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Guide All Revenant Horror Items, Recipes and Rewards
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The status has not been closed for subsequent reply for inactive.Someone learned about all types of recipes for Rev Slayer, and as a result, I decided to help him in the post-post-post.Zonbis Layer Lv1
Spoiler: Healing rod recipe Zonbis Layer Lv2 Spoiler: Zombie recipe Spoiler: Recipe Zonbis Layer Lv3Note: The waist catalyst is not considered a recipe. It is used in Revenant Falkion, and has the ability to drop from Revere-Grussham or higher when it comes to Zonbis Layer Lv3.
Spoiler: Avenger Falkion recipe (The lower sword is a no n-life blade obtained from a blacksmith) Spoiler: Ripe stick recipe (The middle stick is healing Bacillus) Spoiler: crystallized heart recipeNote: Until you get the Zonbis Layer Lv. 6, you can't wear it, but some recipes are needed.
Zonbis Layer Lv4 Spoiler lucinant boots recipe Spoiler: Recipe "Lenent Leggings Zombie extermination Lv5Note: MERIT is not only considered minon-reNATOR recipes. Unlocking this LV will also be wasted Rev Minion.
Spoiler: Minion Renator recipe Spoiler: Recipe for destruction rings Spoiler linant busde recipe Note: Badion in the middle is Zombie Bib. Zonbis Layer Lv6Note: RENEGADE CATALYST is not regarded as a recipe, is used in Reaper Falchion, and has the ability to be omitted from the value of Revenant Horrors III or IV when LVLA Slayer reaches 6.
Spoiler bud doll recipeNote: The ninth pumpkin minion, the top slot in the center is in the mountains of the guest's fascinating tears, no wolf fangs.
Spoiler: Recovery stick recipe (The central stick is a recovery stick.) Zombie Fighter 7LV Spoiler: Artifact Zombie recipe Spoiler: Resuscitation Heart recipe Spoiler: Recipe for a leap maskNote: What is the sprite is basically, owning a grim reaper, has a fairly small probability of a nightmare and meaning of a demon that has the ability to fall from the rejuvenating fear of III or IV.
Spoiler Reaper Falsion recipe Spoiler: Reaper Blade recipeNote: The one in the upper left is a blade blade, and if you become a 7LVLA Zonbiscus layer, you have the ability to drop with IV-value. The three diamond blades are the Mat of the Reaper.
These are all benefits, indicating the maximum HP+23 in total.I just set the recipe, so I decided to actually prepare something.Wand of Healing - Heals 20HP/sec in one direction for 7 seconds. Zombiering - Reduces damage to zombies by 10% (general talisman). Revenant Viscera - Used in many recipes to kill zombies. Revenant Falchion - Damage: 90 / Strength: 50 / Intelligence: +100 / Deals +150% damage to zombies. Used to prepare Reaper's Falchion. Wand of Healing - Upgrades the Wand of Healing. Heals 30HP/sec in one direction for 7 seconds for 80 mana. Crystallized Heart - Well-Being: +Item Skill Healing Boost: Doubles all healing effects (including natural and other healing). Revenant Chest: Well-Being: Defense: +180 / Defense: +70 / Zombie Barrier Shard Award: Killing zombies increases defense / Trolling Reaper Award Set: Healing wand gives +50% healing and 100 defense against zombies. Revenant Laying - Well-Being: Defense: +120 / Defense: +50 / Set contents and price are the same as Revenant Chestplate. Revenant Boots - Well-Being: Defense: +100 / Defense: +30 / Items and set price are the same as Rev Chestplate. Revenant Minion - Generates rotten flesh and diamonds faster than zombie minions, but slower than diamond minions.Note: This minion does not generate vengeful flesh!Devour Rin g-HP recovers 5 when you defeat the monster. Budu dol l-release arrows from all directions around the target monsters. Monsters with one or more arrows are poisoned for 10 seconds, taking 1500 damage. It takes 200 mana to activate. Repair ro d-an improved version of the restoration rod. 100 mana recovers 40 hp/ second in one direction for 7 seconds. Zombie Artefac t-Reduce Zombie damage by 15 % (rare Talisman). Animated Hear t-Welfare: Defense: +100 / Defense power: +35 / Mental force: +100 / Item Skill Healing Boost: Double the healing effect (all healing, including natural healing and healing). Reaper Musk: Happiness: +100 / Defense: +40 / Intelligence: +50 / Item Skill Vile Recovery: All healing effects (all healing, including natural healing, and healing) are multiplied. The number of zombies that appear from the death of the Reaper is doubled. Enhance the effects of zombie armor and activate with all hits. REAPER FALCHIO N-Loss: 120 / Muscle strength: 100 / Intelligence: +200 / Recovers 10 hits every hit HP. It deals+200%damage to zombies, reducing the damage received from zombies by 20%. Reaper's Skyth e-Damage: 300 / Speed: +10 / Item ability Desecration: 3 seconds after defeating the enemy, a zombie of your ally with your status spawns, defeats your opponent ahead of yourself, and zombie is 2hp per second Lost. It takes 150 mana to implement this function. At the same time, up to five zombies have a chance to help you.Avenger horror drops items every time, but the benefits of your value and the value of the Avenger horror you have spawned are greater than others.Zombie Slayer LVL 0 or higher: REVENANT FLESH: 1 to 3 from the first value, 9 to 18 from the second value, 30 to 50 from the third value, 50 to 64 from the fourth value. (75%) Dirty Flesh: 1 from Level II, 1-2 from Level III, 2-3 from Level IV. (20%) Level Izon Biscellation Layer Lv2 No drop is not possible: Pestilence Rune: Level II/III/IV. (5%) Level Izon Biscellation Layer Lv3 cannot be dropped or above: Undead Catalyst: Valueii/III/IV. (1%) Level Izon Biscoste Layer Lv4 cannot be dropped with Lv4 or higher: Smite 6 Enchanted Book: Level III/IV. (1%) Level I/II Zonbis Layer Lv5 No reset: Headless Nightmare: Level III/IV. (<1%) Can't drop at Tier I/II Zombie Slayer LVL 6 and above: Revenant Catalyst: 1 from Tier II/III/IV. ( <1%) Can't drop at Tier I Snake Rune: 1 from Tier IV. ( <1%) Can't drop at Tier I/II/III Zombie Slayer LVL 7 and above: Reaper Scythe Blade: 1 from Tier IV. (<1%) Can't drop at tier I/II/III
That's all for the items of the Zombie Slayer collection!
exclusive- Number of posts 1.
- Answer score 1.
- Point 340
Well-Known Member
Logon October 6, 2019 Posted on 1. 870 Response Score 707So what is the reward for the minion audience? I have just installed it, but I have only rotten meat. You can use zombie minions. I'm sure you've overlooked something. Can anyone tell me?
T1 Rehangant generates more than T1 1-zombies.angbaksa
Active Member
Membership Membership October 25, 2019 Posted on 210 Reaction evaluation 44 Cool Bratin .......... I have a fatherTabasco
Dedicated Member
Joined December 18, 2019 Posted on 1. 040 Reaction Evaluation 274 T1 Rehangant generates more than T1 1-zombies. It was clear. It's time to fold zombies-minions somewhere in your chest.legopizza
Dedicated Member
Sneld November 16, 2017 Posted on. 097 Reaction evaluation 1. 957 But is the Reaper Falcion for 6Lv Zombies?Dukilr
New Member
Participated January 29, 2020 Posted on 4 Comments Scor e-4 CRAFT ME REVEVENT CHESTAPLATE /F BTK_DUKILR fromyzchong
Well-Known Member
SNELD Posted on May 2, 2015 272 Response Score 178Someone learned about all types of recipes for Rev Slayer, and as a result, I decided to help him in the post-post-post.Zonbis Layer Lv1See attached file 1364615
Spoiler: Healing rod recipe Zonbis Layer Lv2 See annex 1364617 Spoiler: Zombie recipe Spoiler: RecipeZonbis Layer Lv3 See attached file 1364621Note: The waist catalyst is not considered a recipe. It is used in Revenant Falkion, and has the ability to drop from Revere-Grussham or higher when it comes to Zonbis Layer Lv3.
Spoiler: Avenger Falkion recipe View ATTACHMENT 1364623 (The lower sword is an undead sword bought from a weapon blacksmith) Spoiler: Ripe stick recipe See attached file 1364624 (the cane in the middle is a healing cane) Spoiler: crystallized heart recipeView ATTACHMENT 1364625: This item cannot be held until it becomes Zonbiscal Layer Lv6, but it is necessary depending on the recipe.
Spoiler lucinant boots recipe Spoiler: Recipe "Lenent LeggingsZombie extermination Lv5 See attached file 1364637Note: MERIT is not only considered minon-reNATOR recipes. Unlocking this LV will also be wasted Rev Minion.
Spoiler: Minion Renator recipe Spoiler: Recipe for destruction rings Spoiler linant busde recipe View Attachment 1364644 Note: The middle bibSord is a zombie slayer.Zonbis Layer Lv6 See attached file 1364645Note: RENEGADE CATALYST is not regarded as a recipe, is used in Reaper Falchion, and has the ability to be omitted from the value of Revenant Horrors III or IV when LVLA Slayer reaches 6.
Spoiler bud doll recipeView ATTACHMENT 1364650 Note: A pumpkin minion from 9 levels, there are half of the mountains of Enchanted Tears of Gast in the upper center slot, and no wolf fangs.
Spoiler: Recovery stick recipe See attached file 1364651 (the cane in the middle is repaired) Zombie Fighter 7LV See attached file 1364653 Spoiler: Artifact Zombie recipe Spoiler: Resuscitation Heart recipe Spoiler: Recipe for a leap maskView ATTACHMENT 1364657 Note: Items with the same sprite as the sleeper mask are headless horror, which is very unlikely to be dropped from level III and IV rebuilding horror.
Spoiler Reaper Falsion recipe Spoiler: Reaper Blade recipeView ATTACHMENT 1364659 Note: The upper left item is a sword of the death scythe. Drop from level IV when you become a level 7 zonbiscis layer. The sword of the diamond is the Hawk of the Reaper.
These are all benefits, indicating the maximum HP+23 in total.I just set the recipe, so I decided to actually prepare something.Wand of Healing - Heals 20HP/sec in one direction for 7 seconds. Zombiering - Reduces damage to zombies by 10% (general talisman). Revenant Viscera - Used in many recipes to kill zombies. Revenant Falchion - Damage: 90 / Strength: 50 / Intelligence: +100 / Deals +150% damage to zombies. Used to prepare Reaper's Falchion. Wand of Healing - Upgrades the Wand of Healing. Heals 30HP/sec in one direction for 7 seconds for 80 mana. Crystallized Heart - Well-Being: +Item Skill Healing Boost: Doubles all healing effects (including natural and other healing). Revenant Chest: Well-Being: Defense: +180 / Defense: +70 / Zombie Barrier Shard Award: Killing zombies increases defense / Trolling Reaper Award Set: Healing wand gives +50% healing and 100 defense against zombies. Revenant Laying - Well-Being: Defense: +120 / Defense: +50 / Set contents and price are the same as Revenant Chestplate. Revenant Boots - Well-Being: Defense: +100 / Defense: +30 / Items and set price are the same as Rev Chestplate. Revenant Minion - Generates rotten flesh and diamonds faster than zombie minions, but slower than diamond minions.Note: This minion does not generate vengeful flesh!Devour Rin g-HP recovers 5 when you defeat the monster. Budu dol l-release arrows from all directions around the target monsters. Monsters with one or more arrows are poisoned for 10 seconds, taking 1500 damage. It takes 200 mana to activate. Repair ro d-an improved version of the restoration rod. 100 mana recovers 40 hp/ second in one direction for 7 seconds. Zombie Artefac t-Reduce Zombie damage by 15 % (rare Talisman). Animated Hear t-Welfare: Defense: +100 / Defense power: +35 / Mental force: +100 / Item Skill Healing Boost: Double the healing effect (all healing, including natural healing and healing). Reaper Musk: Happiness: +100 / Defense: +40 / Intelligence: +50 / Item Skill Vile Recovery: All healing effects (all healing, including natural healing, and healing) are multiplied. The number of zombies that appear from the death of the Reaper is doubled. Enhance the effects of zombie armor and activate with all hits. REAPER FALCHIO N-Loss: 120 / Muscle strength: 100 / Intelligence: +200 / Recovers 10 hits every hit HP. It deals+200%damage to zombies, reducing the damage received from zombies by 20%. Reaper's Skyth e-Damage: 300 / Speed: +10 / Item ability Desecration: 3 seconds after defeating the enemy, a zombie of your ally with your status spawns, defeats your opponent ahead of yourself, and zombie is 2hp per second Lost. It takes 150 mana to implement this function. At the same time, up to five zombies have a chance to help you.Avenger horror drops items every time, but the benefits of your value and the value of the Avenger horror you have spawned are greater than others.Zombie Slayer LVL 0 or higher: REVENANT FLESH: 1 to 3 from the first value, 9 to 18 from the second value, 30 to 50 from the third value, 50 to 64 from the fourth value. (75%) Dirty Flesh: 1 from Level II, 1-2 from Level III, 2-3 from Level IV. (20%) Level Izon Biscellation Layer Lv2 No drop is not possible: Pestilence Rune: Level II/III/IV. (5%) Level Izon Biscellation Layer Lv3 cannot be dropped or above: Undead Catalyst: Valueii/III/IV. (1%) Level Izon Biscoste Layer Lv4 cannot be dropped with Lv4 or higher: Smite 6 Enchanted Book: Level III/IV. (1%) Level I/II Zonbis Layer Lv5 No reset: Headless Nightmare: Level III/IV. (<1%) Can't drop at Tier I/II Zombie Slayer LVL 6 and above: Revenant Catalyst: 1 from Tier II/III/IV. ( <1%) Can't drop at Tier I Snake Rune: 1 from Tier IV. ( <1%) Can't drop at Tier I/II/III Zombie Slayer LVL 7 and above: Reaper Scythe Blade: 1 from Tier IV. (<1%) Can't drop at tier I/II/III
That's all for the items of the Zombie Slayer collection!
