AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks - Slitherine
How 100 zombies slot soldiers
Message by Tassadar "September 15, 2020 20:09
A short story that I thought out to record my skills in AO. After the first campaign of SCW and AO1939, I actually missed some and accepted some uncertain conclusions. However, after waiting for AO1940, I wondered how good it would be to repair / exchange the same luggage at this time and improve it for new skills. In line with this, this content replaced the empty topic that I first made to replace AO core.
- Hero assignment is more normal
- In order to maintain a clean situation, refuse the hero's random assignment and deletion.
- Better risk management
- The fragrant camouflage inspired by HORESMAN's AA R-I'm looking forward to reading the continuation someday.
Character Characteristic s-For example, unless there is a special restriction that hinders it, it is assumed that its characteristics will last a long time: Dengeki master, decorative, fatal agility, flexible command, surrounding control.
AO Spanish Civil Wa r-Seville
Start authority: 1400
Army formation at the start
PZABT 40 1-IA Tank PZABT 402 --IA Tank PZABT 50 1-IA Tank
AUFKABT 11 --Sdkfz 221 AUFKABT 12 --Sdkfz 221
Ant i-tank
Panzerjäger ABT 201-3, 7 cm PAK 36 (horse transport) Panzerjäger ABT 202-3, 7 cm PAK 36 (horse transport)
Artillery 601-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (horse transport) artillery 60 2-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (horse transport) artillery 701-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (horse transport)
Ant i-aircraft gun
FLAK ABT 27 1-2 CM FLAK 30 (horse transport vehicle)
I./jg 61 --He 51 II./jg 61 --He 51 III./jg 61 --He 51
Tricky bomber
I./sg 7-HS123A II./sg 7-HS123A III./sg 7-HS123A I./AG 9-He 70 Rayo
Important element
After adjusting the camouflage and applying the title, the Corps Condor is ready for deployment.
I'm enviable now! I am also challenging the hero. Unfortunately, the number of bad devils who overlook them is so large that the team must replenish quickly, taking into account the AO period.
In fact, I like the AI that AI is actively trying to escape the tank and spies out of my gravity units or to the AA cover. This is a better improvement than PZC1!
The navigator will try it if I actually say anything about this! Unless they come back with something to correct their mistakes.
It is noteworthy that the attack is being performed in the opened place, and the mutual assistance of the Republican army and the powerlessness of the corps Condor technique have all the potential to solve it with a powerful note.
At the end, the village in northern Seville is still in the Republican Party! Finally, the airport is set to emotions in the Supreme Command.
Final authority: 2345 (Growth from 945) Receive CP: 2 (2 growth)
Occupational technology in a script:
F t-17-3 37 mm M1940-4 105 mm VickeEers M22-4 70 mm Schneider M08-7
A lot of other equipment
203 mm M1931-19 (from HC)
The landing was easy, and it was not difficult for a "small tank". When the Republican army moved, we tried to take some countermeasures, but there was no collaboration, and the use of the place was bad. Seville was literally defenseless and vague, but still cleared the west corner of a large city with the smallest damage. The counterattack was captured in the open area and went wav y-during the bombardment support, they succeeded in wiping them out, such as arresting Carmona, but with the support of Aufkabt 12 so far. 。 The charging was surprisingly low, but the "small tank" only met the limited number of enemy armored vehicles, and the SG 7 bomb beans came out to the right from the fact that they were actually noticed. However, this easy operation did not last long.
The last was Tassadar SR SE 16, 2020 15:20, once. Kelenski Content Designer Posted by: 8623 To: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 2:12 amRe: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Posted by: Kerensky "DI September 15, 2020 20. 53 AM
I always want to see more gameplay in the civil war between Spain and AO.
I wish you the best.
I'm curious how RNG-heroes develop. This is exactly the ability to fundamentally affect the given campaign.
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Message from Tassadar "Wed Sept 16, 2020 5:33 PM
AO Spanish internal conflic t-Antech
Go to Antech for the first ful l-scale verification. It is not a project to complete the task, but a project that performs tasks with minimal losses.
Start authority (after purchase and exchange): 2661
The first hero of the campaign will soon become the best hero. It will be a valuable entity in acquiring equipment (unfortunately, this special campaign cannot be expected to apply occupied units, except for rare exceptions). At least it is expected that Patos is likely to increase. Robert Crewger is a member of Aufkabt11. Thanks to the ability to split the dispatch in the military without using the leading slot, the officer is thought to be a major contribution, and will be very busy in any scenario.
The newly served squadron is as follows:
Artillery ABT 70 2-10, 5 centimeters 18 (equestrian transport) fire gun ABT 272-3, 7 cm ant i-aircraft 18 (Equestrian transport)
Army formation at the start
PZABT 40 1-IA Tank PZABT 402 --IA Tank PZABT 50 1-IA Tank
AUFKABT 11 - SDKFZ 221 - Enveropment AUFKABT 1 2-SDKFZ 221
Artillery 601-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (equestrian transport) artillery ABT 60 2-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (equestrian transport) artillery 701-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (Equestrian transport) artillery 702-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (5 cm reflex 18 ( Equestrian transportation)
Ant i-aircraft gun
FLAK ABT 27 1-2 CM hig h-fire 30 (horse transport) FLAK ABT 272-3, 7 cm high fire 18 (horse transport)
I./jg 61 --He 51 II./jg 61 --He 51 III./jg 61 --He 51
Tricky bomber
I./sg 7-HS123A II./sg 7-HS123A III./sg 7-HS123A I./AG 9-He 70 Rayo
Voluntary unit
1 Gruppo 1 S Q-CR. 32
The activity of the enemy tank should be restricted. It is more likely to introduce artillery rather than tactical bombers, as the density of no n-poor ground targets in the radius of the airfield exposed.
Panzerjäger ABT 201-3, 7 cm PAK 36 (horse transport) Panzerjäger ABT 202-3, 7 cm PAK 36 (horse transport) III./sg 7-HS123A
Main factor
For example, the reason why the captured unit is unnecessary every time is when you have already focused your strategy on the captured technique. This "powerful" FT-17 quickly belongs to me.
After the third movement, the ground field is basically already occupied. The first counterattack is not enough, and the army is deepening confidence.
CTV-infantry, who borrowed the help of the artillery ABT702, who was commissioned a while ago, robbed Ruth and opened the road on the side of Nordy.
The her o-like dispensing squad with "provocated" guarantees the irritable support of the late cannon at first and ensures a reliable promotion.
There is no resistance by a Republican fighter, and an instant strategic bomb truck destroys the fleet in Malaga Port.
Tanks and artillery aimed at the Republic minefields and fortifications pay the price for their confidence when they are met with deadly BT-5 tank and heavy artillery fire in return.
The CTV tanks barely survive, but the army manages to hold the line.
By the end of the battle, almost all formations have suffered heavy losses. It would be much wiser to place defensive positions farther west from the Republic minefields.
Final prestige: 3800 (up from 1139) CP received: 2 (up from 4)
Occupational technology in a script:
F t-17 - 2 (→ 5) Bilbao - 7 UNL35 - 4 45 mm M1932 - 6 37 mm M1940 - 5 (→ 9) 20 mm M33 - 10 152 mm M10/30 - 1
A lot of other equipment
203 mm M1931 - 10 (from HC, up to 29) 122 mm M10/30 - 10 (from HC)
The initial offensive was quick and surprisingly easy. Nationalist infantry losses were minimal thanks to intensive artillery support. The quick fall of the forward bases boosted the confidence of the army to gain experience surrounded by easy targets, but a quick counterattack was very costly. The 152mm cannon sowed chaos among my poorly armored panzers and spy machines, while the growing number of I-15 fighters were held off thanks to AA fire and a Cr. 32 pilot. Despite retrying the script and theoretically remembering to be more conservative this time, I became overconfident and fell victim to my habit of trying to get every experience grain possible, increasing the risk of loss. Lieutenant Colonel Tassadar - FW 190a Posted: 1105 To: Monday, March 11, 2019 at 13:03
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Spanish AO Civil War - Mérida
Starting prestige (after purchase and exchange): 4002
I politely decline the exchange. I am not going to use the proposed equipment, there are other opportunities to better use my influence.
New units entered service:
The newly served squadron is as follows:
Aufkapto 21-SDKFZ221
Army starting line
Army formation at the start
PZABT 40 1-IA Tank PZABT 402 --IA Tank PZABT 50 1-IA Tank
Artillery 601-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (equestrian transport) artillery ABT 60 2-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (equestrian transport) artillery 701-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (Equestrian transport) artillery 702-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (5 cm reflex 18 ( Equestrian transportation)
Ant i-aircraft gun
FLAK ABT 27 1-2 CM hig h-fire 30 (horse transport) FLAK ABT 272-3, 7 cm high fire 18 (horse transport)
FlaK Abt 271 - 2 cm FlaK 30 (horse transport)
Tricky bomber
I./JG 61 - He 51 - Rapid rebase
II./JG 61 - He 51
Voluntary unit
1 Gruppo 1 S Q-CR. 32
II./SG 7 - Hs123a
III./SG 7 - Hs123a
Main factor
I./KG 43 - Ju 52 bombers II./KG 43 - Ju 52 bombers
Voluntary forces
1 gruppo 1 sq - cr. 32
The increased range means that AT weapons are too slow. Also, I don't expect to be able to provide fighter cover for all my planes, so I keep some in reserve. At some point, I'll have to solve this problem by sending more forces to JG 61.
Panzerjäger Abt 201 - 3, 7cm PaK 36 (horse transport) Panzerjäger Abt 202 - 3, 7cm PaK 36 (horse transport) I./AG 9 - He 70 Rayo III./KG 43 - Ju 52 bomber
AufkAbt 12 is in a pinch. Comandante Vega's surprise attack storms into the open field.
Occupational technology in a script:
It takes another long time to destroy the Tupolev SB bombers. They are basically as strong as I-15 fighters and can fly unsupported despite the inferiority of the biplanes.
A lot of other equipment
Finally, the last objective is taken, but not without a final counterattack by enemy tanks.
Kelenski Content Designer Posted by: 8623 To: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 2:12 amRe: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Final Prestige: 5583 (1581 increase)
CP Gained: 2 (6 increase)
Equipment acquired during the scenario
F t-17-19 (until 24) Vickers Mk. II I-13 Bilba o-12 (until 19) Un l-35-11 (until 15) AA C-193 7-437mm M1940-1 (until 10) 20mm M33-7 (17) Previously) 75mm Vickers M1931-5 105mm VICKEEERS M22-5 (until 9)
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Although he won slowly and carefully, there were some factors that made the progress very busy. And the collision with the enemy's fortress team and the counterattack of "Vega" took more time than expected. The cost of tanks, cannons, and bombers was still high, but thanks to FLAK ABT 271, it was important to reduce them. The distribution squad not only provided AA's repetition flame to suppress bombing, but also suppressed Vega's mouth. In fact, it was proven that the environment for control and the cost of ammunition was a friendly idea. Beginning with tenacious defenders, the defense costs for defense became so funny that Vickers Mk. III could not hurt the paint. The hero who has this opportunity is really good for the opposition at least! In response to the text of the hero, I probably use the quick r e-base twice in I./jg 61, but this has the ability to raise a large number, for example, and two civil aircraft are actually shot down. I helped me. I think I still like the quick bass. Apart from this, Aufkabt 11 catches and other units have begun to acquire more than any other unit than at my first launch, including the fact that there is no intense stuffing.
Equipment acquired during the scenario
F t-17-19 (until 24) Vickers Mk. II I-13 Bilba o-12 (until 19) Un l-35-11 (until 15) AA C-193 7-437mm M1940-1 (until 10) 20mm M33-7 (17) Previously) 75mm Vickers M1931-5 105mm VICKEEERS M22-5 (until 9)
- The hig h-speed reversal is a reduced version of double move. In the case of a double move, the hero machine has the ability to fly with the remaining MP after moving. Or, the task is to attack, which retreats to relieve the no n-gravity spots for another air attack.
- It's not a bad hero, but there is a better hero.
- Lip Brother Vega is an OS, or he has all the opportunities to surround him before he has time to go to a modest space. And during this time, he will disappear from the campaign. Future nemes, for example, even with these decisive efforts, will not be rudimentary!
- Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03
Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
KERENSKY WROTE: ↑ Do DO September 17, 2020 20:06 The hig h-speed reversal is a reduced version of double movement. In the double movement, the Emit Held has the option of flying with the remaining MP after being rebuilt. Or, the task is to attack, which is a retreat to releasing a no n-gravity spot for another air attack.
Not a bad hero, but there are better ones.
Rip Brother Vega, against a reactive player who has every chance to enjoy it, whether OS or not, does not contain a chance before he has time to go to - not modest - space. And during this time he disappears from the campaign. Future nemesis, for example, will not be a factor in the face of these decisive efforts!
In fact, there are huge swaths in flat areas, and if you have free units, it makes it easier to create a fast-paced environment.
The newly served squadron is as follows:
... What a precedent, but in fact the tank is very frisky for itself. The fastest Vega will surprise you with a charming job on even territory, like this Auftakt 12, but below this it will be even further away from the other Republic detachments.
Army formation at the start
Spanish AO Civil Combat - Toledo
Artillery 601-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (equestrian transport) artillery ABT 60 2-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (equestrian transport) artillery 701-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (Equestrian transport) artillery 702-10, 5 cm reflex 18 (5 cm reflex 18 ( Equestrian transportation)
Ant i-aircraft gun
Army starting line
FlaK Abt 271 - 2 cm FlaK 30 (horse transport)
Tricky bomber
I./JG 61 - He 51 - Rapid rebase
Artillery ABT 601 - 10. 5 CM Lefh 18 (конный транспорт) Artillery ABT 602 - 10. 5 CM Lefh 18 (конный 18-inch fighter of 702 - 10. 5 (common fighter)
Voluntary unit
1 Gruppo 1 S Q-CR. 32
Anti-aircraft gun ABT 273 - 2 cm anti-aircraft 30 (horse transport)
Main factor
II./JG 61 - He 51
III./JG 61 - He 51
Cunning bomb car
I./SG 7 - HS123A
II./SG 7 - HS123A
III./SG 7 - HS123A
Strategic bomb car
i./kg 43 - Bomber JU 52 Volunteer Force
Occupational technology in a script:
Panzerjäger Abt 201 - 3, 7 cm Pak 36 (horse transport) Panzerjäger Abt 202 - 3, 7 cm Pak 36 (horse transport) I./ag 9 - He 70 Rayo./kg 43 - Ju 52 Bomber III./KGG 43 - JU 52 BOMBER
A lot of other equipment
Battle of the Byplans is tightly released, including PZC1 and the main campaign in PZC2. Monitoring outside 1-2 is elementary magic.
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
The good news is that most of the enemy forces are on the other side of the Teyui River. The bad news is that you have to get there eventually.
PZABT401 is strong against the onslaught of Republican infantry.
But I'm glad that my supporter's idea of how much to spend on loss replacement causes mixed feelings.
AUFKABT12 takes a certain number of undeveloped settlements and villages.
The newly served squadron is as follows:
Techniques occupied during script
B T-5 - 6 T-26 - 8 Trubia - 5 f t-17 - 3 (to 27) UN L-35 - 6 (to 21) 20 mm M33 - 2 (to 19) 75 mm Schneider M06 - 6 70 - MM Schneider M08 - 2 (to 9)
Lots of other equipment received:
Army formation at the start
Posted by: Tassadar "Saturday, September 19, 2020 19:22
Starting authority (after purchase and exchange): 6786
Ant i-tank
Lots of other equipment received:
A fresh detachment was introduced:
Ant i-aircraft gun
Fresh equipment
FlaK Abt 271 - 2 cm FlaK 30 (horse transport)
Tricky bomber
Voluntary unit
Search mission
Ant i-tank
Panzer Eager ABT 20 1-Panzer i Breda Panze Eager ABT 20 2-Panzer I Breda
Main factor
Artillery 601-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (horse transport) artillery 60 2-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (horse transport) artillery 701-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (horse transport) - *Artillery 702-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (Horse transport) Transport)
Ant i-aircraft gun
FLAK ABT 27 1-2 CM FLAK 30 (Riding Transport) --Frisky Adept
I./jg 61 --HE 5 1-Hig h-speed reversal II./jg 61 --HE 51 III./jg 6 1-He 51
Tricky bomber
I./sg 7-HS123 A-Double Strike II./sg 7-HS123A III./sg 7-HS123A I./AG 9-He 70 Rayo
Voluntary unit
1 Gruppo 1 S Q-CR. 32 1 2 Arm y-CR. 32
FLAK ABT 272-3, 7cm FLAK 18 (Horse Transport Machine) FLAK ABT 27 3-2cm Flak 30 (Horse Transport Machine) I./KG 4 3-JU 52 Bomber II./kg 4 3-JU 52 Bomber III./kg 4 3-JU 52 bomber
Occupational technology in a script:
PZABT 502 arrives, and it will soon prove its effectiveness, which makes it easier to play against BT-5 and T-26.
A lot of other equipment
Pzabt 402 quickly and effectively destroyed several enemy units and completed the initial preparations for the creation of a truly lethal panzer battalion.
Wouldn't a retreat from the starting point be considered a promotion? So at least the Republic infantry will approach other objectives.
I./SG7 completes its combat losses, and 1 Gruppo Cr. 32 fights Republic fighters, as does II./SG7 and III./SG7 at the outlying airfield. Kelenski Content Designer Posted by: 8623 To: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 2:12 amRe: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Are these few tanks meant to counterattack? Not at all.
If the aircraft situation is not complicated enough, I-16s will appear and in order to shoot down one of them, I will have to rally all my fighters. Even then, it does not always succeed and the losses will be considerable.
Finally the situation stabilizes. Without any special artillery fire, the defensive positions are secured and AUFKABT11 starts a series of large holds.
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Final prestige: 7770 (growth from 984)CP: None, 6
Techniques recorded during the script
B T-5 - 27 (to 33) T-26 - 13 (to 21) Bilbao - 6 (to 25) 37 mm M1930 - 2 (to 12) 20 mm M33 - 5 (to 24) 70 mm Schneider M08 - 2 (to 11)
Verdeja 2 - Gift - Unit
The newly served squadron is as follows:
It was a pretty interesting script. In retrospect, I./KG43 and II./KG43 could have been included, and there were cases later on when I would have used more. The Battle of the Two Hills shows the frustrating tendency of the Republican infantry to make the mistake of attacking weakened PT guns and artillery, ignoring the exposure of the Legion Condor artillery. In this case, the mobility of the scouts is crucial to fill the expected gaps and cut off the attack on the enemy's weak positions. The counterattack near Madrid was more easily contained than expected, but mainly in the south. On the northern front, the absence of infantry and the rough terrain required serious artillery support to prevent the tanks guarding the bridge. The operation was successful, and many units gained valuable experience and stars in this scenario.
Army formation at the start
Message by Kerensky "Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:54 PM
AI Allies has taken such a variety of approaches, even though similar interactions give a lot of flavor and contrast to the classic gameplay of "destroying all the ways to go". It's a shame.
Ant i-tank
Lots of other equipment received:
Start authority (after purchase and exchange): 8592
Ant i-aircraft gun
Michael Hoffman was bothered by the destination. HE 51 is now quite weak and will start to have a cost odor, so there are arguments in favor of labeling him for fighters, but since BF 109 will be released later, this is the most important in the future DLC. It will not be something. He has the ability to become a tactical bomber pilot in a plan to control BF 110, but during this time his usefulness will be limited to HS 123. Eventually, for example, you may be assigned to a reconnaissance squad. Then, in 1939, it was later transferred to the infantry dispatch (as an infantry officer, acquired technology at the Spanish reconnaissance battalion, which is outside the range of German infantry units). At one point, an interesting idea came to mind. He participates in I./AG9. In this way, I can believe that I have an officer who can no longer do dangerous work without a fighter escort, at least, at least,, for example, the number of heroes. Suitable for reconnaissance aircraft. After that, if the hero Resilient is noticed and a tenacious defender has the ability, this is literally the ability to render a harmless intelligence aircraft. Interestingly, I./ag 9 is not used in this scenario.
No, I want to add another fighter, but so far the 51 is inferior to the I-15 and I-16, so there is no reason. I want to add another artillery, but this is three slots and I can't justify. Furthermore, in the closest defense scenario, two towing PT guns will be added, but there is no reason to request in advance.
Tricky bomber
I./JG 61 - He 51 - Rapid rebase
Voluntary unit
Search mission
Artillery ABT 601-10, 5 centimeters 18 (equestrian transport) - *artillery ABT 60 2-10, 5 centimeters (equestrian transport) - *artillery ABT 70 1-10, 5 centimeters (transport) - *Burm ABT 702-10 , 5 centimeters 18 (equestrian transport) - *
Main factor
FLAK ABT 271 - 2 CM ant i-air 30 (Equestrian transport) - * - Hig h-speed student
I./jg 61 --HE 51 - * -Hig h-speed movement II./jg 61 --HE 51 III./jg 61 --HE 51 - * -Fast move
Tactical bomber
I./sg 7-HS123A - * -Double Strike II./sg 7 - * III./sg 7 - * HS123A - * - * Double strike
Strategic bomber
I./KG 43 - Bomber JU 52 II./kg 43 - Bomber JU 52 III./kg 43 - Bomber JU 52
Voluntary unit
1 Arm y-32 Machine 1 Arm y-32
It's a strategic bomber's turn. You may be short of ground units, but you want to gain experience as much as possible.
Occupational technology in a script:
If this man had 10 strength, my plane would have been difficult! Due to double attacks and immediate response, the I-16 has a more fatal attack power than usual, and the cost of shooting down is much higher.
A lot of other equipment
A different environment was born. After doing the campaign several times in the past, I probably got the feel of this fresh and powerful mechanic, which I had initially neglected.
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
After occupying the main goals, the enemy will try to do a limited counterattack at least for now with the support of T-2 tanks and infantry.
PZABT 501 rewards the effort in the fight against infantry. However, the II tank is not considered an enemy equivalent to the Russian T-26 and BT-5, but is still tactical in battle with the light target.
After an endless bloody battle, POWs are finally released and are taken to a safe place.
The newly served squadron is as follows:
Equipment used in the scenario
B T-5 - 6 T-26 - 8 Trubia - 5 f t-17 - 3 (to 27) UN L-35 - 6 (to 21) 20 mm M33 - 2 (to 19) 75 mm Schneider M06 - 6 70 - MM Schneider M08 - 2 (to 9)
Many other arrives:
Army formation at the start
Colonel Tassadar --FW 190A Notification: 1105 Joined: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03
Spain AO Civil Wrestlin g-Malaga
Ant i-tank
Start authority (after purchase and exchange): 8592
Ant i-aircraft gun
This new technology:
De Startlijn Van Het LEGER:
Tricky bomber
Pzabt 40 1-Panzer IB - * -Survivor Pzabt 40 2-Panzer IB - * -TEAMROLLER PZABT 50 1-Panzer IB- * pzabt 50 2-verdeja 2
I./JG 61 - He 51 - Rapid rebase
Aufkabt 1 1-SDKFZ 221 - ** --Envelopment Aufkabt 2 1-SDKFZ 221 - *
Voluntary unit
Search mission
Ant i-tank
Ant i-vliegtuigapparaat
Main factor
I./jg 61 --He 112- * - Smter Relocation II./jg 61 --He 112 - * III./jg 61 --He 112- *
I./sg 7-Ju 87a - * -Dubbele Slag II./sg 7-JU 87a - * III./sg 7-HS123A- *
Strategische Bomauto
I./KG 43 - JU 86 - * II./kg 43 - JU 86
Corpo Truppe Volontarie
1 Gruppo 1 S Q-CR. 32 1 Gruppo 2 S Q-CR. 32
Strategic bombing trucks are completely spar e-a huge amount of disclosed territory, and the value is shifted by ground unit and tactical bombers. In another CR. 32 company implemented with CTV, the AA cover is still smaller, as advantageous for AT-ORUDIE.
AUFKABT 1 2-SDKFZ 221 - ** AUFKABT 221 FLAK ABT 271-8, 8 cm Flak 18 (SDKFZ 7) - * ./Ag 9- He 70 Rayo - * -PRUDENT III./kg 4 3-JU 86
This is a worthy prediction! Taking into account the help of AA, the balance of power in the weightless war is changing in favor of the Corps Condor with the new experimental He 112.
Occupational technology in a script:
Actually, what did I say a minute ago? PzAbt 402 took control of the airfield, but was hit by bombers and a large armored resistance, which took a high toll.
A lot of other equipment
Panzerjäger Abt 201 provides valuable support with flamethrowers after infantry attacks during river crossings.
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
But the enemy I-16 pilots were literally not born!
PzAbt 501 repeatedly destroyed several battalions of scouts and was decorated for this.
The burning fragments of enemy tanks and scouts tell us how fierce the fighting was here.
The siege of Malaga is relatively mundane compared to previous armored battles. It all depends on how much artillery and bombers you can fit into a small area.
Final authority: 9283 (29 increase) CP acquired: 2 (10 increase)
The newly served squadron is as follows:
BT-5 - 5 (to 38) T-26 - 4 (to 33) Trubia - 1 (to 11) UNL-35 - 5 (to 28) 75 mm Vickers M1931 - 1 (to 6)
Army formation at the start
Fast and furious script. I have plenty of time, so I am certainly capable of working more slowly and doing all the tasks given to me just the same. The difficulty here is not in the number of enemy forces, nor in the limited time, but in the concentration of strong resistance bases. New technologies, especially the new He112 fighter and Ju86 bomb carrier, are really useful. But with the update, the problem of not having enough core slots to get everything I want again appeared. Heroes with zero or few slots would be very useful. But this is not creepy, and at least the choice is conscious every time. Apart from that, it is strange that my pathos growth suddenly slowed down. This is already the second scenario, and I don't lose anything, but at the same time I win almost nothing. This time, I myself am guilty of taking my opponents by surprise at least twice. For example, I cannot completely blame the AI supporters. Lieutenant Colonel Tassadar - Fw 190A Notification: 1105 Attachment: Mon Mar 11, 2019 1:03 pm
Spain AO Civil Wrestlin g-Malaga
Ant i-tank
Start authority (after purchase and exchange): 8592
Ant i-aircraft gun
Again, nothing new here, and the number of cheap slots doesn't allow you to use new units effectively.
De Startlijn Van Het LEGER:
Tricky bomber
Pzabt 40 1-Panzer IB - * -Survivor Pzabt 40 2-Panzer IB - * -TEAMROLLER PZABT 50 1-Panzer IB- * pzabt 50 2-verdeja 2
Voluntary unit
Search mission
FLAK ABT 271-8, 8 cm Flak 18 (SDKFZ 7) - * -Reloaded rapid apprentices
Main factor
Tactical bomber
Voluntary unit
1 Glappo 1 Squar e-CR. 32 1 Gruppo 2 S Q-CR. 32
It is attractive to launch three strategic bombers to suppress the expected Tolerodones attack. This seems to be a logical choice because the number of infantry in the Republic is limited. However, there is a hill at my starting point, which can be used for AA and TD for FLAK ABT 271 and its excellent 8 and 8cm Flak 18 for AA.
Aufkabt 1 2-sdkfz 221- ** AUFKABT 2 2-SDKFZ 221 FLAK ABT 272-3, 7 cm Flak 18 (horse transport) Flak ABT 27 3-2 CM FLAK 30 (Horse Transport) I./AG 9-HE 70 Rayo- * -PRUDENT I./KG 4 3-JU 86- * II./kg 43 --JU 86 III./kg 4 3-JU 86
Put an airplane higher than my ground unit. Let's do so!
PZABT 502 was attacked by bombers, cannons, and tanks, but survived and minimal loss. Verdeha 2 is a very tough machine and does not break easily.
Ant i-aircraft guns and fighters support ground units, and Republican fighters attack II./sg 7. However, the damage of II./SG 7 is large, temporarily retired and requires replenishment.
I./sg 7 gains experience in the battle with the armored goals. This happened quite early during the operation, but the unit was specially planned to attack tanks as often as possible, and other goals were left to II./sg 7 and III./sg 7.
Abraham Lincoln Brigade is siege, fired, and attacked by tanks, but the Abraham Lincoln Brigade is strongly confronted and impresses the Condor Corps soldiers.
Occupational technology in a script:
FLAK ABT 271 is a ant i-tank battle.
A lot of other equipment
In the last siege of Torleodon, there was no counterattack.
The result isRe: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Final prestige: 12761 (growth from 1721) CP: 1 (maximum 11)
Techniques recorded in the script
T-26-9 (to 42) Trubi a-10 (to 21) AA C-1937-3 (to 9) 20 mm M33-2 (TO 30) 76, 2 mm M31-2
I received another device:
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Everything is easier than expected, and the ultimate rise in the fame expresses it better. After the two scenarios that barely became plus, everything was much easier this time. After stabilizing the situation under the Brunet, switching to the attack mode was easy because almost the whole area was open. Hills are not obstacles (rather, the attacker works in an advantageous manner and can place cannons well), and rivers are only a little stimulus thanks to many bridges. The 8 and 8cm ant i-aircraft 18 have completely settled in defense against both the sky and the earth, but as an unexpected side effect, the enemy has sent a fighter to my tactical bomber as a suicide mission. This tool called AA/AT is obviously difficult to use by attack, but at the moment the front is close enough, so it is not as difficult to bring. The only real drawback is the exchange cost. Even if you hit lightly, there is a considerable prestige, and the force is greatly exhausted by the infantry attacking it casually. Moreover, the captured mountains reach the level that the only reason not to use their own T-26 tanks is self-tied up.
WalterTfd Management Corporal --Sdkfz 232 8rad Posted: 150 to: June 28, 2020 (Sun) 11:27
Posted by: WalterTfd "Friday, September 25, 2020 3:07 PM
This game loves heroes from the beginning. Enveropment and quick r e-base are very good. Since then, it has been more than BLAA. What do prison do? I don't think I have received it yet. According to the name, "no ambush"?
It's good to see someone playing without ordinary AA. People in the video are often based on him, so it may be difficult to use their strategy if AA is common.
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Colonel Tassada r-FW 190A Posts: 1105 Appointed: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 1:03 pm
Tassadar's message "Fri Sep 25, 2020 6:13 PM
Waltertfd Wrote: ↑ 2020 (Fri) 15:07 The Heroes were loved by the game from the beginning. ENVELOPMENT and Fast Rebase are very good. After that, it has been a little more fluttering. What does Prudent do? I don't think I have received it yet. As the name suggests, do you mean "don't ambush" or that?
Prudent gives a bonus to the defense each time you lose power points. It's not very impressive, but it may be good for excessive units and infantry. I didn't have either, so I put it on a reconnaissance aircraft as insurance.
If I didn't have FLAK ABT 271 and AT mode 2cm Flak 30, this environment would not have been very useful. With a Vega defense bonus, these units can sit there and fry the delicious places of the German army, for the rest of the scenario, for the rest of the scenario.
The newly served squadron is as follows:
Tassadar's message "Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:59 PM
AO Spanish Civil War-Salagosa
Army formation at the start
The new unit is as follows:
Ant i-tank
Due to the defensive properties of the script, we decided to add artillery to gain experience.
Ant i-aircraft gun
De Startlijn Van Het LEGER:
Tricky bomber
Pzabt 40 1-Panzer IB - * -Survivor Pzabt 40 2-Panzer IB - * -TEAMROLLER PZABT 50 1-Panzer IB- * pzabt 50 2-verdeja 2
Voluntary unit
Search mission
I./jg 61 --He 112- * -Hig h-speed transfer II./jg 61 --He 112- * III./jg 61 --He 112- *
Main factor
Voluntary unit
1 Glappo 1 Squa d-CR. 32 1 Glappo 2 Squa d-CR. 32
The recone is mainly spare. Its speed will be useful for rescue operations, but opened places may have problems with tanks. The cover range will be distributed into two groups, above the Saragososa and above the pass, using two ligh t-bodied guns instead of one integrated gun. Strategic bombers and reconnaissance aircraft will keep the fighter too crowded, and to secure the support of tactical bombers and ground units.
Aufkabt 1 2-sdkfz 221 - ** AUFKABT 2 1-sdkfz 221- * AUFKABT 2 2-SDKFZ 221 FLAK ABT 271-8, 8 cm Flak 18 (SDKFZ 7) - * -Rapping views * - Careful i./kg 4 3-JU 86 - * II./kg 43 - JU 86 III./kg 4 3-JU 86
Main points
Rescue by tank. The disturbing militia is a checkpoint only for shape.
And it is a material for light praise.
AUFKABT 11 will be awarded to combat around Kito and past track records against infantry.
Occupational technology in a script:
On this day, many pilots of II./JG 61 have achieved the battle and become the ace of the fighter.
A lot of other equipment
The result isRe: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Techniques recorded in the script
T-26-1 (up to 43mm) 20 mm M33-4 (up to 34mm) 75 mm Schneider M06-6 (up to 12mm) 105 mm Vic Care M22-5 (up to 14mm)
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
In the first scenario, there was not enough prestige, and after it worked, it was an unexpected development. However, there is nothing to convert prestige, there is almost no hex goal, and the number of captured equipment is not so large, so this can be understood. It was a weird scenario that speed was important to save the destination that was in trouble (the team was always besieged in the first three turns), but I didn't feel the rush was unfair. However, it was necessary to move forward quickly without hesitation. The cannon on the hill could cause serious losses, which made it difficult to keep up the goals in the future, as it has been recaptured over the river. It is a good day before the script of Evro's script. Salagosa's defense was easier than expected. One of the few Republican attack units was completely destroyed and had no win. Retaly Panzerjäger ABT 202 has been perfectly functioned, easy to soften difficult goals, and ensures effective overtaking.
WalterTfd Management Corporal --Sdkfz 232 8rad Posted: 150 to: Sun 28 Jun 2020 23:27 PM
Message from WalterTfd "Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:41 AM
Message from Tassadar " Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:44 pm
The newly served squadron is as follows:
Starting authority (after purchase and exchange): 13857
This is a welcome change and I will gladly accept it. However, in some scenarios it is more important than sticking to the Panzer I.
B T-5 - 6 T-26 - 8 Trubia - 5 f t-17 - 3 (to 27) UN L-35 - 6 (to 21) 20 mm M33 - 2 (to 19) 75 mm Schneider M06 - 6 70 - MM Schneider M08 - 2 (to 9)
Daniel Richter, due to his excellent qualities, I consider the young Galland. As a result, he will join II./JG 61 and will undoubtedly achieve air superiority, increase the effectiveness of soft target attacks by various fighters, and sometimes bring advantages to ground units. Secondly, tactical bomber carriers with weightless attacks will be able to shoot down weaker weightless units, and I./JG 61 will be able to achieve air superiority and ... will be able to concentrate on fighter-to-fighter combat.
New detachments entered service:
Army formation at the start
Panzerjäger Abt 212 - 3, 7 cm Pak 36 (horse transport)
This new technique
Ant i-tank
II./JG 61 - Bf 109B
Tricky bomber
Search AUFKABT 11 - SDKFZ 221 - ** - Envelopment Aufkabt 21 - Sdkfz 231 6rad - ** Aufkabt 22 - Sdkfz 231 6rad Anti-tank Panzerjäger Abt 201 - Panzer I Breda - * - Field Repair Panzerjäger ABT 202 - Panzer I Breda - * - Without Retaliation Panzerj äger Abt 211 - 3, 7 cm Pak 36 (Equestrian Transport) Panzerjäger Abt 212 - 3, 7 cm Pak 36 (Highway Transport) Artillery Artillery ABT 601 - 10. 5 cm Lev 18 (конный транспорт) - * Artillery ABT 602 - 10. 5 cm Lev 18 (конный транорт) - * Artillery ABT 701 - 10. 5 cm Lev 18 (консорт) - * Artillery cm Lev 18 (Equestrian transport) - * Artillery ABT 611 - 10, 5 cm Lev 18 (Equestrian transport)
I./JG 61 - BF 109B - * - Swift Rillings II./JG 61 - BF 109B - * - Leadership III./JG 61 - BF 109B - * IV./JG 61 - BF 109B
Cunning Bomb Car
Main factor
After adding new equipment, you must again consider the cost of providing it. This is a perfect case for fielding the entire air force, but considering the expected difficulties due to weather, I decided to field only fighters and two tactical bombers, and significantly increase the number of artillery.
AUFKABT 12 - SDKFZ 221 - ** - Field repair Flak Abt 271 - 8, 8 cm Flak 18 (SDKFZ 7) - * - Flak Abt 272 - Sdkfz 10/4 Flak ABT 273 - SDKFZ 10/4 I./AG 9 - HE 70 Rayo - * - Pre I./kg 43 - Ju 86 - * II./SG 7 - Ju 87a - * II./kg 43 - Ju 86 III./kg 43 - Ju 86
The most important element
The first defense layer was easily broken on the north side of the Coud.
III./jg61 joined the aviation ace crab, inspired Iv./JG61, and achieved a good performance without being left behind.
The obvious fact is that despite its power, retaliation does not work for defense. In the future, in the equipment of Panzerjäger ABT 202, it is worth noting that new technologies will balance a good balance between attacks and defense, or that at least the battalion must guarantee that they will place such problems. 。
The Republican army is about to reach the northern airfield. It is good to have a fresh PZABT 411 there.
The medical transportation team left Teluel, occupying some towns and airfields. The injured is postponed.
Occupational technology in a script:
As the fierce battle continues around Teluel, the Southern Camps of the Republican army are silence. Several "small tanks" are continuing security in preparation for surprise.
A lot of other equipment
Final fame: 13223 (624 decrease) CP: 2 (up to 11, 3 consumed)
Trubia --6 (up to 27) B A-6-3 AA C-1937-2 (up to 11) 20 mm M33-4 (until 38) 70 mm Schneider M08-5 (until 17)
The result isRe: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
Panzer IIA-Gift-Unit
Colonel Tasad a-FW 190A Notification: 1105 Accompanied: March 11, 2019 (Monday) 13:03Re: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
WalterTFD Management Corporal --Sdkfz 232 8rad posted: 150 to: June 28, 2020 (Sun) 11:27
Message from WalterTfd "Sun September 27, 2020 12:39 AM
I liked this issue! AI advocacy is one of the few opportunities to be effective and actually useful.
Message by Tassadar "Monday, September 27, 2020 3:56 PM
The newly served squadron is as follows:
Start authority (after purchase and exchange): 14752
Army formation at the start
A new squadron has been introduced:
Army composition at the start
Ant i-tank
Due to the defensive properties of the script, we decided to add artillery to gain experience.
Start authority (after purchase and exchange): 8592
LuchtafWeer Flak ABT 272 --SDKFZ 10/4
Tricky bomber
ARTILLERIE ABT 60 1-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (PaardentRansport) - * Artillerie ABT 60 2-10, 5cm Lefh 18 (PaardenterTransport) - * Artillerie ABT 701-18 (PA) ArdentRansport) - * Artillerie ABT 702-10 , 5 cm Lefh 18 (Paardenvervoer) - *
I./JG 61 - He 51 - Rapid rebase
I./jg 6 1-BF 109b - * -Snelle HERSCHIKKING II./jg 6 1-BF 109b - * -LeiderSchap III.
I./sg 7-JU 87a - ** -dubbeltact II./sg 7-Ju 87a - * I./AG 9-He 70 Rayo - * -Visionair
Strategische Bommendrager
Main factor
More aircraft are placed on a concentrated core for a certain aircraft, and only the rotation to the ground unit is small. Due to the large distance that can be overcome, hig h-speed AA coverage should still be very useful.
AUFKABT 2 1-SDKFZ 231 6rad- ** AUFKABT 2 2-sdkfz 231 6Rad- * Panzerjäger ABT 211-3, 7 cm PAK 36 (horse transport) 8 . 18 (SDKFZ 7) - * -Relhearest apprentice ant i-aircraft gun ABT 27 3-SDKFZ 10/4 gunmell ABT 61 1-10, 5 cm Lefh 18 (horse transport) Iv./jg 6 1-bf 109b III./sg 7-HS123A- *.
Main factor
The Allied army breaks through the center of the enemy formation.
The infantry is tempted to leave a harmless position on the node and is destroyed by the tank.
The Republican Party has all opportunities, at least dealing with a number of opportunities for tanks.
I hate 152mm guns. The 152mm gun causes more damage than enemy tanks and aircraft.
The T-26 tank is about to break through the mountains!
T-26's unfamiliar mountain tank bombed II./sg 7 and brought a medal to the pilot.
Occupational technology in a script:
The cannon leaves the Vinaros fortress. This is actually an emotion that the enemy understands, and in fact, the problem is losing, trying to take the biggest sacrifice of an anger.
A lot of other equipment
Am required in the script:
The result isRe: AO Simple AAR - General Tassadar and his Little Tanks
I received another equipment:
In the rapidly developed scenario, if the transfer of supplies exceeds the required number, the fastest 20 times will be absolutely insufficient. It continues a lot to help you think of the best overhead without panic. It can be applied for, and there are many areas that have been disclosed to artillery, so there is no reason to adjust the action. The rest is that it foresee the movement of the nationalist supporters and do not stay behind them, but this is feasible. I paid some sacrifice to the western goal of Ebro, but the artillery could neutralize if the tank was quite decent. The number of fighters was surprisingly large. If you remember the facts, you once replaced the agent battalion with IV./jg 61, but in fact it would be important to make it easier to live with a long chance.
- Waltertfd Corpora l-SDKFZ 232 8RAD Notification: 150 Worked: Sunday, June 28, 2020 11:27
- News from WalterTfd "Mon September 28, 2020 3:23 AM
- You are cool! I had the same feeling as you, this task gave it, which is likely to be a specific number of movements more than necessary.
- I would be pretty impressed if I could complete Ebro's objective without using a werewolf hero and get the bonus objective. I didn't succeed and only got the prize with the minibus support.
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- Italian forum
- ↳ Online application and help
- ↳ Techno Help
- ↳ Mutual ti e-up with website
- Marketplace
- Field of Glory: Napoleon era 1792-1815: All outline
- ↳ Popular background: 3000 years ago, the era of ancient and knights. -Senken 1500: Continuous attention
- ↳ Campaign
- Almost all scenarios, AAR, list, model, and other
- ↳ Historic scenarios, maps, battle orders (OOB)
- ↳ Fagn After action report (AAR)
- simulation
- List created by the player
- ↳ Tournament and competitors
- tournament
- ↳ Intelligence of competitors
- Spanish Forum
- ↳ French Forum
- ↳ Invitation system help
- ↳ Online application and help
- ↳ German conversation forum
- ↳ AARS "Popular field"
- ↳ Popular background: 3000 years ago, the era of ancient and knights. -Senken 1500: Continuous attention
- ↳ Scenario, AAR, list, model, almost all
- Questions about rules
- ↳ Techno Help
- ↳ Army design
- ȓ Army design
- Spanish Forum
- simulation
- Spanish Forum
- ↳ Competition information
- FOGR update
- bazaar
- Field of Glory: Swords & amp; amp; amp; Sorcery: Full review
- Marketplace
- Flash Point Campaign: Scarlet Storm: Technical Support
- Ice cream truck driver
- ↳ Fog Empire Open Beta v. 1. 3.
- Horrary Histories ™ ruthless Roman Empire
- Tuda family ↳ Tudor family
- ↳ Fog Empire Open Beta v. 1. 3.
- Comman d-Modern Airlines/ Marine Operation: Technical Support
- ↳ Technical support
- Spain: 1936: Technical support
- ↳ Breakthrough power Europe: Technical support
- ↳ Technical support
- FOGR list
