
- Jessica Jones Season 1 (2015)
- Avengers: Distronic Regulation (2015)
- Avengers: Distronal Regulation (2015)
- Man-Man (2015)
- Luke Cage Season 1 (2015)
- Iron Fist Season 1 (2016)
- Marvel Defenders (2016)
- Captain America: Civilian Fight (2016)
- Captain America: Civilian Fight (2016)
- Black Panther (2016)
- Spider-Man: Return Home (2016)
- The Punisher Season 1 (2016)
- Doctor Strange (2016-17)
- Jessica Jones Season 2 (2017)
- Luke Cage Season 2 (2017)
- Iron Fist Season 2 (2017)
- Solder Season 3 (2017)
- Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
- Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
- Jessica Jones Season 3 (2017)
- Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
- Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
- Avengers: Infinity Struggle (2018)
- Loki (outside our concept of time, but here and there!)
- Loki Season 2 (also outside the concept of time!).
- What if (multiverse).
- WandaVision (2023)
- Shangi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2024)
- The Falcon and the Winterfighter (2024)
- Deadpool and Wolverine (2024)
- Spider-Man: Far from Home (2024)
- Spider-Man: No Way Home (2024)
- Eternal (2024)
- Dr. Strand in Multi ~ Senpai's Unreasonable Request ~ (2024)
- Sokolin Station (Christmas 2024)
- Lunar Night (2025)
- Black Panther: Vakanda Forever (2025)
- Echo (2025)
- She-Hulk (2025)
- Ms. Marvel (2025)
- Marvel (2025)
- Thor: The Swarm and the Howl (2025)
- Werewolf of the Night (2025) (2025)
- Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2025)
- Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantamania (2026)
- Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (2026)
- Secret Penetration (2026)
- Agatha is All Joint (2026)
- As you can guess, this chronological order is somewhat harder to understand than the run date list above. However, a huge share of the MCU has been officially proven.
Right now we are in 2025 and 2026 and in these films, like Deadpool and Wolverine (the action takes place at the beginning in 2018 and then in 2024), it is possible to arrange certain numbers to go back in time. She-Hulk, Torus: The Commitment and the Roar, A Dark Panther: Vakanda Forever "and" Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantomania ", the impact of which will obviously take place in this not-too-distant future - 2025. Secret Invasion "and" Keepers 3 "more or less follow in their footsteps in 2026, but this, for example, will not enter into the official chronology that we will actually stay close to Disney Plus. The final release of the Disney Plus series will occur three years later by Wandavision, and Agatha is all the time dated in the 2026 universe.
Marvel has yet to open a clear few months or estimated deadline when something will happen in the MCU, but frankly, this does not contain much meaning, in fact, the equivalent of a home assignment, if you plan to sit down and watch the series without doing so. All that is required for you is that now everything is more highly prescribed if you want to watch the Marvel movies officially correctly in chronological order.
But we must prevent that: Marvel does not refer carefully to its own chronology every time. In our work, we provide the official Marvel-solutions regarding Disney Plus, its new books and some tentative assumptions. Some baggage may not possess value from the point of view of the canon or possess clear details to qualify those years. Our advice? It takes a lot to think about this very large number.
But that's not all! To do so, diving into our instructions on how to watch the MCU in chronological order, you need to arrange a certain number of items: the short film I "First Step" comes to "Keepers 2" and other short films - sequels later.
Now, as we expect in this issue of Marvel Studios, we have placed "Secret-Invasion" and "Agatha All-Together" as the latest plans in chronological order. Thanks to its own entertainment of multi-seniors and temporary lines, "That If" and "Loki" occupy random spaces in the list, but Loki finds "Endgrokes" next considering the short-term unit.
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)
If you're like us, you probably only imagined watching Marvel movies and TV series in order on Disney+ until you were actually in grade school. But that's not the case.
How to watch the Marvel movies in order on Disney Plus
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)Iron Man
- Metal Person 2
- Captain America
- The Avengers
- Iron Man 3
- Captain America: Winter Fighter
- Thor: The Dark Side of Space
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Spider-Man: Return Home
- Avengers: Age of the Ultron
- One Man-Man
- Captain America: Civilian Struggle
- Doctor Strange
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
- Thor: Ragnarok
- Black Panther
- Avengers: Infinity Struggle
- Captain Marvel
- Man-Man and the Hornet
- Avengers: Endspill
- Spider-Man: Far From Home
- Walk
- The Falcon and the Winter Hunter
- Loki
- Black Widow
- What If
- Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
- Eternal
- The Hawking Eye
- Moon Knight
- Dr. Strange in Mult i-Senpai no Mukashiburi
- Miss Marvel
- She-Hulk
- Thor: Compliance and Roar
- Werewolf of the Night
- Black Panther: Vakanda Forever
- Man-Man and the Wasp: Quantamania
- Secret Penetration
- Guardians of the Galaxy 3
- Loki Season 2
- Echo
- The Wonders
- Agatha is All Together
- Note: You still won't find "The Incredible Hulk" on Disney Plus. This is due to the fact that the rights to Hulk belong to Universal. As a bonus, both "Amazing Spider-Man" films are available in the US. Also, the saga "Defenders" (Daredevil seasons 1-3, Jessica Jones 1-3, Luke Cage seasons 1-2, Iron Fist and Marvel's Defenders) is now on Disney Plus, apart from the list to avoid "especially" MCU movies and TV series.
- Man-Man and the Wasp: Quantomania and "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" will still be available on Disney Plus after their exit in cinemas in 2023. Marveli followed their lead in February 2024. The film Dadpool and Wolverine is not yet available on Disney Plus and in the near future, for example, it will not yet be seen in cinemas, but we are actually waiting, the release date was announced at the end of the year.
(Image credit: Sony)
The simple answer: only "Spider-Man: Return Home", "Spider-Man: Far From Home" and "Spider-Man: Nowhere to Go" in the MCU. These Spider-Man-focused films, like Venom and the future Kraven, are considered part of Sony's Spider-Spider Universe, and are obligated to be considered separate, even if they do cross over.
Now we're at our most confused. Thanks to the MCU's There is no way home, we have a variety of alien attackers attacking Spider-Man. To fully understand their motivations and plans in There is no way home, we have to look at the long list of Spider-Man films.
Non-MCU Marvel movies and shows: is Spider-Man in the MCU?
Spide r-Man played by Toby Magwire, Spide r-Man played Andrew Garfield, and Eddie Block, played by Tom Hardy, will be Venom villains. Please read the guide to completely immerse yourself in watching these movies about watching a movie about Spide r-Man in order.To put it simply, Spider Spider's Tom Holland is currently present in the MCU, and other works of Sony, based on Spide r-Man, exist (in a broad sense). However, it is better not to expect them to reappear in the main story of Marvel in the near future.
You will be interested in what is in Spider Bath. Strictly speaking, it exists as a part of a wider mult i-senior (in fact, the sequel "Spider Universe" is referred to as "there is no way back), but other than its own trilogy. You don't need to see any order. The movie "Amazing Spider 2" has been added to Disney Plus, so you can jump into Peter Parker's most tragic cinematic adventure.
(Credit image: MARVEL STUDIOS/Netflix)
There is also a "Defenders" saga, which was once considered to be part of the MCU, but at the same time it does not. At first, the connection with the movie was strong, but the connection gradually disappeared.
But now, they are all distributed on Disney Plus, and the Marvel Netflix series is Canon. If you want to see "Handa", "Iron Fist", "Jessica Jones", "Luke Cage", and "Punisher", you need to know the order of seeing. Fortunately, we just prepare an article you need: How to look at the "Defenders" saga in order. The list is also shown:
Are Netflix's Marvel shows and X-Men canon?
Solders season 1Jessica Jones Season 1
Solder Season 2
- Luke Cage Season 1
- Iron Fist Season 1
- Defenders
- Punisher season 1
- Jessica Jones Season 2
- Luke Cage Season 2
- Iron Fist Season 2
- Punisher season 3
- Punisher Season 2
- Jessica Jones Season 3
- Spide r-Man: There is no way to go home (works unrelated to Defenders Saga)
- Sokolin Eye (series unrelated to Defenders Saga)
- Sea Hulk Episode 8 (Series unrelated to Defenders Saga)
- Echo (series unrelated to Defenders Saga)
- The story of the Deaville, which started with "Sea Haruka" and continued in "Bone Again", is generally repeated when the Netflix series stopped. Deaville also appears in Echo for a short time as Kingpin played by Vincent Donofrio.
- Lude X is an absolute outer period of the MCU and is part of the "X-MEN" Fox symptom. However, thanks to Hugh Jackman's recent return as Wolverine, when they come to the mutant, everything is more complicated, and even if the Marveli Post Credit scene is developed as we believe.
- In "Deadpool" and "Wolverine", the Fox films related to X-Men were firmly established outside the MCU-but how they actually influenced the sacred time axis, and the TVA was their existence. It is later that you can see how you understand. This (strangely strangely, the movie about the X-Men is fully instructed, and before that, before that, the more widespread MCU Multi-Senior-Multi-Senior Canon.
In essence, the Fo x-film for the movie about X-Men is still closed, they are in the background of the MCU and are not firmly established inside. In the future, it is unknown how the mutant fits the symptom universe without time. Until then, you can use our controlled sections to watch a movie about X-MEN in order.
Marvel Studio's latest work, X-Men '97, is a sequel to the 1990s "X-MEN: Animation Series", and is not considered a part of the MCU (for now) ・ There is a possibility that one canon may be one of the seniors.
If you don't have enough time (and interest), basically everything is written at a technical level, so if only the MCU is set, we may miss it, but we may miss it. Of course, we recommend that you watch a pr e-movie about Spide r-Man and a movie about Spider Universe. < SPAN> Lude X is an absolute outer period of the MCU and is part of the symptom of "X-Men" (former) Fox. However, thanks to Hugh Jackman's recent return as Wolverine, when they come to the mutant, everything is more complicated, and even if the Marveli Post Credit scene is developed as we believe.
In "Deadpool" and "Wolverine", the Fox films related to X-Men were firmly established outside the MCU-but how they actually influenced the sacred time axis, and the TVA was their existence. It is later that you can see how you understand. This (strangely strangely, the movie about the X-Men is fully instructed, and before that, before that, the more widespread MCU Multi-Senior-Multi-Senior Canon.
In essence, the Fo x-film for the movie about X-Men is still closed, they are in the background of the MCU and are not firmly established inside. In the future, it is unknown how the mutant fits the symptom universe without time. Until then, you can use our controlled sections to watch a movie about X-MEN in order.
Marvel Studio's latest work, X-Men '97, is a sequel to the 1990s "X-MEN: Animation Series", and is not considered a part of the MCU (for now) ・ There is a possibility that one canon may be one of the seniors.
