Empire Stellaris Wiki
A nation is a group of planets or galaxies ruled by one government and controlled by one player (or artificial intelligence). Empires have the opportunity to have any kind of government: democracy, oligarchy, despotism, imperialism, etc.
Ethics are considered the more defining characteristic of a galactic empire. It influences the behavior of an AI empire, the technologies possible, the politicians and decrees that can be used, the type of government allowed, the concept of other nations, and perhaps more fundamentally ensures the fuel for internal conflict in large and disparate empires. Citizenship is the second most important line that defines a galactic empire, influencing the details of the internal structure of the empire and also having a concrete impact on its behavior.
It is worth noting that the name and municipal structure of a player's empire can be changed at any time in the government window.
- 1 City of Moscow
- 2 Size of the Empire
- 3 Division System
- 4 Conditional Powers
- 5 Victories
- 6 Imperial Modifications
- 6. 1 Galactic Creature Modifiers
- 6. 2 Archaeological Modifiers
- 6. 3 Guardian Recommendations
- 6. 4 Ancestor Secrets
- 6. 5 "Under Any Rules" Changes
- 6. 6 Cybernetic Creed Changes
- 6. 7 Cybernetic Creed Modifications
- 7. 1 Imperial Provinces
- 7. 2 Minamar Special Branch
- 7. 2. 1 Broken Chain Exchange
- 7. 2. 2 Trade Accounting
Capital [ править | править код ]
The capital is the imperial domain and the end point of all trade routes. The imperial city of Moscow may be moved once every decade with 250 influence units if the state is at peace. The planet Moscow and the Imperial system are visible on the star map and galaxy map with a golden starry sky. Moscow cities have their own designation.
Empire size [ править | править код ]
Source Volume Effects Hive Strength -25% United Hive Strength -33% Civic Duty of Joint Care -25% Small Life Development -5% Master Bureaucrat Minion Trait -5% Grey Eminence Bureaucrat Trait -10% Aturion Performance Paragon Trait -10% The size of your empire reflects the increasing challenge of managing a large empire. For every point of empire size over 100, the price of skills and technologies increases by +0, 2%. This penalty is subject to certain powers and 1 development, as stipulated in the table to the right. The size of your empire also affects several other mechanics, generally increasing the cost of performing certain actions. In particular, each point of Empire Volume has the following effects:
- Imperial Government Reform Cost +10
- In addition to the +10, the price of Integrity, which increases the planetary ascension value, increases by +6 per degree of planetary ascension.
- Decree Price +1
- The number of infiltrations per day to other empires to build a spy net +0, 25 times
- Use of marine capabilities required to maintain power projection +0, 5
- Progress points required to start Agenda +0, 1%
The size of the empire increases for each property of the following empire:
Source size colony 10 branch 2 system 1 population 1 district 0.5 These categories have their own qualifiers:
Sovereign trust rule Herdogy posting Corporate Protection Safety Cluster Safety MatrixThe following amendments also affect the scale of the entire empire:
Source total National rule correction -5% Verillium administrator Fix -5% Architectural consultant +10% Logistics advisor +10% Each sphere is a size correction of different categories, and all groups are multiplied by itself, but are multiplied by each other. Father, a fanatical pacifist with a tw o-level Beacon of Liberty with a colony without a planetary rising bonus, the fathers who have a characteristic COMPLIANT on a planet ruled by Level 1 governor, are as follows. Contribute:
Total = base x ( 1-popscope correction value) x ( 1-empire scope correction value) x ( 1-coloniscope correction value) = 1 × (1- [0, 10 + 0, 02]) × (1- [0, 30 + 0, 15]) × (1- [0, 1]) 0.\displaystyle>
Sector systems [ править | править код ]The sector is an administrative area in the empire. Each empire begins with a core sector and includes the core (and the empire) capital. All sectors have spread from the sector capital to four hyperplains. The sector cannot be spread through or not owned or not owned by other sectors or other empires. The sector cannot also spread through the wormhole or gateway. Each sector allows leaders to be assigned, and the leader applies their level and characteristics to all colonies in the sector. You can select any colony that is not included in the sector as the capital of the new sector, and the planet is marked with blue stars on a star and galaxy map. The new sector will instantly join all adjacent star systems within the distance to up to four ultr a-planes.
You can also change a sector's capital to a new colony at any time. At the same time, the sector's systems are updated immediately, just like when you create a new sector. Changing the capital of a major sector requires an empire capital move with the usual costs.
Any sector of an empire that is neither a Gestalt of Consciousness nor a Fanatic Purifier can be turned into a Subject Empire. The new empire will have the same ideals, powers, citizenship, and technologies, but will not have a sovereign citizen power.
All sectors, including the most important ones, can be given a sector focus. Choosing a sector focus will ensure that the sector will automatically evolve in a certain direction as long as it has resources, reducing micromanagement.
Relative power [ править | править код ]
Relative power is a measure of how much an empire is ahead of its rivals in resource extraction, fleet strength, and researched technologies. A "superior/inferior" relative power means an empire with 50% (1. 5x) more resources, fleet strength, or researched technologies, while a "overwhelming/poor" relative power means an empire with 150% (2. 5x) more resources, fleet strength, or researched technologies.
Relative power is divided into three parts: fleet strength, economy, and technology level.
Fleet strength: The total strength of each fleet.
- Fleet strength of 1 gives +1
Economy: The balance of all monthly income, including income from trade agreements. Monthly expenses are not included in this metric. Various resources are weighted according to their base market price (base energy price per unit):
- Minerals and food are +1
- Consumables are +2
- +4: Alloys
- Common strategic resources are +10
- Rare strategic resources are +20
Technology level: 60 + the sum of the base values of all researched technologies divided by 100. Repeated technologies are only considered 0. 33 times as often as normal technologies.
- Tech Level +60
- +0 per 1 base tech value of all technologies researched, including repeating technologies.
The formula for calculating the total strength of an empire is as follows: Total Strength = Fleet Strength * 2 + Economy * 3 + Technology Level * 1 & amp; amp; gt; = & amp; amp; gt;*2 + & amp; amp; gt;*3 + & amp; amp; gt ;*1 & amp; amp; gt;
Victory score [ править | править код ]
The winning score is an artistic result of the empire performance. A nation that has earned the highest score by the arrival of the winner is announced as a winner. The winning year is set, and it may be broken overall. The country declares the championship each time if only the country has a chance to win the championship. All players have all the opportunities to continue the game in simple mode, including the state, and have announced their own victory, and this victory does not make much sense from a practical perspective.
The victory window reflects each area, its evaluation, and the Category ARTE L-account. Appropriate category
Finance: If there is no economy in the empire, 1 financial power based on conditional power or +5000 +1.
Technology: 60 +0, 25 or more technical levels 1 based on conditional power.
Number of systems: +10 per system
Number of colonies: 1 per colony +50
Pops: +2 in a population place.
The Lord receives +50 % of the Imperial Empire: +50 % of the Imperial Democrats.
Federal: The federal members all divide+10%of the points of other federal members.
Dead crisis management ship: +10 for the destroyed crisis management ship.
Collected relics: Each relic has a huge number of points. The number of relics points is reflected on the relic page.
Empire modifiers [ править | править код ]
The revision of the empire is ultimately obtained by all kinds of acts, such as the selection of events and the diplomatic diplomacy with the flying space. They affect the whole nation and bring huge profits and penalties accordingly.
The following amendments are considered unpacked. These are always flattering or mixed, and works through games.
- Promotion of faction
- Control of faction
- Beach Pretrina holds 50 % of Galaxy
- Do not defeat the Guardian
- Selection of behavior of asteroid collision "abnormality"
- Selection of behavior of asteroid collision "abnormality"
- Select the behavior of "possible residents"
- Gestalt consciousness
- History of gravity well finale
- Geomagnetic hurricane finale
- First contact events
- First contact events
- First contact events
- Submission to seniors
- Spiritualist
- Infinity declaration by the shrine
- Successful support for infinity
- If you cooperate or succeed in the infinite hacking
- Hold all technology of positron AI and zero point power
- Science Nexus Event
- Science Nexus Event
- Successful vaccination of ancient ranger
- Successful code setting of the ancient caretaker
- Catastrophy Bath "case
- Selection of asteroids with abnormal orbit
- Zarkalan leaders' relief
- Joint operation of the Trade Federation
- Not all federation members were involved in the whole operation
- Joint operation of the Trade Federation
- All Federation member states join joint operation
- Permanent civilian employment
- 80-120 years passed
- Non-authoritarianism
- Origin of Here Be Dragon
- Defeat of the Celestial Dragons
- Resolution of Imperial Charter
- Poison God Quest
- Poison God Quest
- Poison God Quest
- "Door" - Chain of Events
- Origin of the Poison God Knights
- Payment
- Contact with Minamara Specialty Industries
- Pre-FTL civilization
- Payment
- Defeat Minamara Specialty Industries in war
- Payment
- Defeat of Minamara Specialty Industries in Galactica Community
- Payment
- Destruction of Minamara Specialty Industries in Endgame Crisis
- Conclusion of Broken Shackle's origin
- Origin of the Dark Terror
- Feborian Cleansing
- Conclusion of the origin of the Dark Terror
- I did not cleanse the Feborians
- Observation event
- Not Hive Mind
- Observation event
- Observation event
- Not Hive Mind
- Observation event
- No company
- Bolin Specialty Showpiece Event
- Judge Urd Dagur Specialty Showpiece Event
- VAZ Gilded Famous Events
- Ulastal Famous Paragon Events
- Talon Situation Improvement
- Talon Situation Investigation
- Command Integration Situation
- Crisis" Situation Study
- Lessons of the Past
- Chemical Waste Astral Rift
- Wind Planet Astral Rift
- Alien Station Astral Rift
- Gestalt consciousness
- Genesis Astral Rift
- Gestalt consciousness
- "Astral Rift
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Authoritarian
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Spiritualist
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Cybernetic Event Selection
- Death Cult or Death Cult Corporation
- Complete Synthesis Event
- Synthetic Fertility
- Situation End "Sethana: Synthetic Queen"
- Sethana: Special Project Nanite Tempest
- Nanotech Tradition Tree
- Event "Space Storm"
- Event Chain "Storm's Wrath"
- Event Chain "Storm's Wrath"
Space creatures modifiers [ править | править код ]
Each empire that makes first contact with any of the space creature types receives an imperial modifier. Available options vary depending on the empire's philosophy.
Updated fleet avoidance protocols based on observations of space amoeba flagella.
The amoeba's corpses are salvaged, its internal organs processed into valuable organic compounds, and 1, 000 units are brought to the destroyed fleet.
The fleet regulates radiation when approaching the Galactic Amoeba, and the Amoeba no longer considers us a danger.
Improved transmission methods developed based on the crystal's native internal structure minimize the resistance costs in the production and spread of energy.
The destroyed remains of the crystal are mechanically preserved, and 500 units are brought for each destroyed fleet.
Shortwave broadcasts on specific frequencies effectively mask our fleet among our crystal brothers, and Galactic lifeforms no longer perceive us as a danger.
Using technology purchased from the mining drones, we can effectively exploit deposits that were previously not considered valuable.
The Mountain Drones are clear to the general existence. Powerlessness revealed in one is powerlessness confirmed in all. The unusual properties of the Void Cloud reveal new skills in research in the field of physics.The charge of the Void Cloud changes in a certain but surprising cycle. With a clear hit, the arcane energy that animates these formations quickly becomes unstable.
Archaeological modifiers [ править | править код ]
Archaeological modifications are only obtained when excavating specific archaeological objects.
- +10 to plants
- +10% damage to Sandy's patriarch.
Tyanka's deep knowledge of anatomy allows her to hit with surgical precision, minimizing losses.
- -25% price of the special project "Changing the Image"
- +20% Adoption of a xenophobic ethic
We have been able to accept the knowledge of aliens for many years and their experiments on us, subject to genetic manipulation, but they still prove us, in fact, the universe has not been the friendliest space. Here, they simply transform from predator to sacrifice.
The study of the universe is a profession and an absolute wonder. Amazingly, life has the ability to thrive even in the most remote places and under the most dangerous conditions of the galaxy. Fascinated by the situation in which all kinds of life coexist, our people are ready to encounter the secrets of the universe.
The universe is cruel, but we must mend our ways.
Archaeologists have since pointed to granite that seems otherworldly and memorable, and the realm's audiences are more cherished by life.
The oracles run the empire like a perfectly oiled car.- -10% consumer goods
- +5 happiness
Evermore was the beginning of a virtual kingdom in which the consciousness of the digitized alien lived in infinite bliss, and was widely redesigned as a place for the masses.
The science department succeeded in reproducing the noisy hymns that the aurora sang. All energy production facilities have introduced a harmonic system that improves response.
There was an archeological discovery on a planet that was once besieged by a large snai l-like creature, and we were able to understand how to effectively apply the defense environment. This improves our army's vitality in defense games against all ground attacks (including large galaxy slugs)!
- Army +50
- Side damage +100
Our troops are armed with the smallest creatures that can eat the actual organizations of all creatures at a brutal speed. Of course, there is no chance to completely guarantee the protection of innocent passer s-by.
- -10 of the terrifying price
- +20 of terrifying speed
The Shararia's ancient civilization has been destroyed a long time ago, but their excellent terrifying knowledge lives in us.
- Damage from energy source +5
- Host range +5
Ludari tried to make a laser gun that operates between the stars, as the culture collapsed due to the pressure of the enemy army. But they were issued by this venture. Their research proved that it is very needed for our gun experts.
In front of a dangerous labyrinth filled with lava, the archeologist team devised a relaxation method. The basics of this exercise are now very popular throughout the Empire.
Exploration squads that have reached a lav a-filled maze have so far obscure the relevance of beehive intelligence. They couldn't believe their collective understanding, and they encountered the terrible opinion of "I" for a short period of time. It was a catastrophic technology that strengthened the contempt of individualism.
Archeologists, who were temporarily separated in labyrint h-filled labyrinth, were separated from the network and had no opportunity to demonstrate their functions. They came up with a way to launch a su b-program for debugging while sleeping. The su b-program was later loaded and modified to the main system.
- +5 for permissions for each month
- +5 happiness
- Learning speed +5
- +10% control weigh t-Ethical
- Monthly+10%permission
- +5 happiness
- Learning speed +5
- +20% dominance solicitation-Ethics
- Effect of +0, 5 every month
Our empire can always enjoy the purpose and integrity we have found by helping past benefactor.
- Monthly+10%permission
- +5 happiness
- Learning speed +5
- +20% dominance solicitation-Ethics
- Effect of +0, 5 every month
- +15% Charm of militarism ethics
- Damage by ship weapons +5
Our actions were suppressed by the desperate attempts of the Charinoy prophets trying to find a reconciliation for their people. Their family is not allowed!
- Monthly+10%permission
- Observatory production amount +50
By completing the construction of the Iticarios shield, Charinies or at least a part of them gained a reconciliation.
Curator advice [ править | править код ]
Can only be used with DLC "Leviathana" or "Distant Stars". Council of the Curator's modifier can be purchased at the curator's flying area after meeting the Guardian while surviving. Dainage bonus damage to the selected keeper.
By updating these target specifications, our fleets can bomb the most vulnerable surface armor of the asteroid hive.
The military fleet was ordered to launch an etherdolic in a specific rhythm during a collision with a dragon.
Automatic Fleet Commander in the Dreadnote has been instructed to target all subsystems that violate the automation process.
Gantry generated by the "fear of measurement" can be unstable by sending a point blade to a specific weakness.
The curator has ordered the adjustment valve to launch the adjustment valve to dissipate the heat inside the Star Devas Titer.
Infinity machines have a weak point called rea l-time update system. You can't maintain a constant change. From now on, the crew will be placed on each ship and the gun will always be adjusted.
Tandy's old patriarch armor has a gap in the form of a huge no n-explosive proton torpedo settled on the skin. Our fleet knows how to blast it.
With the curator's advice, we coat the ship and protect it from the broken spit and thorns from a voice spawn.
Steam is not created according to previously developed projects. As a result, there are several structural drawbacks in the abolished design. If you know them, you can use this.
Secrets of the precursors [ править | править код ]
Can only be used with DLC "Ancient Relights". Fore Runner's Secrets-The last amendment elements received at the end of a special project to study the secrets of the foranner civilization.
We used ancient Baol's knowledge for our purpose. Used the ancient Kibrex knowledge for our purpose.- Research speed in industry +15
- Planetary construction speed +10
- Biology research speed +20
- +5% population increase
- Computer technology speed +7
- +10 % convenience
The Vultaum archive greatly expanded our knowledge of our calculations. We have created an artificial virtual world for universal fun using the knowledge gained.
- +15% exploration of computer technology
- Assembly speed of machine device +5
In their research, Urtaumians seem to have adopted some fundamental concepts. Their calculations and research in the virtual world have some results to be used in our own process.
- Computer technology speed +7
- +10 % convenience
- +10 % research speed
- Happines s-20
According to the Vultaum archive, we live in a simulation. Now that we understand our reality, we can use some mesh to understand how it works for our benefits.
And the ancient knowledge of Jessian merchants is useful for our purpose. Thanks to their influence, we are now keeping the trade route better.
- +5 for permissions for each month
- With a +30 % probability, you can "raise the storm" from the Patriotic Congratulations Research Institute.
- A doll dies with a chance of 20%every 20 years, and a storm occurs, not from Nexus.
Under One Rule modifiers [ править | править код ]
Only available at DLC "Galactic Paragons". The following modifier can be obtained as part of the history of less than one line.
Our empire focused on creating more control and stable governments.- Secretary's political power +25
- Secretary's unity +0, 5
Our empire aimed to create a more controlled and stable government. Temporary selection to special courses and government posts is a requirement for achieving this goal.
- Secretary's political power +50
- Secretary's unit +1
- Secretary's imperial fund +1
Our empire aims to create more control and stable government. The special course of the government post and the provisional selection are necessary conditions for achieving this goal. We have introduced new rules to further strengthen stationery. Only the worst and faithful people can apply for this post.
- Stability +2. 5
- +5% Citizen's happiness
We are a nation that was updated by equality and unity. We are more stronger than ever before, and we are free from the dedicated politics, for better or worse.
- Ship +5
- Damage by ship weapons +5
In general cases of space colonization, this alone could not unite the people. And again, we are ruined by the war. Those who swear loyalty are inappropriately supporting the throne, gaining a new sense of purpose in front of their life style and the trians who threaten the beloved rulers.
- Stability +5
- +5% Citizen's happiness
- Work uniformity +20
- Contents of consumer good s-10
- Win a civil war as a rebel empire
- Spiritualist
We have learned lessons in a tough way. The civil war taught us the importance of the sel f-control and inner world. You must resist decline and rot at all stages.
- Stability +5
- +5% Citizen's happiness
- +10 % population increase
- Coding +2
- Win a civil war as a rebel empire
- I hate foreigners
The recent shock has shown that the openness of external powers could lead to struggle and setbacks. In the future, we need to protect themselves from such threats.
- Stability +5
- +5% Citizen's happiness
- +10% ship
- Damage by ship weapons +10
- Win a civil war as a rebel empire
- Militarian
We focus on the stars and the other side, raise and release others. Our latest fleet is ready to bring equal to every corner of the galaxy.
- Stability +5
- +5% Citizen's happiness
- -15% The scale of the empire that sacrificed the people
- +75% equality
- Win a civil war as a rebel empire
- Pacifist
Acquisition of the internal world is always our goal, and we have finally achieved it. I paid a great deal of price, but now it's time to cut the fruit.
- Stability +5
- +5% Citizen's happiness
- Population increase by immigrants +10
- Messenger is +1
- Win a civil war as a rebel empire
- Heterosexual
The recent shock has taught that being closed by external force leads to struggle and setbacks. We must open to avoid this opportunity in the future.
- Stability +5
- +5% Citizen's happiness
- +5% source of work
- -10% cost cost
- Win a civil war as a rebel empire
- Materialist
A new conversation in the light of the cosmic scale urban warfare understands the cost of their work. Together, they aspire to achieve all their goals.
Cybernetic Creed modifiers [ править | править код ]
Available only in the DLC The Machine Age. Within the framework of the history of the Conclave of Fusion, you can get the following modifications:
Each year, religions from our population spend their share of time to act.- Factions "General Burden", "Working Cooperative", "Working Community" or "Religious Union".
Each year religious among our population spends their share of time to produce 1 required object.
- + Damage amount 20
- +20 Wellbury in the Protective Army
- +20 Fighting Spirit in the Protective Army
- Warrior Culture, Corporate Private Military, Steel Templar Faction or "United Confessions
Every year, the religious among our population will spend their share of time in the military.
- Master's Craft, "Mastercraft Corporation" or faction "Brotherhood of the Hammer
Every year, the religious among our population will spend their share of time preparing luxury products.
- Chorus of Intelligence or faction "United Confessions
Every year, the religious among our population will spend their share of time studying the secrets of the universe.
- Brotherhood of the Hammer or faction "United Confessions
Every year, the religious among our population will spend their share of time working in the forge.
- +25 Planet Speed
- +25 Ship Construction Speed
- Faction Brotherhood of the Hammer
Every year, a religious person among our people will spend a percentage of their time building a house or working in the shipyard.
- Faction Choir of the Intellect
Every year, a religious person among our people will spend a percentage of their time studying sacred cybernetics.
- Faction Distinguished Admiral, Contractor of the Sea or Steel Templar
- Genetic Changes +2 points
- Genetic manifestations +1 point
- Faction "United Confession"
Analysis of the divine augments used by one confession has expanded our understanding of cybernetic design.
- Gene transformation glasses +1
- Genetic manifestations +1 point
- Research speed +5
- Refined content +5
- Faction Choir of the Intellect
- Gene transformation glasses +1
- Genetic manifestations +1 point
- Cybernetic Happiness +10
- Future "Labor Communication
- Gene transformation glasses +1
- Genetic manifestations +1 point
- -10 for houses and local tables
- Maintenance of mega vill a-10
- Faction Brotherhood of the Hammer
- Gene transformation glasses +1
- Genetic manifestations +1 point
- Fleet ability +5
- The faction "Temple Knights have become factions"
Cyberization modifiers [ править | править код ]
Available only in the DLC The Machine Age. The following modifier can be obtained at a random event that occurs with any probability during cyberings.
- Expert pop resource production amount +10
- -20% EXP S-Integrity report
- +5 for permissions for each month
- -Priest skills increase by 5%
- Monthly energy loan +5
- +10 of cyborg lifting price
- Assembly rate of organizational festival +10
- -5 menstrual alloy
- Strength +10
- +5% specialist pop source performance
- -20% EXP S-Integrity report
- +25% trade value
- Happiness of cybernetic worker s-10
The pharmaceutical industry is focusing on the development of powerful anesthetics for those who need cyberne.
Unique empires [ править | править код ]
The following areas may appear during the game as a result of a specific event. Each time the climate preference will answer the planet from that. However, the original empire is not available as a starting function, which can encounter the save in mult i-play, won the end of the game, or won the universe. Achieved.
- Adaptive type
- Nomad
- Haberop
- Liberal lighthouse
- Idealist base
- Adaptive type
- Nomad
- Haberop
- Ethnic enthusiasm
- Outstanding Admiral
- random
- random
- smart
- Hig h-speed breeder
- satisfaction
- weak
- Empatas
- Commemorative
- Hig h-speed training
- Nibelak
- random
- random
- Cave resident
- random
- random
- random
- Natural engineer
- Nomad
- Venerable
- random
- random
- Mega Coop DLC is not valid
- Nomad fleet proposal
- Sionic
- Frugal person
- Devoted
- Coolness
- Ugliness
- Slow leader
- Functional architecture
- Mining guild
- Ride system discovery
- At the same time, Yank Ratings, once separated from all over the world, was not occupied or invaded for decades.
- industrial
- Decadent
- On e-leather
- Fin d-like cleaning staff
- Cruel politician
- Sionic
- Patient
- Very strong
- Devoted
- Ugliness
- Slow leader
- Fin d-like cleaning staff
- Deceived
- God of God
- Idealist base
- Outstanding Admiral
- Fin d-like cleaning staff
- Society
- Extra space
- Sionic
- talent
- Immortal
- Slow leader
- random
- random
Imperial Fiefdom empires [ править | править код ]
Available only in DLC "Overlord". IMPERIAL PATRIMONY creates original lords and original vassals, depending on the volume of the galaxy. For 40-65 years, at the start of the game, the minister offers freezing through the former empire's minister if it is conditionally inferior to the empire. After accepting the proposal, you will receive small benefits.
- Materialist
- Militarian
- Heterosexual
- Feudalist
- Bizanthin bureaucrat
- Fanatical materialist
- Authoritarian
- Technology
- Slave owner's guild
- Fanatical militantist
- Spiritualist
- Warrior culture
- Outstanding Admiral
- Fanatical spiritist
- I hate foreigners
- Society
- Philosophy King
- Company
- No DLC:
- Oligar Hi
- Fanatical materialist
- Heterosexual
- Free seller
- Crispy competitiveness
- No DLC:
- Corporate rule
- Talentedness
Minamar Specialized Industries [ править | править код ]
Minamar's special industry makes civilization easier to FTL.Available only with DLC "First Contact". Minamar Specialized Industries (abbreviated MSI) is a nation that has evolved based on broken feet and rewards. Most of them are operated like an ordinary nation with advanced emerging companies, but the only characteristic is the origin of a ladder to heaven and the personality of a merciful company. She has a fanatical materialism and an authoritative ethics, and uses an expert in corporate management and the relationship between the citizen practice of physical ownership and people, and this is autonomous. Whether it is established by Mega Pope. Their guidance includes the world preferences of statues, charismatic, wisdom, decadent and waste characteristics. Their mother universe is a relic universe under the title Minamar, a paragraph system. Sumitomo Mitsui Sumitomo Umito is popular as OLLBAR and uses the original portrait that cannot be accessed to the player, but he is still in the appearance of "Humanoid No. 3", which still meet vas gold leaf. It is implemented in. Interestingly, the MSI still uses a list of Roman names and does not include the boat.
Empires with origins in "Brokenover" and "Payment" receive a permanen t-1000 penalty to their opinion of Minamar Special Industries and cannot select the optional first contact dialogue option with Minamar Special Industries. On their origin planet, Minamar Special Industries become slave representatives for both types of empires.
Broken Shackles interactions [ править | править код ]
Unchained empires can interact with Minamar Special Industries as follows:
- When encountering Minamar Special Industries, they receive a-10 stability penalty until first contact is completed.
- When first contact is completed with Minamar Special Industries, they are given +10% units for 10 years.
- When forced to join a federation with Minamar Special Industries, they receiv e-10% luck an d-25% moral appeal for 10 years.
- If war breaks out with Minamar, Special Industries receive +10% cohesion, -10% ship support, -50% military, -50% military value, and +100% military construction rate.
- If the war ends with a surrender, you will receiv e-10% happiness for 10 years.
- If the war ends with the status quo maintained, you will receiv e-5% happiness after 10 years.
- If the war ends with you being forced to meet conditions, you will receive +10% luck, +15% unity, +20% charm for dominant ethics, +10% monthly consumer goods, +5% monthly resources, and +10% resources for specialists for 10 years.
Payback interactions [ править | править код ]
Empires with "Settlement" origin can interact with Minamar-Specialized Industries as follows:
- After linking with Minamar-Specialized Industries, if your empire is in a resource situation, you can choose between a large amount of rare resources or a small amount of units. This can only happen once every 5 years.
- After establishing a connection with Minamar-Specialized Industries, when your empire technically lights up your civilization for FTL, for the first time, your empire can choose between a modifier for certified educators and a large amount of units.
- For killing a Keeper for the first time after establishing a connection with Minamar-Specialized Industries, your empire will receive a large amount of energy or a small amount of units.
- While you are not at war with Minamar Specialty Industries, they will beg you to pay them 5000 energy, 10. 000 energy, or 5 pops for 15 years (if you use console commands to get unlimited resources, you cannot pay the full amount required immediately, MSI is aware of them and will flatly refuse). The empire has two ways to deal with them. Winning either of them will end all interactions with Minamar Specialty Industries.
- Paying twice will allow the nation to choose between a "Reunion" incident and diplomacy.
- If you focus on diplomacy, 10 days after your empire is introduced to the Space Society, an event titled "War Without Weapons" will start, where you can choose between the resolutions "Equal Standing Act" or "Unarmed Act" in a bipartisan manner. -In pre-free mode you will be given "-Intervention" and all minor resolutions regarding punishment. Passing the mandatory resolution "Pre-FTL Position" will give you a large increase in "Integrity". Minamar Specialty Industries will also get the "Rise of the Planet" story and the "Resentful Population" imperial modifier.
- As a candidate, winning a war with MSI (like any other empire) with the aim of imposing your ideology and forcing MSI to outlaw pre-FTL slavery and brutal intervention (by switching to Egalitarianism and Heterogenousism) will also achieve the same result.
References [ править | править код ]
Game ConceptResearch Exploration - FTL - Original System - L Cluster - FTL Skins - Fallen States - Galactic Invaders - Enclaves - Guards - Plunderers - Caravanners
- If you focus on diplomacy, 10 days after your empire is introduced to the Space Society, an event titled "War Without Weapons" will start, where you can choose between the resolutions "Equal Standing Act" or "Unarmed Act" in a bipartisan manner. -In pre-free mode you will be given "-Intervention" and all minor resolutions regarding punishment. Passing the mandatory resolution "Pre-FTL Position" will give you a large increase in "Integrity". Minamar Specialty Industries will also get the "Rise of the Planet" story and the "Resentful Population" imperial modifier.
- Paying twice will allow the nation to choose between a "Reunion" incident and diplomacy.
